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Container has gone!!!!!!!!!

Smith Tribe

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:err:Hi all, Well even closer to the off now. Our container has gone today after two days of packing. It is now on its long journey to Brisbane yipeeeeeeeeeee. So we are now reliving our student days by living on put up beds and chairs until we fly out on the 30th Dec. Oh well at least we have our Christmas tree up!!!!!!! Another adventure about to begin!!:wacko:

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What a feeling! We're being packed up next week, heading out to Brisbane on 29th December!


Have you got somewhere to live already? We were going to live in Coffs Harbour until last week so we feel a bit unprepared for Brisbane. We're sorted for the first 8 nights but need short-term accommodation while we do a reckie, let/buy and get our daughter into a school.


It must feel good to get the packing behind you though, can't wait to get it over with.



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Hi, We are heading for Sandgate first for 5 nights, this is a house rental. Then we go to Nerang for 2 weeks in a hotel. After that we are in our rental in Birkdale. Our children have been enrolled in a primary school in Birkdale. So we just need to wait for the furniture hopefully around the 25th Jan and then get jobs!! Good luck!

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Hi, We are heading for Sandgate first for 5 nights, this is a house rental. Then we go to Nerang for 2 weeks in a hotel. After that we are in our rental in Birkdale. Our children have been enrolled in a primary school in Birkdale. So we just need to wait for the furniture hopefully around the 25th Jan and then get jobs!! Good luck!


Hi Smith Tribe


How exciting, MacDonalds for christmas then?


HAve you been able to secure a rental in the UK?

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