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Blue Flu

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Posts posted by Blue Flu

  1. Probably worth investing the time in looking into hospital/aged care in Tasmania. I know Cairns has a poor reputation , but have heard Tasmania is not rated highly. That would be my sole major concern returning to live in UK. If me, would be looking into that if moving to another state in Australia. 

    Another thought. Isn't Tasmania the state rated as having the highest Bogan influence in Australia? I'll look into that a little more. 

    • Like 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, Jon the Hat said:

    Yeah I thought that after the Ukraine loss, but when it did strike twice and they lost a second plane in strange circumstances I was done.

    Nothing much to do with the airline though. It's termed a coincidence. Both cases extremely difficult , if not impossible to detect beforehand. 

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, InnerVoice said:

    I don't prefer the heat. I find it quite oppressive up here most of the time, and we can't wait to leave. That said, we don't want to move back to the UK - or somewhere with a similar climate. Tassie seems to have about the same amount of sunshine as the south of France with cooler temperatures, which sounds good to me.

    I don't know Perth too well, except that it's a city with decent infrastructure, whereas Cairns is just a town. Most of my colleagues have said that if they were diagnosed with a serious illness, they'd be on the first flight down to the RBWH. Yes, crime has been on the up here - especially if you live in or near suburbs beginning with 'M' - but it it's hardly Mexico. Cairns has been good to us over the last 10 years and I can't knock it, but it wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea.


    The M's are quite known for issues for a long time. Word has it that anti-social activity (youth crime) is rampant. I recall Cairns does from memory have something like the third highest crime rate in Australia. Not sure if the heat wouldn't get too much for me longer term. I was far younger when last lived there. I have been looking at Northern Suburbs along the beach. I note prices have risen over past few years. 

    I'm finding it very hard to select an alternative anyway in Australia. Odd in some ways how such a big country can appear 'limited' at the end of the day. I have stayed often in The South of France , but suspect it would be warmer than Tasmania. 

    But worth giving it a shot. I will be interested to read your findings on living there, if indeed do make the move.  In my case Perth has passed the point of no return . 

    • Like 1
  4. My thoughts echoed by another poster. Why would one move to Tasmania from Cairns if prefer the heat. I've lived in Cairns and while smallish it makes up for in its international tourist and migrant settlement. Hense not entirely parochial. Can Tasmania say the same? Never been but heard cliché together with own social issues. 

    In fact we were talking only yesterday  of doing a trip over there from WA. Last state yet to visit. As want to leave Merth (Perth) as soon as find somewhere enticing, don't want a repeat of what is deeply entrenched over here. Cairns was a consideration as well, but hear crime has got far worse than when lived there back in 1997. Wonder how your experience of that is? 

    • Like 1
  5. Perfectly fine airline. They have a deal at the moment where a passenger can fly free internally inside Malaysia (taxes payable) if booking a long distance flight. Why not take a break en route and visit the island of Langkawi or Borneo (Sarawak or Sabah) for example? 

    I wouldn't worry too much  with regards to recent history. Any airline can experience being shot out of the sky by renegade militia  or a potential suicidal pilot (German Wings for example) 

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  6. On 05/01/2023 at 10:28, Skani said:

    Victorians are not "intrastate people" in Perth:  they are from interstate.

    Strangely, my local area in Tasmania is also swarming with Victorian number plates. Let me think - would they all be swarming over on the ferry to pick up some illegal substances?  Or could it possibly have something to do with the strange coincidence that this is peak tourist season when all of the country is  on school holidays and much of the employed population is on regular summer annual holidays?   And, in addition, the first time in a couple of years that people have been able to plan interstate holidays without the threat of border closures? 

    The very same reason Victorians are touring other parts of the country, including Perth.  🙄

    Cannot talk for Tasmania but you may recall  Tas is but a hop and skip  away from Vic on the ferry. Hardly surprising then that numbers would be high ,unlike the  huge distance to reach  Perth. These are not tourists. There were next to none remotely in such number pre pandemic, both buyers next to me have been from there , both displaying certain 'similarities'.'. But besides there are  many Vic cars parked outside residential addresses in my area for long durations (as in living) Not only Vic, but they do stand out due to numbers. And yes some do switch over to WA plates when able. 


    Indeed. Must be the  WA vibe, welcoming people, blue skies, heaven akin  beaches , glorious Indian Ocean sunsets, Hope I haven't left something out? 

    Obviously furthers the states reputation that these incomers chose to pay us homage. 

  7. On 05/01/2023 at 17:03, Bulya said:

    A couple of big races.  That was it!  

    A bit of a' rogue ' state to be sure. Rather amazing in some ways I think it could be said. More a question of lump it or leave it but don't go against the established 'norm.' , you'll gain nothing apart from going out on a limb. Horse racing. I believe it was The Perth Cup that was called off recently after a collision between horses, resulting in the putting down of one of the animals. Things are different Out West. 

  8. On 02/01/2023 at 14:31, Bulya said:

    Two week long visits was enough for me.  Had a great time but couldn’t imagine being stuck there. 

    Quite so. Interesting how 'attractive' Perth has become for Intrastate people. I have never seen so many Intrastate plates before. Especially Victorians. There obviously much be an attraction of 'some sort'. Now just what could that be? Hang on. Think I've got it. 

  9. On 01/01/2023 at 21:31, DevilsAdvocate said:

    I’ve been fortunate enough to have worked all over Australia and Perth was listed as my least favourite two cities in Australia, with Adelaide coming in at the bottom. I lived in Adelaide for 2 years. 

    My preference was SE QLD as it ticked most of the boxes for the family. 

    Fair enough. Although have lived in FNQ have never been to SE QLD. Not sure it would suite me but purely based on a perception of being somewhat lacking substance  and just as exposed to criminal activity as here in WA. 

    Adelaide as a city possibly tops Perth IMO , but a close call. I have only been there three times as a visitor and staying by a Adelaide born, London friend, it was clearly expressed to me the negative side that city possess. Both have similar failings due to similar issues and I'll say no more on that. 

    Perth, a city in denial   , too small to be challenged (everybody that matters knows everybody in that position)and as put to me all bases are covered. Hardly a nourishing sort of place when thinking about it. 

  10. On 30/12/2022 at 06:49, DevilsAdvocate said:

    Firstly, I’ve not mentioned failure. 

    Secondly, I completely disagree with your first statement. The example I made (1 to 2 years) settlement is a ball park figure obviously these vary from individual to individual. 

    Most migrants feel overwhelmed on first arrival or over the first 6 months, that feeling can be misconstrued in many ways. Hence why I said that it can take time to change your prospective. Or am I incorrect? 

    Saying that I've only just become overwhelmed by living in Perth after twenty years.  Not to say I adored it previously but could travel regularly and thought it okay, if somewhat dull place and parochial. Recent (two years) findings has made me want out of the place and never return but difficult to reach an accord on this with partner. 

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, DevilsAdvocate said:

    With all due respect. You’ve been here 5 minutes. It’s totally normal to feel that way. Atleast you secured a job. My family came here 9 years ago without pre employment the first 6 months were hard. But I’d rather give it a good go, then return to the UK with my tail between my legs. 

    It depends. I'd say yes if OP came out alone or perhaps in a couple. They may well give it a little more time, but delaying too long may not be of much benefit. One (other partner) may be less inclined to leave and further down the road the kids. Some are not made to live so far away from the familiar. But as mentioned, a bit longer should not hurt.  

    • Like 2
  12. 18 hours ago, Jon the Hat said:

    I don't live in Mandurah, I live in Mount Pleasant.  Perhaps I would be more aware if I did live down there.

    Fair enough then you'll have limited awareness of what's going down in MH. I don't obviously live there , although would be excused for thinking may do at times with all the MH number plates in my locality. But could equally almost be in Busso or Bunbury or Albany.  

  13. On 16/12/2022 at 12:11, Jon the Hat said:

    I don't doubt it, but as I said I think you could come across it almost anywhere.  I saw plenty of drug use in the UK and some of it leading to addiction and wider problems.

    (I had to look up shiny bums!)

    This is nothing remotely similar to UK. I've seen plenty of drug use in many countries outside the UK. This is not drug use but personal gain. 

  14. On 16/12/2022 at 12:05, Quoll said:

    You are quite lucky - let us hope it stays that way for you!  Here in Canberra Coke is the shiny bums opiate of choice and they are quite discreet about it but meeting someone very high on something the other mid afternoon (not just alcohol I think) at the bus stop in Canberra city (pants down around his knees, screaming every expletive known to man, throwing shopping trolleys into the road) was a bit of a shock for this little old granny.  My sister in law was not quite so lucky - she was driving around Ballarat when her car (with her in it) was totalled by a couple who were off their heads on ice - my brother in law wont drive at night at all now (his daughter is a paramedic, he's heard the tales I suspec, in addition to his wife being totalled).  Where my son lives, in Gippsland, cannabis is very popular but it, I thought, was known as the Ice capital of Australia, especially around the Sale, Warrnambool area.   If you have kids and can keep them away from it then you are doing very well I reckon!

    Sadly far worse than those addicted.  (and I've had more than a few 'issues' with the impacted) Big money will ensure big problems. This is the biggest problem in our nation today. I say that without a shadow of doubt and fully aware of the other problems impacting us a nation. I won't go into most on an online forum obviously, but we should be very concerned and certainly not a laughing matter. I blame the Lib's big time for the situation that has developed and increasingly compromised us a nation. 

  15. On 16/12/2022 at 10:46, Jon the Hat said:

    Not defensive, just providing a bit of balance - in 14 months Meth has had precisely zero impact on my or my family's lives, or indeed on anyone I know.  Literally this is the only conversation I have had on the subject.

    No idea what you know but Mandurah (quite commonly termed Methdurah due to it being a centre of this trade) This is not only me saying it , but very well documented. I understand that I am better versed than many people in this area, but have not met anyone to date unaware of Mandurah's reputation. ) Most I speak with know fully well what is going down in Perth as well as country areas. 

  16. 26 minutes ago, Jon the Hat said:

    As I have said before Blueflu, I think you are very unlucky to have been through what you have, and you have my sympathy, but suggesting one should choose not to live in Perth because of the drug problems is ridiculous.  Everywhere has drug problems, and that fact you are unlucky to have had them impact you personally is sad but shouldn't put someone off from moving to Perth over any other city.

    To be frank, not sure just why you appear to have the need to be so defensive around the issue of methamphetamine, especially living in an area that has the highest concentration in WA of this drug. But  I don't have much to say to you on the issue. I'm not suggesting obviously anything of the sort. Adults can make their own minds up but no harm in pointing out the extent of this evil drug has had on  many aspects of Perth. As I note it was to the value of Two Billion dollars back in 17. This must have doubled over preceding years as Merth (Perth) regained its title of number one meth city in world. There must be a price to pay down the line for what's going down. Everywhere does not have the problem Perth experiences by a long shot. The silence deafening .  

  17. 15 hours ago, calNgary said:

    Anyone who goes back through your posts or has the pleasure of reading them and reads about your obsession with drugs (regardless of topic) will know exactly why i am laughing. 

              Cal x

    This is getting away from the subject matter but as you have  again pointed to past postings, not connected with this thread I feel compelled to respond. There is little pleasure in my disclosure of the meth industry here in Merth. A grand title for Perth,  I'm sure you will agree termed by an acquittance of Irish back ground who is a full bottle on what's going down . Obviously a multibillion dollar industry(fact)  is not going to disappear. Whether the control can be maintained in the future has yet to be ascertained with the 'exotic' make up of those increasingly wielding influence  , well who knows? More to the point who cares? Quite simply, no one is paying me to monitor events , nor be a voice of the righteous on some moral crusade for decency . Colour me short changed in the intelligence department. 

    Although I suppose if hadn't lived next door to a full on clandestine meth house for a year having to endure constant violence and on one occasion a potential home invasion  by occupants, or indeed a guy of 'exotic' appearance knock on my door and inform me, ever so politely that "I would not win" Or another neighbour informing me drugs are everywhere on the street  (or my partner almost being cleaned up by a woman high on something (we now believe to be meth going through a red light and swiping her car, a day prior to leaving for an extended overseas trip (which almost had to cancel) 

    Just to note this is not confirmed to Perth. Just we cop it worse, but others, who perhaps do not want to be a part of such goings on, should be aware of the extent of the problem . Their choice if to be concerned at all. 

    But no doubt you are correct.  I should simply begin to construct a house , get a dog, perhaps a Greyhound, which is very popular in my area, and state we are in the caring profession (to disguise days at home, I expect) If you can't beat them join them right? May as well rent out the bedrooms per day short term to young Uni students or mothers with kiddies or back packers  as part of a community service to assist those to 'get ahead'. 

    I'll place a swing and trampoline outside to complete the effect . You are quite correct. Whatever was I thinking?  Time to do my bit and continue to ensure the economic feasibility of our state and nation. Thanks for pointing out my short sighted failings in the matter and shining a light on my obsessive mumblings. 

    My understanding though more in line with the subject matter, is that Surfers and increasingly Gold Coast have increasing crime stats.  I have no personal experience of this but have heard a few firsthand accounts. Obviously the experience of a twenty five year old 

    • Confused 1
  18. 6 hours ago, Nemesis said:

    The Gold Coast is bad. Long queues for any rental, but especially for anything big enough for a family. People camping out, living in cars, its not good at present. Saddest thing is, there is a huge camp at Pinkenba (east Brisbane) and another at Wellcamp (Toowoomba) built for covid quarantine and now sitting totally empty.

    Pretty much reflective of much of Australia in these times. I don't see much reflective thought from government on the matter. Only thing to date is increase migration intake regardless of falling living standards. 

    I suppose using the camps mentioned would only underline that there is indeed a problem of some intensity. Too much not being held to scrutiny. It can't be long before tent cities become part of our landscape? 

  19. 6 hours ago, Jon the Hat said:

    I suspect they are amused because you seem to bring every conversation back to drugs.

    I might have expected you considering where you live would be more receptive to the issue of drugs and its impact on our society. There is nothing even slightly amusing living in a state where the meth trade rates in the billions of dollars in value nor the consequences such a black economy impacts on civil life . I do get many are more than a little happy  taking money for such parasite pursuits as their contribution towards society. As noted Mandurah is one of the worst locations in WA with regards to this issue. 

    As for bringing it up in every conversation, which isn't true, but the magnitude of what is happening in both the city and state I was born , I have every right to express my disquiet at living in the world's number one methamphetamine and those partaking  all around me.  . A mite sad  incomers as yourself, find that too much , which makes one wonder why exactly those on here hold this state in so little regard nor have much concern for the future or the kids ever increasingly becoming accustomed to the apparent easy making drugs for profit and how that will impact a normal occupation future. 

  20. 46 minutes ago, Marisawright said:

    Nothing to stop you taking it on, but the choice is not up to you, it's up to the landlord/agent. In Sydney, when you turn up to inspect a property, you'll find yourself in a line with 50 other people. You had better get your application in right then and there, or you'll miss out.  That doesn't mean it's as bad on the Gold Coast, though. Maybe someone else can comment.

    That's assuming you even want it, of course.  The photos online are shamelessly photoshopped and the reality is often half the size you thought it was, or filthy, or otherwise unliveable.  You would be an absolute idiot to take on a rental based on the online photos because they are so misleading.  Mind you, the same has happened to me in the South of England.  

    Definitely in such times some landlords are getting away with the bare minimum. Simply because they can. Even here in Perth rentals are very competitive and know a big concern to many arriving from overseas. If not having connections of some sort, can only imagine how hard it must be.   

  21. 1 hour ago, Blue Flu said:

    I agree most places feel better in the warmth , even if that can deflect from certain realities not too dissimilar . One thing I didn't mention about Cairns, is the high crime rate. A lot of warmer places out here, I note, seem to have an ongoing crime problem , especially with youth and drugs. Where I think Manchester is more relaxed in being less controlled  (an episode of Shameless will confirm that) a better, later night time vibe and so on. Would I want to live there? No. Not my scene but try and look at a larger vista. I do know people that returned to Manchester after years in Perth and concluding it was soulless.  

    The drug situation is massive in Australia, even if doesn't appear as 'open' as in UK. We are the largest recreational drug using country in the world and the impact is very clear on many levels. I live in Perth and we have a massive methamphetamine problem (biggest consumption in the world) ( being made by 'respectable ' that was valued at two billion dollars back in 2017. I would imagine double that now. It has become mainstream with loads making it at home without undue duress. (another story  around me) While especially big in WA  and SA , all of Australia is experiencing  All very sad. 

    This can impact the rental market  as well, but won't go into that. Giving it further thought, Gold Coast may well be a better option to settle ahead of Cairns. Close to Brisbane, more work opportunity and most likely a better place to kick off your OZ adventure. I enjoyed my time in Cairns, but wasn't in a partnership at the time. 

    Beg to once again  discover what Calgary finds amusing around the issue of drugs. While many are profiting handsomely from such illegal practices there are many in society paying a heavy price. That includes those enticed through what is thought of as easy money and reasonably risk free association in their contribution to making us the nation we find ourselves in. One thing it is not is amusing. 

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