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Question re WA state sponsorship...


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Hi everyone,


I submitted my vetassess (HR Advisor) beginning of April (confirmed all docs received on 3rd April) so am thinking in reality that we won't hit the cut-off for the 1st July changes.


However, I've been reading a few threads about people getting their vetassess back fairly quickly. I doing my IELTS on 9th June so should have the results by around 22nd June.


My question is can I try and get my state sponsorship now so that, if everything did come back, I could submit a 176 before the changes?? I've just read a few people saying if you are from the UK you don't have to have the IELTS results for SS just for the actual visa application.


I know it's very unlikely that I will get my vetassess back but if there is even a small chance I'd rather go for the SS now so I have everything in place.


Thanks in advance for any advice people are able to offer.



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Guest luch

yoou also need the minimum points for your visa without the ielts... You can claim competent and get 0 points but if that means you would not have enough for the diac application WA will not accept your application either. If you would still have 60 points without the 10 or 20 for language, then you can apply for SS right away. FYI our SS with WA took 2 days so you may still have a good shot.

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yoou also need the minimum points for your visa without the ielts... You can claim competent and get 0 points but if that means you would not have enough for the diac application WA will not accept your application either. If you would still have 60 points without the 10 or 20 for language, then you can apply for SS right away. FYI our SS with WA took 2 days so you may still have a good shot.


huh?!!? really, so lucky!!!

may I ask what your assessing body was for your occupation?

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