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AISTL Grrrrr!!


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Sorry just need a rant! My application for AISTL was received in Australia 9 weeks ago (of a 10 week turnaround). Today they email me to tell me that my PGCE certificate only shows 30 credits and it should show 120 and now I need to get a letter from the university explaining why....and post it to them.


Could they not have told me this 9 weeks ago.....no chance of getting the visa in now before the end of the month!!

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Nightmare!-I bet you are gutted! 3 weeks in my assessment was bounced because the date on my transcript did not match my application (misprint from Uni). New transcript posted, then it was put to the back of the queue and took another 10 weeks.... You'll get there in the end!!

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I have contacted the university and apparently there is a problem with my transcript and it should say 120 credits and not 30. There is no way it can be changed so the university is going to type a letter detailing my classes and how many credits each of them were.


The woman was very helpful and said she would do it today and email it so I can get it posted today.


As for the AITSL they said that my application just needs to be signed of by a manager when this is received so hopefully it won't take too long.

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WEll the university were good to their word, produced a letter which stated that I actually did have 120 credits but there was a problem with my academic transcript and they are currently looking into that.


I mailed the letter to AITSL, so fingers crossed everyone that I can still make the deadline, I doubt it....but still a little bit of hope.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi! I am probably on the wrong thread/ forum/ conversation etc but I don't want to butt in on other peoples private groups and I can't see how to make this a` general question but... after 8 weeks of looking at my aitsl status and it always saying "application in process' it now says 'application completed' does this mean I have passed???? My agent says I still have to wait until it returns but i am so impatient, they haven't asked for any other information or certificates, so would this mean a positive result?? What does anyone know about this stage??

any views on this would be appreciated! Thanks

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It means theyhave finished looking at your application, and there is a letter in the post telling you the outcome. Mine took just over a week to arrive. I'm afraid your agent is right- you have an agonising wait for the postman!! Good luck

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