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HELP!Questions regarding State Sponsorship


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From my experience


1) You can apply for the SS and choose not to use it so is not compulsory to follow thru with 176


2) I believe it is valid for 90 days


3) Application fee varies depending on state i think. mine for NSW was $330


Not sure on 4 but once the 176 visa is srill about it should be fine once used within the 90 days

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When you get granted state sponsorship, you need to send a form back to them with your DIAC reference number (when you have lodged your visa application) within 90 days otherwise your state sponsorship will lapse and you will have to apply again.


Not sure on the crossover. will have to look in to it and get back to you.

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I have applied for SS as a back up as if I don't get enough on the IELTS I won't have enough points. I have submitted to Victoria, they don't charge you for SS. I honestly don't think everything will come back in time for me, I think I will end up having to go onto skill select. :o(

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Dear kind people on PIO,


I've a question on SS and if its not too much to ask would like to seek some of your input and advice on this. I submitted a SC175 Cat 4 application on 12th April, but I am living in fear of any 'unexpected surprises' which may cause my application to have a problem.


And so, I am thinking of applying for State Sponsorship as a safeguard before the July 1 dateline, since I got my positive VetAssess assessment, IETLS and documents all done.


1) Can I just apply for State Sponsorship, and if I received one is it compulsory for me to follow through with a 176 application?


2) how long is the validity of the State Sponsorship offer? Obviously if I get the 175 I won't want to use it, but I just thought of it as a safe guard


3) The application fee is just AUD$200 correct? I dont have to pay for any application fee (lodgement) immediately after?


4) Will the State Sponsorship be valid right after July 2012 when the SkillSelect kicks in?



Thank you all very much for the help, and any input is greatly appreciated, ladies and gents.


Visa applications are not cheap. I am not sure why you would lodge a 175 and a 176 "just in case". Analyse what do you think will go wrong with the 175 application, it should be fairly easy for most people to tell whether they meet the requirements or not. Do you?


If there is something aout your application that you are really not sure about, like is your work experience good enough, then this will be the case with a 176 application too as it is the same experience.


So I cannot see any reason why you would lodge a second application.

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