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Posts posted by AlanC

  1. 7 hours ago, horsemad1976 said:

    Statutory Dec is accepted so long as you can back it up with payslips (first and most recent).  What ANZSCO Code are you looking to receive assessment against?

    261312: Developer Programmer

  2. 10 hours ago, Barry1986 said:

    They are only looking for 8 years out of the last ten in your chosen occupation. Not sure if you can do a statutory declaration for your employment. Someone else may confirm this.

    Barry1986, your a star my friend... I had never considered that as an option but will look into it... Thanks again...

  3. 46 minutes ago, Lavers said:

    I've been there since I was a kid and always done whatever I can to help the business.

    You've been there a good few years so hopefully they will be just as understanding with you.

    It's not like your moving to another company and being disloyal your are trying to create a new life for yourself.

    Unfortunately though I don't see anyway around it for you.

    I know and you are absolutely right.... Just worried about risking a job thats been worked hard for and really enjoyed incase the Visa is unsuccessful.... Just a pity it cant be done later in the process when you can be more confident it will be granted.......  hey theme the rules, just have to decide how much we want this chance........ Unfortunately it isn't just my decision...

  4. 8 minutes ago, Lavers said:

    You can go to a direct manager I think instead of a director but that's depending if there's anyone like that above you. There's a good chance that they will contact them as well.

    For me it was straight to the director and I'm fortunate that he took it well.

    Yeah for me it would be straight to Director as well as thats my immediate superior...... This is a nightmare, finally get everything else that maybe an issue sorted then this pops up and maybe the biggest stumbling block of all.... Tell and risk all if the visa is unsuccessful.... Sounds like your employer is understanding....

  5. 4 minutes ago, Lavers said:

    Hi Alan

    I'm just about ready to hand in all my documents for stage 1 of my skill assessment. I've worked at the same company since leaving school 20 years ago.

    I think a reference from your current employer will be enough as it's for 12 years anyway, and I think they only really look at the past 10 years anyway.

    I had to tell my director last Monday what my plans where and he has given me everything that I need. I'm the works supervisor which doesn't help but he just told me that when and if I have a date when I'm leaving then we will take things from there.

    Unfortunately  you will have to speak to your boss as you need that reference.

    Also bare in mind that when you pay for stage 1 of your skills assessment you only have 14 days to submit your evidence.

    Hi... Thanks for the info..

    Problem is.. We are 43 and 47, visa applicant 43... Currently in a management role and the last thing we'd want to do is risk the job... Answer directly to the director so would be saying that if the visa is granted i'm off, that is a big risk cause if it isn't I fear it could ruin everything..... I understand the Australian ACS need to access skills/employment etc but this is a real risk..... Was hoping there would be another alternative.... grr...

  6. Hi All..... Need some help as we're not sure how to approach this one...

    Work experience: 2 employers since leaving university.. Employer 1 - 1997 to 2006.... Employer 2 - 2006 to Present.

    The first employer has been bought out by a new company so I am not sure who I would contact for a reference... Would a copy of my contract of employment and a letters showing start date and the date employment ended suffice?

    Current employer... How do we get a reference, which effectively tells the employer that theres an intention to leave at some point? Don't want to jeopardise current job incase Visa application is unsuccessful...

    Please help....

  7. 7 minutes ago, ali said:

    They seem to be interested in the prognosis for the next 5 years or so.  You're right in that they can't say never - but they should be able to say what they estimate the prognosis of the condition to be … if you've been having multiple problems over the last few years for example - the prognosis may be that it will get worse.  My letters were from my consultant and my sons paediatric consultant.

    Hi.. Sorry for all the questions.....

    So would I contact my consultants secretary for the letter as I have not got an appointment booked yet?  if I got the letter now, feel it maybe better so that I can see what they say before we get to far down the line and the medical didn't take place for say 6+ months would it still be viable?  

    Sorry just not used to doing this kind of thing...

  8. 11 minutes ago, ali said:

    You need to mention everything, especially if you are having follow up.  when we went for our medicals we were told to provide information of any illness/issues, any investigations/treatment and the outcome, how it effects you and the prognosis.

    Both my son and I had undergone renal investigations - I provided letters from our consultants which stated what investigations had been done, no further action was required and that is was unlikely to cause issue in the future.

    Your Dr will be able to provide a letter (you may have to pay) that since the surgery you have been treated with e.g. prescription analgesia on an as required basis , that it does not effect your capacity to work/you still function fully and that they see no major  surgery is intended.

    By providing all the information it can quickly get reviewed and it may then (as in our case) unlikely for further reports.

    Hi.. thanks for the reply...

    So did you get the information from your GP or a consultant?

    I take pain meds on a regular basis due to arthritis and been told I probably will for the rest of my life..  I am hoping that the Australian climate will change that, whenever I go abroad & not always to scorching hot places, I notice the change and often stop taking the painkillers as I feel better....  I was told by a nurse practitioner I know that the problem I have is the discs above and below the operation site are bulging and though they dont cause a problem and haven't in 9+ years, No DR, even though they believe it to be the case, can say that I may NEVER need further intervention.... So I am in a very difficult position....

    If you/anyone could help me with the type of info I have to obtain I would appreciate it.... Thanks..

  9. 13 hours ago, ali said:

    Do you have a condition that you are worried about in regards to passing the medical?

    Hi.... I think the issue for me is as follows..  

    Like most we have had medical issues in the past that are now, as far as a UK doctor is concerned, things that need monitoring every now and then just to make sure everything is okay and not because there is a current issue.. I had spine surgery in 2009 which went well but as a result of that surgery I have a disc bulge above and below the operation site, which has been present since 2009, they don't cause me any major problems and have only had a slipped disc once since. I have some minor sciatica but most do after having decompression surgery  ... Other that that its arthritis....

    My issue is as soon as I mention that I have had spine surgery all alarm bells are going to ring.... Now for some potentially dodgy information I was given.... I was told by someone that I should mention the arthritis but not the disc surgery as that would be seen as a high value cost to Australia, even though I have had NO substantial issues since surgery... My issue is.. 1) Starting this journey off in a dishonest manor, I'm not that into lying.... 2) The future, wouldn't the Australian government monitor your health, be funny if you suddenly had a previous op you never mentioned....

    GRRR I am so confused and really don't want to lose out on this opportunity and feel that out of the whole process this is the only thing that may stop US.. I don't want to ruin things for my partner...

  10. 1 minute ago, Mr and Mrs Holmesy said:

    Blood test, chest x-ray, tests which check cognitive functioning/ability (touching finger from nose to outstretched arm for example), eye test (similar to optician), urine test, feel of stomach for any hernias, checked glands in neck....think this was it. To be honest I fainted after the blood test and it was all a bit of a blur! 

    All passed and fine ?

    Oh no....  Fortunately Im not scared of needles so hopefully i'll stay upright....... Your exam seemed a bit more thorough...

  11. 1 hour ago, Nemesis said:

    Basic medical, chest x-ray, you declare your medical history and you don't need GP records. Unless you have a serious condition or illness you shouldn't have a problem. 

    So nothing to daunting......

  12. I feel that the stumbling block to any visa application we make may be the Medical so we are trying to gather as much information as possible before we make our decision to go forth and instruct an agent.... So....


    To all that have been through the Visa Medical process, with good or bad outcomes, I was wondering what type of questions you were asked, standard examinations you had etc.... Also do you give them access to your UK medical records?

  13. 14 minutes ago, Sharon said:

    I think I may need to postpone the wedding date and put in for a pmv ? But can I then travel over or would I need to wait until this was granted ? In other words can you travel on a tourist visa whilst waiting for the pmv ? Or is it better to wait until it’s granted ? Don’t think I’ll be marrying on feb 23rd 2019 somehow ?? xxxxx 

    Hi.... I don't know much about the visa process but I would assume if you put in for the PMV Visa you would still be able to go over on a tourist visa as long as you have a return ticket... I maybe wrong but hopefully someone on here with more knowledge can advise.......

    I know its sad about the marriage date but do this right and you'll have the rest of your lives together, not worth risking a 3 year ban...... Good Luck with it all.....

  14. Hi... Thanks Marisawright & Jsmull87....

    My partner has had long running back problems, had spine surgery back in 2009 but still suffers with the odd "Slipped Disc".. The only other treatments are medication for arthritis/osteoporosis pain which usually stops being taken when we are in warmer climates and the odd MRI scan to make sure everything is ok....

    We really feel a move to  Australia could be beneficial but wouldn't want to start the process if there wasn't much chance of us standing a chance...

    So should I message one of the people you list Jsmull87 with brief information? Thanks again...

  15. Hi... I am hoping that someone may be able to help us understand if a move to Australia is even possible..... I know that all anyone can offer is advice but that is all we are after at this stage so any information from knowledge or personal experience is appreciated.....

    Q: I am 43 and would be the main Visa applicant, my partner is soon to be 47.. Is my partner to old or would the application go through based on my age?

    Q: My profession is on the Skilled Occupation List 2017-2018... My partner has not worked for some time due to disability, they would hope to return to some PT work if we moved to Australia    as the climate would be beneficial to their health issue, would this be a problem, ie lack of partner work history/disability?

    These questions are just for starters but I feel they are the most important....

    Thanks for reading....... Oh and  "Hi everyone"


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