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Elaine N

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Everything posted by Elaine N

  1. Thanks. I sent my results to my migration agent last night so hopefully she will update my EOI soon as! Now it’s back to waiting I haven’t heard any news about anyone getting an invite from the January rounds, I wonder if anyone else has heard anything?
  2. Hi, Cobs_Ahoy. Not sure if you’re still using this thread. Just wanted to say thanks for the advice on getting the PTE question bank before the exam. Managed to pass to get the extra points I needed!
  3. Amazing! Well done! There is one coming up on the 10th February. I’ve purchased the PTE mock test and I’ll definitely have a look at the ‘question bank’. The IELTS totally rocked my confidence but the PTE definitely doesn’t seem as bad! Thanks very much.
  4. I’m hoping to get another 10 points for my English test. I only managed to get 10 the last time I took the IELTS, missed an 8 in writing by half a point! Going to try the PTE this time. Hopefully will get the full 20 this time round! Looking forward to hearing how everyone gets on with their grants.
  5. Hi, I’m a social worker from the UK. I’ve applied for NSW 491 with 75 points. I was originally looking at WA before they closed. I have a 190 for NSW as well but not holding out much luck as I’ve only got 65 for that! sent my EOI for WA in May 2021. Not heard anything yet. And just recently lodged with NSW when they opened. No heard anything from them either.
  6. If you can ask school to write a letter stating that he doesn’t need 1:1 support, he manages well in the mainstream environment and the projection is that he will maintain a mainstream placement. All this kind of evidence will help.
  7. Hi LKC, thanks so much for this. My son is five this year. He gets great support here but it's that thing of he is very able and the support is aimed at maximising on that rather than being at the early stages of 'intensive intervention' (he has had support since he was two). The powers that be in Education feel he could go to mainstream but he's non verbal (little functional use) so we are applying for ASN place for the first three years of primary. After that the projection is mainstream as he is assessed as a capable learner. We were hoping to start the visa process then make the move permanent in three year. However it seems from what everyone is saying it's best to hang off until my son is older maybe nearing the end of primary to enhance our chances! Hope you don't mind me asking do U feel that u and ur daughter are supported well In meeting her needs. There is huge benefit of staying put where we are with such easy access to services but we really feel the quality of life Australia can offer would be great for our kids ( which we would of course work hard for!).
  8. Sorry I wasn't suggesting that Australia or those that live in Australia view ASD as a negative thing I meant the agent I was talking to and their reaction made me feel like it was negative thing. My siblings are all out in Oz and my sister has a young family there and they have a great life surrounded by great people.
  9. Thanks this is so reassuring. My son was diagnosed just last year but we have known since he was two but for other reasons didn't have him assessed. He has had significant early intervention mainly sourced and urged by myself as I could see where he needed the support. He has made such significant progress in the last two years and even in the last 6 months his verbal and social communication is amazing! He is 'Nonverbal' however it's the old situation of he has greater understanding of communication than he does on use of verbal. But the pediatrician that assessed him was very impressed by his ability to learn and engage that his projection is very positive. We are very fortunate that my son does have great support from multi agencies here and we hope to continue that to maximise on his early development but it's not felt that he will need such intensive support through out life. We were not thinking about immigrating for another three years we just wanted the visa process started. I am having a bit of a rant here I realise but I am so upset that ASD is so negativity looked upon. I am so happy that your son is doing great despite the difficulties he experienced at school. Hope life is treating u well in Oz! X
  10. Thanks for all the advice. Quoll, currently we are hoping to secure an ASN primary 1 place for my son but this is to assist him with his mainstream education hopefully after the first three years of primary. The projection is that my son with be mainstream educated and a competent learner ( as far as we are aware there are no other developmental delays). Will my sons history of having intensive intervention work against him? Not that we would withdraw anything that would impact on this learning. Am just feeling a big lost with this all!
  11. I am very new to this group and joined for the reason being discussed with MrsWhu. It's so reassuring to know someone somewhere has had their visa accepted! We are in the position that we want to immigrate to Oz from Scotland. we were initially told we were very eligible candidates but when the immigration agent found out our 4yrs old was ASD they pretty much said no thanks! I have contacted Peter Bollard explained the basics. His reply was that 'there was no prospect of our application being successful'. I think people hear autism and expect the worst case scenario! We are considering using a different agent and going ahead with the visa process and hope when it comes to the medical we will be given the opportunity to evidence our sons abilities. I was just wondering if anyone would have any advise. Thanks.
  12. I am very new to this group and joined for the reason being discussed with MrsWhu. It's so reassuring to know someone somewhere has had their visa accepted! We are in the position that we want to immigrate to Oz from Scotland. we were initially told we were very eligible candidates but when the immigration agent found out our 4yrs old was ASD they pretty much said no thanks! I have contacted Peter Lombardand explained the basics. His reply was that 'there was no prospect of our application being successful'. I think people hear autism and expect the worst case scenario! We are considering using a different agent and going ahead with the visa process and hope when it comes to the medical we will be given the opportunity to evidence our sons abilities. I was just wondering if anyone would have any advise. Thanks.
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