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Everything posted by seeker

  1. I did e-mailed to review committee and other senate members as mentioned by others in previous posts. looks like immigration people informing the people to wait till september to get an update weather bill will pass or not. I am not clear on the travel restrictions after visa is lodged and while approval is still pending. Immigration site mention that we can travel outside Australia after the case is approved and travelling out of Australia after the case is approved doesn't impact the case status. However it did not mention explicitly anything about travelling before case is approved. People lodging the applications and no one knows when it is going to get approved, Based on current citizenship rules and processing times,it may taken anywhere between 6-12 months to get approval( it is an assumption). Are we legally allowed to travel outside Australia when the case yet to be approved? I will be lodging my application in sep, I have travel plans end of the year and want take long vacation 3-4 months. while I dont find any info reg that some people are saying that we are not supposed to travel out side Australia while case is in pending approval state. Want to get right info reg that. Experts, could you please share your thoughts?
  2. Is it worth to sending the concerns to parliamentary committe? http://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Senate/Legal_and_Constitutional_Affairs/CitizenshipBill2017
  3. So.. It due date is September in september? What is the situation of the people who lodged the applications after April 20th?. Are they allowed to travel outside Australia for few months? Should they need inform DIBP before they travel? will their applications considered if they are outside of Australia when Citizenship application is in progress?
  4. Looks like that the situation, need to wait to next parliament sessions in August/Sep. Liberals will not be able to pass the bill in current form, have to amend them and make sure crossbench or labour are OK with the changes... Till then DIMP will not process the citizenship applications lodged after the April 20th
  5. Proposed amendments have many rules which doesn't make any sense 1) English test: People who took English exam to get PR, should take the exam again for Citizenship. Every year around 150000 people taking the citizenship, if at least 75% of them take at least one time and everyone may not be able to clear in first attempt, in this case they have appear for the exam again. Assuming 20% of them appear for test twice, which would be around 150000 attempts needs to be given, which is 150000*330$=50 million dollars goes to English tests centers pockets, so government is looting our money and giving to private organisations. Number of human hours effort required to pass the test: on an average if we assume 100 hours required to prepare for the test, which would be 15 million hours effort. just to prove that we can speak, read, write and listen English, though have taken the same exam 4 years ago to get a PR and living in English speaking country for at least 4 years. 2) " increase the maximum period of deferral for making the pledge of allegiance to become an Australian citizen from 12 months to 2 years" On the contrary, you should take the pledge within the 12 months after the case is approved' "provide for the discretionary cancellation of approval of Australian citizenship where the applicant is required to make the pledge of allegiance before becoming a citizen and the applicant fails to make the pledge within 12 months after being approved to become an Australian citizen and the reason for the failure is not one prescribed by the Regulation" Be ready to wait for more time after the citizenship case is approved, max 2 years. so after getting a PR, to get Aussie passport we need to wait 5 to 6 years and 3) Superior powers to minister to cancel the approved citizenship cases. Do u want to go to court? don't waste the money again, Minister and have a final call.
  6. Proposed amendments link is below, refer page 76 for English requirements. http://parlinfo.aph.gov.au/parlInfo/download/legislation/ems/r5914_ems_93402f76-ce95-4678-928f-9d18e6de4fda/upload_pdf/636073.pdf;fileType=application%2Fpdf
  7. Law has mentioned " Language Tests, Score and Passports 2015 (IMMI 15/005) prescribed in the Migration Regulations 1994", which means you can take IELTS or PTE or TOFEL or CAE or OET and have to demonstrate competent level score.
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