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Everything posted by Nita16

  1. Hi Fisher 1, I would also like to thank you for your excellent post. My husband and I have also decided to go it alone without an agent. After reading the posts I was beginning to worry that we had made the wrong decision but you are quite right, everyone's reasons are different . We do just as you say, read everything several times and even read it aloud, that often helps when you can't decide what something means! I'm the patient one and my husband is good with details so it's a good combination ( so far:)), fingers crossed). As you said everyone is different. Good luck to all. Cheers, Nita
  2. Thanks Sue. Its hard not to get excited at the thought of a brand new life. It is hard to keep it a secret especially for a chatterbox like me! Fingers crossed that the backlog of applications gets cleared up. Roll on on 2017. Cheers Nita
  3. Thanks for the reply, I only just noticed it it. Hope you had a great Christmas. Many new year greetings to all forum members. Let's hope it's a memorable one for all and the beginning of new adventures for all. We de decided not to tell anyone quite literally so it is great to have a place where I can at talk about Australia as well as ask questions about the process. It's a big secret to keep. I also noticed the advice on how to update profiles so I'll check that out, thanks. Cheers Nita
  4. Hey Peterhall, thanks for the reply, sorry to hear that you've not heard anything since April 2015. Let's hope you are top of their list. Encouraging news that so many visa grants have been processed so people can move on to the next part of the process of actually moving. We have decided not to tell anyone we have applied yet to avoid the eternal ' you still here' conversation. Cheers Nita
  5. Hi Julie, thanks for your your help. I did a little reading and was thinking of creating an immi account / or by attaching the online form to an email? Would that work, as I also have to let them know that I have renewed my passport. Which is why we told our son we would inform immi of both. He is about to go off shore and sadly as boys tend to be not the most efficient at keeping up with things like this or laid back as he likes to call it. Many thanks for taking the time to reply, it's much appreciated. Also, nice to see so many of the forum members getting their visa grants and making us 2016's see the light at the end of the tunnel. Cheers, Nita
  6. Hey all, Many congratulstions on the visa grants, amazing news just in time for the festive season. I have a question. I have just renewed my passport and my son, who is our sponsor has just moved, what is the best way to inform PVC? Your help is much appreciated. Also, is it normal not to hear from immi for six months? We applied just over six months ago and apart from the first acknowledgement, we have heard nothing since. However, sadly I think I know the answer to this one ( Cheers, Nita
  7. Hey Fisher and all, Wow that's so much information that I had never even heard of. Firstly big congratulations to the visa grants, wonderful new. Secondly, following the posts on this forum the one thing that I did notice is what a friendly group of people you all are. Which is why I took the plunge and signed up. It is a lonely and stressful period to apply and wait for so long when all you want to do is be with your child/children, sharing your experiences with others makes it a better journey. Cheers Nita
  8. Hey Fisher1, Thank-you for your message and to be honest I can't believe we are in the waiting room. It really does help having an insight to the process. In our circumstances at the moment we are not ready even if the visa came tomorrow. However, that doesn't mean we are complacent and having your words of wisdom on being prepared are very helpful. iIf you are in the UK over Christmas, hope you have a very merry Christmas. Cheers, Nita
  9. Hi Julie 1499, Thank-you for your reply. We are lucky that our case is not complicated. We haven't applied through agent, being the holder of two law degrees, my husband said I was quite capable of filing the form in. Also, my son had applied for PR without the need of an agent so we decided to go it alone. Thankfully, I am in really good health and am quite active, gym, yoga and swimming. My husband has a few minor issues but the gym, yoga and swimming should help. We have been told our house should sell quickly. I think you hit the nail on the head everyone's case is different and personal to them. When we applied the wait was approximately 24 months but as we have realised in reality it is much longer. At the moment we are quite busy so the time should go quickly but it is a long wait and there will come the time when we just want to get on with it (the move),which is why I asked about other experiences. Thanks again for your reply, Nita
  10. Hey all, I just wanted to say a massive congrats to all 2014's we have had their visa grants. After much ummimg and r img I decided to join up because you guys all seem to be one massive family. This is my first post post but it I have been following some of the journey that you have been on. My husband and I applied just before the referendum because it seemed the right time for us even though I am a couple of years below 50, he is slightly above. For us it was the best option. I have a question; how do you know/ or when do you decide that it is right time to start selling up, planning the move etc without having the visa granted? We love our house and would be too scared to sell it without the assurance that our visa will be granted. I realise that this is different for everyone but your thoughts/ experiences will be grateful. Cheers.
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