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Posts posted by s713

  1. Not really into Xmas here, doesn't feel quite right. I think if you want to embrace it, you have to go Aussie, beach & bbq etc. The whole roast dinner/round the table thing doesn't really work for me.

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  2. Never lived there, wife's Aunt used to and we visited a few times.

    Pros - Loads of pubs.

    Cons - virtually everything else. There's not much to do, it's a mining town and is set up as such, pubs and brothels. The shops were half day on a Saturday (closed Sunday) and, once you've been to the super pit and mining museum, you've nailed the attractions.

    It's not a bad place, it's a mining town in the middle of nowhere, it is what it is. Wouldn't move there with a family, if it's just the two of you, fair enough.

  3. 11 hours ago, juliaoz01 said:

    Hi Nicole

    Thanks for your reply. With regards to social issues, I find that there are many across the spectrum! Ranging from what I consider worrying social issues such as the problems they have with crystal meth here, to the social issues they have in just general lack of manners and general hospitality. I’ve never found Australians as being unfriendly however, but in Perth they are very secular and we both feel very much like outsiders. It’s like if you’re not from here you are missing some big piece of the puzzle. I find some things very disturbing in that I have been to places where couples are physically fighting and people just look away, or they are off their heads on drugs. Of course I have witnessed things like that in the uk, more to do with being drunk but in broad daylight when I have our 4 year old son with me it’s quite confronting. I’m from the north east where people will talk to anyone in general and you can chat away to people like you’ve known them all your life, so I just find it very much like it’s closed ranks here. Sometimes it’s nice don’t get me wrong! And it’s certainly not everyone. I don’t like the men here at all on the whole. A lot of them they have no manners and treat women like crap. They’ll happily just watch me struggle to pick up things or to get out of the car when I’m 8 months pregnant. In fact they seem to find it amusing. 

    Your husband is bang on about them being snippy. They have a huge chip on their shoulder, I have no idea why but they do. Perhaps it’s down to the fact they feel inferior to the rest of Australia, but if they adjusted their attitudes maybe they would be respected a bit more. The shops here close early and restaurants you’re lucky if they’re open past 8.30. I know there are more options in the city but you’d expect there to be really! It is weird, that’s definitely what the W stands for in WA! We have permanent residency and have spent a lot of time on the east coast. We’d love to move to Sydney but i just don’t know how we could realistically make it work from a financial point of view. The houses there are just so expensive. We want to live somewhere where you have a life - restaurants, shopping, museums and that’s a bit more cultured as well as beaches, parks etc. Sydney would be perfect but I don’t know if we could do it financially. I’ve been to Brisbane and liked that too, so that’s an option rather than just going. I just worry that if we moved over and still didn’t settle, that’s more money gone. Probably a lot less than moving home and wishing we’d stayed in Australia though!

    Are you in the uk or Australia? I feel such a failure for thinking like this and so soon, like everything we have dreamed of is just crashing down around us 😞

    We're leaving Perth after 10 years and returning to the UK and I would echo a lot of your post (I am a bloke by the way).

    The older generation in Perth are mostly fine but the young blokes are horrible. I would hate to have a daughter here having to choose a partner from this lot, they are sexist as hell and a lot are drinkers (or worse) and prone to very anti-social behaviour. I know that's a generalisation but it doesn't mean it isn't true.

    You're right about the drink and drug problems here, they're rife. My opinion is that most drugs in the UK tend to be more social e.g. Friday night drugs, drugs here are lifestyle drugs, you will see their effects all day, every day.

    We live in Joondalup and it's a ghost town, like most suburbs are. Looks nice on pictures, one of those perfect Facebook lives that has little behind the veneer.

    Unlike you though, I have the same opinion of the other States, I spend a fair amount of time on the road and, whilst I do find WA people scruffier and weirder, I think Aussies in general are fairly similar wherever.

    After typing that, I still have to confess I have enjoyed most of our time here, it was worth doing. I just don't want to do it anymore, there is more to life than what's here.

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  4. On 30/11/2018 at 15:20, Amber Snowball said:

    How are your plans going? When do you expect to be back? It’s been very windy and wet recently and I still like it! 😁

    Had house valued, which wasn't great news. Regardless, it's going up in January then it's just a waiting game. We are selling our furniture as we expect to be in a much smaller place so I'm just trying to plan through coordinating the house sale date, furniture sell, car sell, 2 dogs travel, work notices, etc. Bit of a minefield but we'll get there.

  5. You can get a Liverpool/London train from Runcorn.

    Love Frodham. The Bear's Paw, Netherton Hall, Helter Skelter, Delamere Forest, Helsby Hill etc. Will be doing all that regularly when I get back!

  6. 23 minutes ago, Gbye grey sky said:

    Actually not a huge fan of chips as such.  However it is very apparent that potato varieties available to buy here are not on a par with the UK.  No substitute for Maris Pipers, King Edwards etc.  Hardly surprising really as the climate (and soil?) in much of Australia is probably not as conducive to potato growing as the UK.

    Australia more than makes up for it in other ways.  Mango season now mmmm.  I tried mangoes in the UK and hated them so when I first had one here I was amazed how great they taste.....and the texture.  Like other soft tropical fruits I expect they don’t travel that well.

    Yeah, but fish & mangoes sounds horrible 😁.

    • Haha 2
  7. 17 hours ago, Paul1Perth said:

    15% down from their peak and nowhere near the price of Sydney or Melbourne. 

    I teckon if you are in the market, see a nice house you like in an area you like and you want to live there for a few years then now is as good a time as any.

    Peak or not, like I said ours is 15% down on what I could have got for it. And the 'value' continues to fall, will do for a while I suspect.

    I wouldn't buy now, I'd wait, they'll come down more. Been coming down since 2014, 2 or 3 more years of it yet.

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