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Stupidly complicated visa question


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Hi all


I'm on a 457 visa, and am soon to apply for a defactor visa with my Ozzy girlfriend.


I have 2 questions:


1. Once the initial criteria is met for the defacto visa, I get granted a bridging visa (of my sponsored visa) - what if my employment ceases, what happens? The 457 is then no more, and the bridging visa just bridges the sponsor.


2. Once I've applied for the defacto visa, can I leave for a month to go on holiday?


Thanks for any replies!

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1. Once you submit your Partner visa onshore a bridging visa only comes in to play if your 457 expires or finishes, until a decision is made on your Partner application. A bridging visa usually has the same work regulations as the previous visa you are on therefore I am unsure if you would be able to change employer on a bridging visa?? You would need to ask a registered migration agent that question.


2. Yes - but if you are on a bridging visa (A) you will require to be granted Bridging visa B before you leave Austrlaia. But you need to show exceptional circumstances to be issued bridging visa B, dont think a holiday would be exeptional circumstances. If you are still on your 457 visa you can come go as terms of your visa.

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The bridging visa you get off a 457 visa states that you cannot change employment without DIAC's approval. My interpretation of this is that you'd be ok finding employment in a similar job (same as if you'd found another sponsor for the 457), but you wouldn't be able to just go flip burgers.

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