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It is possible to claim work experience points before qualification?"


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I have a dilemma, and I really need an advice.

The facts are:


  • I've got my positive skills assessment (accountant general) before 1 July 2011 by ICAA;
  • I finished the University's courses in 2002 but I took the final exam two years later in 2004;
  • between 2002 and 2004 I worked as an accountant.

I really need to claim 15 points for all 8 years, and that period is included too. But I've got really confused, because I understand that DIAC might not consider that period because is not post qualified work experience. I've searchedover the DIAC site, but I didn't find anything to clearly specify something about that. Moreover on ICAA site I didn't find specification about post qualification like those on CPA site.

I'll appreciate any idea or advise about this issue.


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Guest Guest31881

Hi Eugen,


Welcome to PIO.


I have moved your post to a thread of its own, It ran the risk of being missed on the older thread you had posted on. I am sure someone will be able to offer advice to you on here.

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I 'think' the experience does need to be post qualification for DIAC purposes. Your best bet would be to have a chat with a registered migration agent. they'll be able to advise whether your experience counts and if not, whether there are other options for you.

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Accountants seem to take a million exams before they qualify but you did get a positive assessment but the other post is right, speak to an immigration consultant, they will know the real answer.

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Thanks. I'll try to find an immigration agent to speak with about this. I was thinking that someone have already passed through this


It is very important to me to apply before 1 July. I've already applied for SS WA and actually they've asked me this question: "Please advise how you have calculated 8 years experience as we are only getting 7.33 years acording to your CV (experience calculated only after gaining your qualification in 2004)?" I was really surprised about their question because neither on booklet 6 or DIAC site I didn't find clear specifications about this issue. The problem in my case is that everything is linked and I depend both the SS and 8 years work experience. However, if by some miracle I'll get the sponsorship, I don't know if is there a point to continue.


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For what its worth my Hubby is a carpenter and we are using an agent we are claiming pre qualification experience based on the fact my OH was employed as a carpenter whilst still in college. Agent says it may go through or may not..We also need the extra points for the work experience or hubby needs to get band 8 on IELTS instead to make up the points. So if DIAC do not except the work experience i fear hubby will be getting more familiar with the IELTS than he would like!!!

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I'm sure that only work experience which is post qualification can be claimed, I think that the requirement is for skilled work experinence and that the 'skilled' element refers to qualified. I looked into this for my application but for the life of me I can't remember where I foud the details - I'll keep racking my brains!

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I'm sure that only work experience which is post qualification can be claimed, I think that the requirement is for skilled work experinence and that the 'skilled' element refers to qualified. I looked into this for my application but for the life of me I can't remember where I foud the details - I'll keep racking my brains!

I understand your opinion but in 2002 I have finished with success my last academic year and all the exams have already been passed. Unfortunately, due to some personal problems I was forced to delay with two years my final exam. I don't think that period could be considered as “learning the job” or any different interpretation other than work experience as long as at that moment all my university courses were already been finished. I understand that there are strict regulations but it's seems strange that someone with a bachelor degree in law for instance have the right to claim work experience before he/she get qualified as an accountant, although, I definitely were more "competent" to work as an accountant at that point.

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According to DIAC the minimum qualification to be an Accountant is an Accountancy degree "or its equivalent". Clearly from 2004 you had an accountancy degree so you can count skilled experience after that without an issue. To claim for the period from 2002 to 2004 what you need to be able to claim is that you had the equivalent of an accountancy degree. Now if (as you claim) you had finished the course but merely not taken the final exam there is a possibility that you can convince DIAC that you did have the equivalent of an accountancy degree in 2002. No guarantee of success though - you'll be taking a gamble - but best of luck.

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Guest Linzi79

Work experience counts from either ...


When you become a qualified accountant (get your letters)


Or when you have completed an accounting degree (but certain subjects must have been studied).


Im ACMA qualified, but didnt qualify until Sept 2009, and i took a Business Studies degree, so at the moment i cant get any points for my work experience.


Hope this helps?

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  • 7 months later...

Hi senior mem,

Im a new mem here and Im glad to join this room. Im facing the same issue as Eugene did. I applied visa 189 for software engineer and got invitation on 15Oct. ACS assessed my work exp as 8 yr since Jul2004 (the year end of my university), but till May 2005 I just got my bachelor degree because I just finished my final test for phylosophy ( of course phylosophy doesnt have any relation to my skill). In this period, I worked full time for my current company (40hrs/ week). If as what DIAC says, Im over claiming my pts because I cannot be counted for that period of working due to no post graduation. My CO hasnt mentioned yet about this since she contacted me on 12Nov and I sumitted all docs on 30Nov. Im always think and woory about this issue. However, I see that Eugene already got his vi, is that a good sign?

I need your advise and ideas, guys. Thanks.

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