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Good Schools in Perth


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Dear all


We are looking to move to Perth WA in Jan-13. We have 2 girls they will be 10 & 13. We would ideally like them to go to the same school. Other than the school profile on "My School" website there is little more info available!


Does anybody know of any good forums where schools are discussed?

We have been considering Ellen Brook Christian College / Helena College. What has anybody heard about these schools?

What schools have or are you considering and why?

What have you heard from friends and family in Perth already?


Would like a good alround school not just centered around the academic side.


Sorry for so many questions, but this us a very important topic.


Any information would be greatful


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There are many good schools in Perth. So,it is not a big problem but the problem arises only here where to get the admission. As,everybody wants to make their child study in a good school but they don't get the admission due to less vacancy or many more reasons. I suggests that people should not worry about such things & let their child study in any school.

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