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Posts posted by Evandale

  1. On 10/22/2017 at 12:02, Toots said:

    Just heard on the radio that a bushfire on the east coast in the St Helens area has burnt 4,600 hectares of thick bush.  It's so dry there - and here because of the rain everything is lush and green.  I hope they get a lot of rain before summer starts.

    We once escaped a huge bush fire Toots and this was one of the reasons we left our rural location. My thoughts with the victims but thankfully so far no loss of life !

    • Like 1
  2. Dont know whether this helps...http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/help-with-your-research/research-guides/divorces/...or.....https://www.gov.uk/copy-decree-absolute-final-order... and then....http://www.border.gov.au/Lega/Lega/Form/Immi-FAQs/who-can-witness-statutory-declarations..... usually these people are pretty efficient I believe and maybe ask for them to be sent via registered mail which you can pay for. Good luck!

    Decrees absolute (1858 to present)

    Consult the GOV.UK website for details of how to request a copy of a decree absolute, legal proof of a divorce in England or Wales. If you don’t know which court ratified the divorce you can ask the Central Family Court to carry out a search (£) by filling in a D440 form.

  3. 12 minutes ago, Marinulay said:

    Yes i thiught id best put it down. But what about divirce papers i cant produce??? Will they want them?? Could take weeks!!

    If you are in the Uk you can obtain them from the local registry or the council registry offices where you married.

    You then will have to have them certified as genuine copies by a JP or an authorised signatory.

    Immigration wont be impressed if you refrain from giving genuine information, what a vast sum to lose if your application is rejected.

    NB They will require sight of your divorce papers see above..... and all previous names you have been known as . you can do the leg work yourself to save time!

  4. 6 minutes ago, abhvor87700 said:


    BREAKING NEWS: a win for multicultural Australia

    I wanted you to know straight away, just moments ago, the Senate here in the Australian Parliament threw out the Government’s changes to Australia citizenship laws. 

    That means they have said no to the university level English test. It means they have said no to the three year additional wait that was going to cause some people to wait more than ten years before they got to become Australian citizens. 

    Because of the university English test, some people were going to live here their entire working lives and were never going to be able to become Australian citizens. 

    So right now, we’ve just had the win that you’ve been campaigning for. 

    I want to give you full credit, because let’s not pretend this was done by members of Parliament. 

    This was done by an extraordinary community activism that you were part of and you made sure that you never wasted a conversation.

    This will make a real difference to the lives of people who will become good Australian citizens. 

    This will make a massive difference in people’s lives. 

    And will guarantee that a whole lot of people who were never going to hear the words ‘Welcome home’ will now be able to make a pledge of commitment to Australia. 

    Now the Government may well have another go at this. 

    The Government may well come back and try again. 

    So, if you are eligible for Australian citizenship under current law my advice is don't waste time. 

    Get your application in under current law. Get your application in before the government tries to do this again. 

    I was Minister for Citizenship for a time and when I was, I got to write the message that was read out of every citizenship ceremony and the message that I had finished with the words ‘Welcome home.’

    We want to be able to say ‘welcome home’ to you. 

    Those of you who are ready to become good Australian citizens, those of you who are ready to make your pledge of commitment to Australia. Get your applications in. Make the application go through the existing test. Make your pledge of commitment to this country and the Labor Party will be very, very proud to say back to you ‘welcome home’. 

    No doubt the government will come back. 

    There will be another attempt at this. 

    But right now enjoy the victory, enjoy the moment and know your activism made this happen.






    On reading some "dummy questions" and "dummy" being the operative word, the standard of English was shameful.

    Yes this is a victory for the Labour party.. well done!

    • Like 2
  5. If you are posting you are required to fill out a customers declaration form  stating the value of the item. If you tick "gift" and it is under the $900 threshold then hopefully you are fine. Unless it is a special tent would it not be cheaper to buy here or get your friends to look on Gumtree etc?

  6. 2 hours ago, ScottieGirl said:

    Buy it in Sainsbury's wrap it in a plastic bag and put it in your suitcase. That's  what I do loads cheaper than duty free at Sydney  airport. Plus you can't  buy it at duty free at an Airport outside Australia, a rort to get people to buy on arrival.

    He/She is moving from Dubai and I havent seen a Sainsburys nestled in the dunes there !  .... if the  "Movers" said not to pack it, I would imagine that the OP has alcohol they were considering packing.   I often see on my travels duty free retailers provide a gate service.... Imo the word duty free has become somewhat of a rort in many places of the world, the UK being the biggest offender but Australia is very generous with its allowances and I personally dont find the cost of spirits too prohibitive. 

    It very much depends whether ...

    You can purchase duty free items:

    • at the last airport you stop at before entering Australia if the duty free retailer provides a gate delivery service
    • onboard the last leg of your flight to Australia
    • upon arrival at an Australian international airport.


    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, samwise said:

    Also, for the 2.25 litres of alcohol allowance, one needs to carry it from duty free shops at departure / arrival Airport Only. You can’t carry the ones you have lying at home I guess. Correct me please if I am wrong.



    Sent using Poms in Oz mobile app

    I have bought back on many occasions duty paid spirits that I have had overseas and as long as it complies with the allowance you should be fine.. however you cannot take a volume of liquid over the 100mls into the sterile area so it will have to go in the hold.

    Regarding vaping samwise, I have no idea but have a look at this link...https://safesmoke.com.au/australian-laws/.



    • Like 1
  8. 10 minutes ago, samwise said:


    I was wondering the quantity of tobacco / cigarettes and alcohol I am allowed per person to carry with me when I move to Australia. Also, is there any provision to move such items by ship / cargo? My movers told me not to pack any such stuff.

    I am moving from Dubai.



    Sent using Poms in Oz mobile app

    Alcohol. Up to 2.25 litres of alcoholic beverages (liquor, wine and champagne) per adult (passenger must be 18 years or over) can be brought into Australia duty-free. All alcohol in accompanied baggage is included in this category.


    From 1 July 2017, the duty free allowance for all travellers bringing tobacco products into Australia will be reduced from 50 grams to 25 grams of tobacco, as well as one open packet. The new allowance includes tobacco in any form (cigarette, loose leaf, etc). Travellers with more than this amount will be required to pay duty on all tobacco in their possession, unless they agree to dispose of the excess.

    Each adult is permitted to enter Australia with 25 units.


    Your shipper  is correct!




  9. Baby steps, take each day as it comes. Dont over complicate things.... the very fact that you have gone back shows how much family are important to you and quite frankly your Mother will begin to worry about your own little family over in Australia being without you.  Let your Mother make her own decisions, flying off to foreign lands whilst in a confused state of mind isnt healthy/and or not the best solution.... but you can work out some strategies for her visiting/holidays etc. Panic mode decisions are not the best but you will work it out given time! Emigrating can sound romantic and exciting but it has some heart wrenching moments. Very best wishes!

    • Like 3
  10. What a gorgeous  day it is here. 25 and rising over the week apparently. The mop top trees are out , Evandale is ablaze in blossom, it really looks like an English village at the moment.  Planted some weeping cherries, a variety of apples  and olive trees a while back and had some stunning blossom already... 

    Almost time to put the pool out for the head of the house.. our pooch!

    mop top trees.jpg

    • Like 2
  11. 56 minutes ago, Indianinoz said:


    1) Our home is carpet. Its just been a few weeks in our rental home but both me and my wife feel it is making us sick. We keep getting these static electricity currents which were not the case before when we were in a home without carpet. Also, it seems the dust on the carpet is not helping us. Can we get it removed through the real estate agent?

    2) Our home has the old style of electrical meter within the home which only allows me switch off the entire electricity for the home. The other circuit breakers like 'stove', 'lights', 'power1', 'power 2' etc. are sealed in a way that only an electrician can turn them off/on. My friend who is an electrician says they're now illegal and the home should mandatory have these circuit breakers unsealed. My real estate's electrician says though the 'sealed way' is outdated, it is not illegal because when our home was built(and its an old home), the 'sealed way' was prevalent and hence it is not illegal. The real estate'es electrician said that I cannot force the owner of the property to unseal the circuit breakers. Who is correct?


    You rented the house with carpet (fitted I imagine) therefore it will have to stay unless you come to some arrangement with the estate agent or owners, but you will have to replace it like for like I would have thought! The nylon content in the carpet will be the culprit giving you slight shocks as opposed to 100% wool. If you google static in carpets there are several remedies you can try!.. Woolworths hire out "Rug Doctors" !

    Regarding the electricity http://www.fairtrading.nsw.gov.au/ftw/Consumers/Product_and_service_safety/Electrical_safety.page

    The RE's electrician would be aware of the rules.

    In Europe it was mandatory to be able to switch off the oven and hotplates from a central switch on the wall.... our last house in Tasmania which was built appro 17 years ago didnt have this facility which was a constant "beef" of mine for safety reasons but apparently legal. A nightmare when children are around/and standard practice for me after cooking to switch off!  Luckily now we have this facility!

    Maybe with all these various allergies you are better off looking for a tiled flooring premises, so easy to keep clean! Good luck!



    New South Wales

    Safety switches are only required in home built or substantially rewired after 1991.http://www.build.com.au/safety-switch-laws-and-requirements

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  12. When living in a mining town, from a resident's point of view I thought FIFO was soul destroying from a resident's point of view. Supermarkets were depleted by the camps on a regular basis. The lovely country airport with free parking was upgraded to accomodate the 4b's, naturally with parking fees. FIFO inflates airline prices to the detriment of locals . massive costs...It has been known for me to spend a grand on a one way two hour flight to the capital which worked out more expensive in some cases than a return to Europe.

    The bonus with FIFO is that the hospital has been upgraded bringing in new skills/professionals..hospitality/hotels are thriving.. employment  rate is 1.54%...population approx 22,000.

    My OH has been FIFO'ing for the last 4 years as in general , mining towns can be very transient and its hard to hold onto skilled staff.

  13. 47 minutes ago, s713 said:

    Like most things in Perth, when work finishes on something it is already outdated. They have been working on the airport and surrounding roads for years, they still are. And by the time they finish, they'll have to start again.

    The absolute lack of foresight/future planning here beggars belief; the time, effort and money wasted must be enormous. Why not just do it right in the first place?

    Totally agree with you there, Perth airport is my least favourite and having to take the bus from one domestic terminal  for a Virgin domestic flight to the international terminal is very tiresome!

  14. 5 minutes ago, Parley said:

    I presume a landlord will not even be allowed to ask if a tenant has a pet.

    And even if a tenant didn't have a pet at the start they could always buy one late if they chose.

    A tenant pays a bond anyway which is there to protect the landlord against any damage. They can also take out landlord's insurance.

    The same applies for children Parley, if they didnt commence with kids then they can always have one later pmsl! Regarding Landlord's insurance there lies the problem they will have the usual stipulations!

  15. 33 minutes ago, wrussell said:

    The DIBP has announced that they will no longer be sending reminders about second stage partner visa pocessing.

    You cannot really expect this level of servive for a measly $7000 +.

    I admire your sense of the ridiculous! and "tongue in cheek" pmsl

    • Haha 1
  16. 42 minutes ago, Pura Vida said:

    Worst I had was Barra. Mistook it for being a short hand version of Barramundi, a different kettle of fish all together. You can't beat fresh caught and cooked fish, regardless, for the most part of variety. (never fresh water Mekong Bara though) If deep fried usually find Snapper does the trick out here, if Barramundi unavailable.  But grilled far better.

    Chips I agree. Rather poor most places. Some exceptionally so. Most palatable if not much more.  

    Are you talking about Barracuda and the shortened version is "cuda"! normally "Barra" is shortened  for  Barramundi!

    • Like 1
  17. 4 minutes ago, Toots said:

    Who are you with for broadband Evandale?  At the moment I am with Telstra but when I go to the NBN it is a lot more expensive than some of the other providers.  

    At the moment Toots we are with Telstra Wireless, there are so many packages available, I have to do some research before committing to a contract. 

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