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Posts posted by 5Evns

  1. 9 hours ago, Marisawright said:

    What about Newcastle (NSW)?   Could DH get work there?   I know Sydneysiders rubbish Newcastle but it's based on a very outdated  concept of the city.  

    Yes we actually initially were going to move to the Coast as hubby had a job offer in Newcastle. But it fell through shortly after we arrived and so ended back in sydney.

    I just found my BRP and it’s actually expired last year 😭 and it wasn’t indefinite leave to remain, only leave to remain 🤯 I got the terminology wrong doh! 

    Does this mean I need to apply for the leave to enter visa and start the 5 year route again? 


  2. 7 hours ago, Skani said:

    You mention the "pull" of Sydney over Perth or Brisbane is having your support network there.  Do  you have a support network in the UK?

    Yes my husband’s family is all there. It was the main reason we moved there 6 years ago. 

  3. Hi all,

    The fam and I have been back in Syd for 2 years and we are considering moving back to the UK. 
    DH is English and 3 kids are all dual. I’m an Aussie and was granted an IRL a year before we decided it was time to move back to  syd. We stayed in the UK for close to 4 years but 2 of those were Covid restricted. In hindsight we prob should have stayed and given it more time but I had enough (various reasons) and wanted a better life especially with the kids. 

    So now comes another huge decision, and there are numerous reasons for considering a move but a huge pull is not having mortgage stress. We would have little to possibly no mortgage in the UK depending on the type of house we buy. Another factor was being closer to Europe, we’d have the ability to travel during school holidays. At the moment, we can barely afford to do much outside of bills etc. Our thinking is that we would have more of a life there, despite the weather! 

    we have thought about moving to other parts of Aus but my family are in sydney and our jobs are great here so commuting is too difficult especially with young kids. Eg we considered the central coast but there’s no childcare vacancies and DH doesn’t want to commute everyday. We thought about Brisbane, Perth etc but the pull is having my support network in sydney. 

    We have 2 kids in primary and one in childcare. Primary kids prefer aus but they are young enough to adapt so it’s not a major concern. 

    is it a no brainer? Will we regret it? I’ll miss my fam but they will visit. DH’s family can’t afford to visit aus which makes him homesick. 

    also another question for any visa experts. What do I do with my visa, is it void now I’ve been out of the UK for over 2 years? Or can I just reapply for the IRL? (Granted 2021) 

    sorry for the waffle…just a huge brain dump as we are torn..


  4. Hi guys,

    Does anyone know much about the price increases in March for shipping to Aus? I’ve been told they could roughly be around £2k extra on top of quotes given now. I thought maybe a few hundred is understandable but a couple of thousands is a huge increase 😞 

  5. Hi all,

    I’ve booked PSS to come to the house in about 2 weeks times to properly quote shipping our stuff from the UK to AUS.
    Are we allowed to pack some boxes (cardboard and plastic clear tubs) ourselves or do their packers have to do it all? 
    We are putting the house up for sale soon so I wouldn’t mind getting a head start on packing bits and pieces especially the kids toys!


  6. 6 minutes ago, Quoll said:

    No idea - when is his birthday and when does he turn 7? It's a foreign country with different cut off dates - heck, even the states can't agree on cut off dates! Queensland is 30 June so if your child turns 7 before 30 June 2022 they would be in year 2 in 2022.  That's technically the situation but many schools will advise that a child whose birthday is, say, April to June, might go into year 1 as that is likely where most of their age cohort will be (holding the younger kids back a year before starting school is quite normal, especially for boys!). Fitting in with a social peer group is considered better than hot housing and they take into account things like physical development, global skills, social skills etc.

    Please don't think of it or talk about it as repeating because he won't have done year 1 in Australia before! You will probably find that his core literacy and numeracy skills are well in advance of his age cohort to begin with but there may be other things they're better at, like independent learning, experimentation and research. 

    Oh gosh tell me about it, I’ve googled and find it so confusing! We thought of moving to Sydney and noticed the term dates were different too.

    He will be 7 in October 2022 so that means he would still be in year 1!? 
    I’d be happy for him to do the rest of the year in grade 1 actually, he’s doing well academically here so yes you’re right in that he could develop other skills in the remaining 5 or so months before he starts year 2. 

  7. @Quoll @Marisawright @Loopylu 

    Thank you all for your advice, I’ve had a long chat with my husband and thinking it might even be better for us to move after the kids finish up the school year here at the end of July. That way we have time to find the right rental and have a look around at suburbs we would like to settle in. 

    @Quoll what you have said about schools makes so much sense, i needed to hear that so thanks. I’m so stressed over making sure things line up once we arrive but I know we just need to go with the flow. 

    If my son is in Year 1 now would that mean if we moved over half way next year he would do an extra 6 months of year 1 in Australia? 

    @Loopylu We’ve been recommended the north side and those suburbs in particular as it is close to the CBD where my husband will most likely work and the schools are good. Someone mentioned The Gap but I have heard there is only one road in and out and peak hour traffic can be a nightmare. 

    We like where we live to have a nice community feel with good parks, cafes and a supermarket close by would help. ideally we would want to buy after a year or two, preferably a 4 bedroom with a pool if possible. 
    Any recommendations please?
    my husband doesn’t want a long commute to the city though, he likes the sound of Bardon but I can see it’s quite pricey to buy in that area. 



  8. Hi all,

    My family and I are looking at moving to Brisbane from the UK. We are dual citizens. We’ve been recommended the following suburbs:

    Bardon, Clayfield, Ascot. 

    I have heard the two schools we are looking at in the above areas are strictly catchment only and I’m worried about not being able to find a rental fast enough before the new school term commences. As the UK school year starts in Sept I don’t want the kids to be out of school for too long. 

    We have a 6 year old in Year 1 and 4 year old in nursery at the moment and we are thinking of moving over in October next year so the kids can start the Aussie school year at the end of Jan. 

    I was thinking of staying in an air bnb for 4 wks to give us enough time to look for a rental in the catchment area but I’m a bit stressed about the timing of the year and being stuck extending in an air bnb till after the new year. I know rentals in good school catchments go fast. 

    Do you think we should move over earlier, say Sept to allow us enough time to find a rental? Also, will my husband need a job contract to secure the rental or will savings in the bank suffice so he can start looking for work after we arrive? 

    Sorry if some of the above doesn’t make sense! any advice would be fab! Thank you 🙏🏻 

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