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ACS Success - maybe?


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Hi all


After a long wait I received my ACS result today - which said:


ACS - Your skills have been assessed to be suitable for migration under 261112 (Systems Analyst) of the ANZSCO Code --> TICK in th BOXACS - Your Higher National Diploma in Computer Studies from XX completed July 1994 has been assessed as comparable to an AQF Advanced Diploma with a major in computing -TICK in the BOX

ACS - Work Experience (over 10 years) assessed as 2.4 years...I work as an IT contractor and the references from the agency's (simple one's saying I worked in company A as a system Analyst between X and X have been classed as "not assessable due to Insufficient Detail" - really frustrating as that's the rule for IT consultants --> TICK in the BOX - but this means - my points are now:


Age 40-44 --> 15 points (if turned 40 a few weeks ago...frustrating)

IELTS - 8 --> 20 Points

Skilled Emplyment --> 2.4 years recognised experience --> 5 points (I was able to get 2 companies to give me a reference - one is my current employer - as i am there...and the other was from 07/98 to 05/03 - but as its over 10 years ago - I cant show the 4.10 months as experience - only the 1 year...is this right?

Education (I think im correct in saying I can get 10 points

This means to me..

I currently have 50 points - but if i can somehow get the ACS to recognise my 15 years IT consultancy to various large blue chip companies (I even submitted Stat Decs from me for these...gave them all my LTD company accounts...and gave a reference from the Agency - which by law is all I can do)...I spent endless months trying to get some previous colleagues to give a Stat Dec saying I had worked there - but they were not prepared to go against the company HR policy for submitting any references...which is understandable.


This is now completely jeopardising my Visa..


any thoughts/suggestions? Anyone gone through this? Is it worth going back to the ACS?



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can you not appeal the decision?


Also was it contracting or employed for a consulting company?


Im just looking into this now - I can Appeal or Review...early indications are that I can Review "if" I can get additional information to support my "case"...unfortunately this will be slim - as I am an IT contractor - and will therefore have been working via an Agency - hence why I cannot get a "company" reference..totally frustrating...surely they have to take these things into account - especially with the high number of IT contractors now working (globally).


To support my experience - I gave all my company accounts, and contracts to support it. But more or less all of the contracts have been marked as 0 years, 0 months experience...

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Has anyone gone through a review with ACS - I'm going to try to ask my previous company's again for more detailed references - but this time show them the ACS report and hopefully this gives them a visual of my dilemma...eg. It says the dates I've worked there but actually recognises them as 0 years, 0 months - this is the difference between a life in Australia or waiting for another avenue to appear.


How long is the review process (says 4-6 weeks) - feel there's some urgency now (again) because there's only a low number of available slots for my role this year on the new skill select- in reality this may already have been reached...

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I feel your pain. I did the ACS process twice, second time as the original role I was assessed on disappeared from the state sponsorship list. I had to go through the whole process again as a systems analyst. That was a real pain. I didn't do the review so i cannot help you there.


I understand your dilema, as many companies I contacted(i even wrtoe them what to write!) replied with a standard letter contain - this person worked here between x and y.


Do you know anyone working in these companies still, that you can get to act as you contact and manager? That migh be the best bet for you.

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I also feel your pain but i was fortunate after the ACS assessed my skills as 4years and 10months rather than 7 years(2 as contractor, 5 as FTE) even though it was patently obvious i was still in employment with the same company still so although my application began in february they only calcualted my work experience to the date the letter was signed, and when my contract was signed. So i lost out on points because of a letter dated 2 months short of my 7years.Even though i've worked for the same company in the same role since 2004.


However age was on my side and 8 band overall got me the extra points i lost out on.


My recommendation would be to modify those letters where your old employers have failed to offer detail, or provide those employers with a new letter you've written to just sign where all your duties were explained. (if you do it and just ask them to agree to it (providing its true obviously!) they may well sign it off for you. That way you'll get the evidence the ACS require.


Appealing without changing the evidence in front of them probably won't change anything. Failing that can you change your VISA type, aren't there sponsored ones where you require less points?

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My recommendation would be to modify those letters where your old employers have failed to offer detail, or provide those employers with a new letter you've written to just sign where all your duties were explained. (if you do it and just ask them to agree to it (providing its true obviously!) they may well sign it off for you. That way you'll get the evidence the ACS require.



Considering the above, and considering you can get the agency to provide a reference ...


How detailed was your reference from the agency?


Perhaps if you wrote one out giving details the blue-chip companies and the role/responsibilities for each where you contracted, and got the agency to sign it off on their letterhead? It may land up being pages, but perhaps it would help?

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