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Jet lag!


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can anyone please offer advice on jet lag with a toddler (25 months)

Ever since we returned from uk last Thursday night she has been waking through the night. I have just about got her back into her usual routine in the day but she is still waking up 1030, 230am etc...and screaming the place down!


Any advice or experience would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!! I am soooo tired!!!!

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Sounds about right I'm afraid. I'd just keep going with the normal routine, perhaps if she is having a daytime nap, trying to shorten it and wake her in the morning if she sleeps too long.

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My kids were six and nine (ish) last time we went to Aus and we still had the waking up in the middle of the night thing for the first few nights. It was worse going to Aus than coming back to the UK though. We've always found the best way to deal with it is to just get up for an hour or so when they wake up, maybe have a drink and a biscuit or two, watch a bit of TV or read a book. We'd keep the lights low and keep things fairly calm and quite and then go back to bed after an hour or so. They usually fall back to sleep after a while and the night time wakings do get later and shorter until they start sleeping through again.


We've been to Aus with kids six times and have gne through this pretty much everytime. Hang in there - it won't last forever.



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Guest wasifsaleem

Whenever she woke up please give her a tea spoon of honey you can mix it in the water, milk or just give her the spoon so that she can lick. other wise in the bottle with milk....cheers :))))

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Whenever she woke up please give her a tea spoon of honey you can mix it in the water, milk or just give her the spoon so that she can lick. other wise in the bottle with milk....cheers :))))


That`s true, I would go with warm milk with honey too. Only allow quiet type activity when she wakes up, no running, dancing, but more like book reading, puzzles etc.

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