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Has anyone left before the rest of the family? How was it?


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Hey guys,

Our plan is for me to head out to Melbourne 3 months before my wife and three kids 4,2, and, 1.

I will have a job to go to and will be staying with family, whilst I get us a house to rent for a while and wait for our house contents to arrive

so the kids have their own beds etc... to try and make it feel normal for them.


Anyone else done this and how did you find it?


I'll find it tough I think and will miss them all but I have the drive to give us a good start....



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If you have a job to go to why would you go first? The kids will have to do without their beds no matter what anyway and I am sure they will miss dad more than a bed anyway.


This is a momentous time of your lives, do it as a family, pick the house together.

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I'm with Rupert on this. I'd go out as a family and let your wife/partner have her say on the house and area etc. I think at their ages kids adapt well and it's more important to have Daddy around than a bed. They don't have concept of time like we do and won't understand your absence.


Also your wife is going to have to live in the house also and if she is anything like me, then a house she will like, that will work for her in terms of practicalities etc needs to flow and be seen in person. What you might think is ok may drive her bonkers to live in. Just saying ;)


But yeah, stick together as a family, you don't get that time back and having both of you around would be good for the kids to hell them settle. Favourite toys, bedding, their PJ's, those little things can make them feel at home. As has been said, they would have to do without their beds the UK side (and everything else) and also without their Daddy. I can't see how that works out better than you all going together as a family.

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My husband thought it would be a good idea to go by himself and get everything settled before we (me + 2 little kids) arrive. I talked him out of it. I want us to experience this exciting ( although stressful) period together as a family. I want to have a say about the rental. And I certainly DON`T want to travel for 28 hours with a preschooler and a toddler who is in temper tantrum stage by myself :biglaugh::biglaugh:.

What does your wife think about it?

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