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AIM Assessment - Positive experience


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When getting all our information together for our AIM skill assessment all I could find on the internet were horror stories about how difficult (and seemingly impossible) the AIM process was and I wanted to post something positive on this front. I am in no way belittling anyones experience but want to let people know that it can end positively.


My OH worked his socks off getting all the information together but didn't send piles and piles of paper just exactly what the website asks for (I had read about people sending 2kg packages!), he made sure he met all for the ABS requirements and followed the instructions to the tee.


I hope our positive experience gives people a bit more hope that AIM assessments are doable.



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Hope you get the positive result you need - one Agent who posts on this forum once stated that Bill Gates would struggle to get a positive skills assessment from them.


Have you ran your case past a RMA to see if they are the best place to get a skills assessment from??

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Hi lebourvellec,


We received a positive AIM skills assessment on Monday!


No, we didn't use an agent just cross checked over and over with the instructions and ABS requirements and had a couple of family members to proof read.



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Congrats on the positive assessment.


Out of interest, which position is it that your OH applied for via AIM? And did he meet EVERYTHING exactly that the criteria asked for?


Reason I ask is that I've been MD of my own business for 8 years however due to some of the criteria stated via AIM, like size of business and career progression etc, I've been advised against selecting an occupation that needs their assessment

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is the AIM you mention the Australian Instiute of medical scientists? I am hoping so as I am in Australia and hoped I didn't have to do this but I do as well as the English test.

If you have been through this I would love to find out if I am not just going to waste a lot of money to tell me I don't fit their criteria. They don't seem to have had many uk people through the system and I know no one working here in a similar job.

i hope all is going well for you here,


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