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Lynn Moore

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Everything posted by Lynn Moore

  1. Hang on in there Ian. It seems like forever but will be here soon enough. I've waited that long and have just been made redundant and would have been ideal if they had carried on with the 18 months it takes but alas its not to be. Anyway I am sick of waiting and am just enquiring to setting up my own dog grooming salon to take my mind of it. I anticipate we will be here another year so might as well do something I love. Myself and my husband are going over in Feb for a holiday/recce. We are going to visit some driving/job agencies to see what the likelihood of my husband getting a driving job will be. Where are you headed when you move out there. We are going to Adelaide.
  2. Hi catlady2014. Many congrats on finally getting to OZ. I would have messaged earlier but currently doing a dog grooming course so not on the site much in last 5 weeks but in my final week next week so can catch up more often. Anyway enough about me. I am really pleased for you and your family. Good luck and best wishes in your new life. Hopefully myself and my husband will be following next year. xx
  3. Hi Bear My lodgement date it 5th June 2015 please add me to the list. thanks
  4. Hi Ian. We first applied on 5th June 2015 so its been a long wait. Still a while to go though as not heard anything since. I have not been on POMS for a couple of weeks as have been away so got excited when I saw 7th Jan but later saw 13th Jan so beside myself now. When did you apply and are you using an agent?
  5. woo hoo we are finally in 2015 visa applications. I've just nearly jumped off the couch. Here goes everyone with 2015 applications.
  6. At long last I bet you are so relieved, many congrats. You will soon be there. x
  7. Many congratulations its such exciting news. Happy house hunting xx
  8. Good luck, another one out of the waiting room, so pleased for you. Hope everything goes smoothly. Stay in touch let us know how you get on. xx
  9. Thanks for the feedback we are moving to Adelaide. Its much appreciated. Millionaires, if only. Good luck to you also.
  10. Hi We are going over in Feb for a holiday so will go to some driving agencies whilst out there to get their advice. I know the exchange rate is so bad. We have just come into a windfall and wanted to transfer it into our bank account over there but will hold off for the moment. Hope you're all feeling better soon. xx
  11. Hi Amanda Thanks for the advice it's all helpful. We are going over in Feb so are going to go some Agencies to ask their advice. xx
  12. Hi All I need some advice if possible. Myself and my husband will be in this waiting room until next year. Not that I am complaining much as you are all a lovely bunch and it makes me so happy when I read someone has reached the end of the waiting room and is off to new adventures. Anyway, I am doing a dog grooming course in October in preparation for our move but my husband is a HGV driver for 31 years. He will be 57 when we move over and we are worried his age will go against him as we will have to work until we receive our pensions. For people who are already over there or may know something do you foresee this as a problem. Because if he cannot get a job we will have been in the longest waiting room for nothing and will not be able to move. Any advice is very much appreciated.
  13. Good luck with the move. Well done for finally getting out of the longest and most frustrating waiting room I have ever been in haha.
  14. Good luck Fisher1. I wish you and your family the very best of wishes and good luck to you all. Please let us all know how you get on and thanks for all the tips. I have got about 6-10 months left of waiting that is if they keep to the 33 months. Fingers crossed. Enjoy
  15. that is fantastic news. I am being made redundant in a couple of months and if the visas had gone to plan 12-18 months it would have worked out perfectly. At this rate I am going to have to find another job to tide me over. I have not had an interview for 22 years. I'm a bit rusty. I don't write a lot on the forum but read all the emails daily. I am routing for everyone on the Site and hope this information is true as it will mean a lot of happy people desperate to see their loved ones. My daughter, son-in-law and grandson (now 7) moved out 5 years ago but she is coming over in Sept for a week, so well excited. Keep your chin up everyone one day we will be there (we might be alcoholics by the time we arrive) will just have to move near a Dan Murphy's or Thirsty Camel.
  16. Hi. Myself and hubby managed to open an account while on holiday last year my daughter puts money in for me. But we cannot get a bank card until we move over. It was with NAB. Hope this helps. Lynn
  17. Hi Bev. Yes will keep each other updated. Can't even go on a bridging visa as my husband is a class 1 driver and cannot sit his test over there until we are residents.
  18. Hi Goeff & Gill. My agent did say the visa applications were takings 6 months longer than normal due to lack of efficiency. So yes hopefully he is right in saying it was my last Xmas in UK. But was hoping to move July/Aug as I finish work in June so would have been perfect but its looking more like later in the year now. :confused: Lynn
  19. Hi. Looking at other applicants processing times it is looking more like 30 months. So when my agent said I will be on OZ this year I was hoping July/aug not back end of this year, which is what it is looking like.
  20. Thank you Sue for the update. I have been assured by my visa agent that Xmas just gone will have been the last in the UK. Fingers crossed. Good luck to you also hope yours comes through quickly.
  21. I have been looking at your website for nearly 2 years now and cannot believe the wealth of knowledge and friendliness. I lodged my 143 visa application (contributory parent visa) back in July 2015 (18 months of sheer frustration:arghh: ). Is anyone else currently lodging the same visa application are you in the same boat. Does anyone know why it is taking so long. I have a daughter, 7 year old grandson and son-in-law I can't wait to see. Any information would be greatly received.:ssign16:
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