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Posts posted by psuwara

  1. 8 hours ago, PerthLondonGirl89 said:


    You need to complete a Travel Facilitation Letter request, below is the direct link for it on the IMMI website. 


    I would assume you wouldn't have any issues being granted an extension on your initial entry date (but of course I don't know for certain!).

    My partner's IED was 5th Feb 2021 and we were due to arrive in Aus not long before this... unfortunately like many others our flight was cancelled we were bumped off because we didn't pay enough / airlines overbooked their flights so we didn't make the date. The first thing I did was apply for this letter and it was granted later that same day - his IED was extended to a year from that date. 

    Good luck! Hope your flights go ahead regardless and this won't be needed... and congrats on the pregnancy to you and your partner 🙂

    Thanks, much appreciated. We want to make sure all bases are covered and that in the unlikely event we cannot make it this year, at least we won't have the VISA cancelled.

    • Like 1
  2. 56 minutes ago, Wanderer Returns said:

    Yes, it's a great forum! 🙂 

    I think you should get a second opinion from another doctor because that doesn't sound right at all. Usually they say it's safe to fly up until a few weeks before the due date - unless your partner has a specific medical condition you'd prefer not to mentioned. It stands to reason that it will be a lot easier moving to Australia before your baby is born than afterwards. You are in a very enviable position having been granted a 309, and if you are serious about emigrating to Australia then you should get here as soon as you can. We are living in uncertain times, and no one knows if the current flight caps might change again - or worse, commercial flights being stopped all together.

    Good luck with it all! 🤞

    https://www.nhs.uk/pregnancy/keeping-well/travelling/#:~:text=Flying in pregnancy,or doctor before you fly.

    Thanks for the info. We have a window of 14-36 weeks pregnant to travel, since we've been recommended not to travel in the first trimester. We have rebooked tickets for early July and late June. In the unlikely event we get pushed back beyond the 36th week, it's pretty much game over. So I want to make sure we cover out bases in the unlikely event that flights are cancelled.

    Thanks for the best wishes.

    • Like 1
  3. Hi all

    Really love the community here, been posting a bit here and there. We have our 309 granted as of Nov 2020. However we're constantly getting pushed back, and even think my business class ticket with Etihad will be cancelled. Could only get one for July. It seems like flights from St Petersburg Russia to Melbourne are tough to come by and may not fit with other allocated flights. Who knows.

    We've had our doctors tell us that it's better not to fly until my pregnant partner is on her second trimester. 

    All if this together makes for some interesting times.

    My question is - Where and who do I contact to extend the date of arrival for the 309 VISA given the current situation. I searched the forum but couldn't find info. I remember reading something about it being possible. Should we call the Consulate? IMMI? Send a letter? Any advice at this stage would be wonderful. It's still early days, but we won't be able to fly in October once my wife is at 36 weeks as airlines won't allow it, and if we give birth in Russia we need to wait six months before being able to fly anyway, which will be well into 2022. 

    Any suggestions, reference, direction or info would be super helpful. Many thanks.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Wanderer Returns said:

    Did you mean Dec 24? It seems as though you left it a long time before rebooking, if your next flight was on 7 April. Yes, it's very hard to get a flight here at the moment, but that's hardly a secret. Most of the people who are making it over here are sleeping with their bags packed and phones not on silent, waiting for a cancellation call from airline. If you're rebooking flights 3 months ahead each time they are cancelled, then you're really risking not getting here before you visa runs out.

    Absolutely agree, hopefully the business class ticket will have preference to leave around the July 7 period. We can rebook to Sydney or Adelaide if something goes wrong with Melbourne.

  5. On 25/03/2021 at 16:27, FirstWorldProblems said:

    Don't know if this is of any interest to you, but sharing just in case.  I've booked with Etihad.  Business class is £3070 per ticket, £611 cancellation fee and £305 change fee.  It's substantially cheaper than any other airline doing a one stop flight.  The next closest was Qatar at £4287 but they only offer a voucher option on cancellation.

    When did you book your flight for? We got our business seats for July 7. There was nothing before July...

  6. Qatar have stuffed me around for months, so we just applied for a refund, we just purchased a Business Class seat with Etihad, who are always reliable.

  7. Update on some flights. 

    We bought a ticket for Dev 24 with Qatar found out they are only allowed 45 passengers for flights coming into Melbourne, we just had our April 7 flight cancelled. Decided to rebook a business class flight with Etihad in July, sick of of having flights cancelled since December and now my wife is pregnant with our pregnancy date being November 2021 and our 309 VISA cutoff date being November 2021.

    Fun times! 😬😁😅

    Anyone flying back to Aus on economy flights to Melbourne, it’s a tough road! I feel for you all. 🙏🏻

  8. 3 hours ago, Robin’s Emigrating said:

    Interesting, I didn’t know that was the case. Any idea what’s driving that?

    People leaving Victoria and no influx of immigrants, along with a drop in the birth rate. Did some research recently and there's a push to bring in more skilled work and possibly open up the border to skilled workers, I've read people commenting on how hotels and restaurants, especially in Queensland, have massive gaps in staffing, chefs, waiters/waitresses. Given the blockade on incoming students and workers into Australia, only other easy way to bring more people in is to get Australian citizens and their partners to Australia. 

    So it's an interesting time, with the property market having very little supply (no one wants to sell their house) and tens of thousands of people about to have their job keeper payments end, I'd expect a little bit of a change in the population landscape in Australia. Given more jobs may be available in Queensland, it's likely we will see more people flow out of other states to where the work is.

    • Thanks 2
  9. On 23/03/2021 at 12:13, bowbow said:

    I have a good news story to share for those applying from the UK (and maybe more generally?):

    - 309/100 application submitted 28 February, attaching everything I could at the time, including UK police check 

    - Medical carried out 4 March 

    - 309/100 visas granted simultaneously on 23 March

    Ours would have been a very straightforward case - together for 10 years, living together for almost 9, joint property owners for over 6, married for over 3 years and we have a child together born in 2019.  But I am still pleasantly surprised that it's all been granted so quickly... 

    That's less than a month! Incredible.

  10. On 03/03/2021 at 07:46, GRS said:

    Finally 309 granted onshore 1 March, Applied November 2018. 

    Wouldn't wish on anyone in this process who has to wait with their lives on hold, for that long, for absolutely no reason from a processing office that was processing at an average of 10 months in 2018/19. 

    Anyone else interested in making a submission for the Senate Inquiry into partner visas - here is the link:


    It's quite the adventure to experience, I've worked on fair share of VISA applications, and the wait is tough. Still worth it once it comes through.

  11. 8 hours ago, DominoBrisbane said:

    Thanks for this. I'm not sure why it's not the right place to ask this kind of question, which was about the legalities of staying, not seeking marriage guidance from strangers. 

    FYI not sure why I have to share, but we have been seeing a counsellor for quite some time (at my request) and it hasn't improved things.

    Really sorry to hear things haven't worked out for you. I wish you the best.

  12. 20 minutes ago, DominoBrisbane said:

    Hi gang,

    I have a Permanent Partner Visa (100) and planning on getting citizenship here in July (I've been here 3.5 years). However my marriage is breaking up.

    I *could* stick it out for another 4-5 months but I'm not sure I really want to. We have a 5 yr old daughter who has dual citizenship (UK and Aus)

    Should I wait until I've done the citizenship or can we separate and I'm ok to stay here? I can't find anything on Immi or any other sites that are helpful so far...


    Thanks in advance.


    Don't know if this is the right forum to discuss this, probably best to see a marriage counsellor first, generally marriage is better than being single by all accounts. Why your marriage is breaking up now with a 5 year old daughter doesn't make any sense.

    I think you probably need to talk to someone and get support.

    An end of a relationship will not affect your residency on a 100 VISA, since it's permanent, however if it is a 309 it does.

  13. Apple for an exemption on compassionate grounds, please supply all documents needed and a doctors report. It can happen, but it's not guaranteed.

    The other problem will be the fact that her mother will need to 14 days quarantine and flights are limited and expensive.

    If you have the resources to get her into Australia on a 600 VISA, try it. There is no harm in trying and you may be successful. 


    Looks like other people have been successful in this scenario.

  14. On 01/03/2021 at 07:01, Usman Jav said:

    Since HomeAffairs has announced they are expediting the 309/100 visas. Please make sure your application is decision-ready so that it is processed quickly.

    It is not a professional advice. Based on my personal experience if you submit the following docs your application gets processed very quickly.
    My visa application was processed in 9 months. and my friend who also submitted the same docs, his visa was processed in 5 months only (that too during the pandemic).


    Primary Applicant

    • National Identity Card
    • Passport
    • Birth Certificate
    • Form 888    (submit two forms)
    • Form 1229    
    • Marriage Certificate
    • Marriage Document (English)
    • Family Registration Certificate - FRC
    • Photos (Wedding Ceremony Pics with Name Tags)
    • Photos (Honeymoon or after marriage) - if available
    • Photos (Social Aspect Photos i.e. with family and friends)
    • Photo  (passport size)
    • Complete Medicals & biometrics (for primary and secondary applicants. It should be arranged upfront as soon the application is submitted)
    • Police Character Certificate
    • Polio Certificate (if applicable to you)
    • Hospital Bills (if available)
    • Join Bank Account Statement (if available)
    • Proof of Assets (Bank Statement - Sponsors or applicant)
    • Proof of Assets (Ownership of property - If available)
    • Letter - Request for early grant of visa-subclass-100 (if your relationship is long-term i.e. 3-years marriage, or 2-years marriage with a dependent child)


    Secondary Applicants (Child's documents)

    • Birth Certificate
    • National ID Card
    • Passport
    • Photo (Passport Size)
    • Polio Certificate
    • Medical & Biometric


    • Passport
    • IMMI Grant Letter
    • Medicare Card
    • Bank Statements (as proof of asset)
    • Form 1229
    • Police Certificates (all countries visited in last 10 years for where you spent more than 12 months in total)

    Where has home affairs mentioned they are expediting these visas?

  15. 17 hours ago, British said:

    Hi all ...my partner visa was submitted Feb 2020...yesterday they asked me for my hubby who is on Oz to give details of his travels in the last ten years  within 28days...if it's over 12 months in total he needs a police check from the UK ..if he send the dates ,and appliesfor a police check ,do I need to fast track it?  or as long as they have got the dates can he  send them proof he has paid for it and is waiting ? I'm hoping this is a positive step at least it's being looked at ? Thanks everyone 

    Wherever you can, fast track everything.

    Makes your life easier.

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