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special schools, special education in state schools?


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We have an autistic son who we really want to get into a special school in Qld( he is currently in special school in Victoria.age 13)- If he is classed as "not intellectually disabled" enough, he may have to go to mainstream school. Does anyone have any experience of high school kids in special education within a state high school? Is it as bad as I imagine, teasing etc. Do they have seperate classes or have to sit in a room with all the other students but do seperate work? really not sure how it would work with our son as he is a million miles away from a normal 13 year old in terms of social skills and although he is bright, he wouldnt be able to learn or understand year 7 curriculum.

would really appreciate any experience you have.




Ps- maybe this should be in education thread but we are planning move to sunshine coast so have been looking at currimundi specialist school :)

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Can I recommend Chancelor College in Sippy Downs / Buderim as they are excellent for kids with special needs.

But I would suggest you contact Tanya Marshall who is an expert in Autism and knows the area / schools etc and will advise appropriately - she is brilliant.


PM me for further details - I do know alot about the area as I am in Buderim with an autistic child

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  • 4 months later...

Hi, I know this thread is a few months old but our family has just arrived in Queensland and we are looking at settling in the Sunshine Coast. We also have a son with autism but just primary school aged. Would it be okay to send you a pm Roger?

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