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Posts posted by Garner

  1. 1 hour ago, LindaH27 said:

    Leaving aside any emotional feeling but using cold hard logic this is exactly why Australia doesn’t want parents especially on 804. By the very nature of the visa parents have to be elderly and elderly people develop many problems as they age. So what seems to be a cheap way of living in Australia could end up being very expensive in future years -either for the parents and family themselves or for the Australian taxpayer. For example paying for a hip operation would cost the parent around $40000 - nearly the price of a contributory visa! Allowing the length of the contributory queue to drag out has created a huge number of elderly people applying for and living in Australia on 804 which is not financially viable unfortunately especially if they also get Reciprocal Health Care. This is the dilemma currently facing the govt. They understand that people would like their parents with them, especially in the cultures where extended families are the norm. But there has been a recent explosion in the numbers using 804. . Even if the parents fail the Medicals a few years down the line it’s very difficult for Australia to tell them to leave - there would be numerous stories in the media! 

    I don’t know the answer - ending 804 would stop more entering Australia but would cause arguments in Parliament re human rights etc. 

    It’s a problem facing the whole world - an increasingly ageing population. Contributory visas do make a contribution towards medicare but realistically it doesn’t cover the potential costs. And I say all this as someone who’s already waited 6 years for their visa - and still waiting! 

    Appreciate your input and thoughts.  Hopefully not too much longer for you.

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  2. Hi Everyone,

    I’d like some feedback please regarding the following my mums 173 VISA application.
    After 6 years in Oct 2022 my mum got the request for Health Exam, Police checks etc.
    The Health Exam picked up something that needed further investigation which was cleared but did delay the final submission of all documents until February 2023.
    Based off another members journey from this thread @dunken (Congrats) I expect my mum should hear on her application in the next month or two.

    I guess we should be excited as her long wait appears to be coming to an end and I understand many others would love to be this close. 

    Crazy as this sounds, I can’t help thinking should she withdraw her 173 application, then travel here on a holiday VISA and apply for the 804 Aged Parent VISA.

    Reasons are, she is 77 now and her lifestyle is very different to when she applied, she won’t leave Australia once she’s here with me. 
    The additional VISA cost plus the requirement to apply for the 143 after 2 years is far more expensive that the 804, to me the money saved will go along way to pay for other things she will need.

    I do understand applying for the 804 will mean she goes on a bridging VISA and not become a permanent resident.  We are planning for her to live with me so she won’t need to buy a property or anything. 

    What are the other pros to the 173 I’m missing compared to the 804 path? 


  3. @wrussellyes, I was planning on doing this once my mothers VISA is through.

    Another thing I'm not sure on.
    The request checklist received asks for Australian Federal Police (AFP) National Police Check along with local Police and Health exam.
    Will my mum still need to complete an AFP NPC as it states the following-
    "If you are 16 years old or above and have lived in Australia for a cumulative total of 12 months or more in the last 10 years, you need to obtain an AFP National Police
    Certificate "
    She has not been in Australia over 12 months in the last 10 years.

    Should I get her to complete the AFP NPC anyway?

  4. Greetings everyone,

    My parents applied for the 173 VISA in 2016 and finally last week we got the email requesting Police and health checks.

    This is where things get tricky.  Last year my father, the Primary applicant passed away.  I know I should have somehow communicated this to the Dept Home Affairs but didn’t.
    My mother replied to last weeks email from the Dept Home Affairs advising of his death with the death certificate.  She also advised she will still continue with her application organising the Police and the health exam.

    Today she has received a response email advising of the withdrawal of the VISA application.  Interestingly it is only addressed to my deceased Father and does not make any reference to my mother as the secondary applicant.

    Does this mean, now the application has been withdrawn this also means my mother is withdrawn?  Or, will she get a further email confirming the change and request to continue with the Police and Health exam?

    Any views or help with this situation are greatly appreciated.

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