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Posts posted by MrsRich

  1. That's fantastic @Ozzie! I'm so glad you have such a great first impression. I'm sure it will stay, even after the initial excitement has worn off and the daily 'grind' of work etc sets in. I love Brissy. It's a great (and often unfairly maligned) city and even though I grew up in NSW, I still consider Brisbane home. I can't wait to get back there! I just wish my husband would hurry up and set a moving date!

    All the best for you new life!

  2. Hi everyone!

    I'm relatively new to this forum, but thought I would share our stats with you. I'm Australian and my husband is British. We met in 2001 when I was here (UK) on a working-holiday visa. We spent a year in Australia (2002-2003) where we got married, but moved back to the UK shortly afterwards. We have two children aged 9 and 7 who have dual-citizenship. Anyway, here is our timeline:

    • DOL: 5th June 2017
    • Sponsor's Oz police certificate: 9th June 2017
    • Medical: 15th June 2017
    • UK police certificates: 10th July 2017
    • 309/100 visa GRANTED: 12th July 2017 !!

    So, overall it took 5 weeks and 2 days! We are still in shock (understatement!) and can't quite believe that it happened so quickly. We don't really have a plan as yet, but will be heading to sunny Bris-vegas as that is where most of our friends and family are.

    Oh, and we had no contact from CO's. Our status went straight from 'received' to 'granted'. It never even changed to 'in progress'!

    Right, I had better get packing :D:o

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