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Posts posted by Backtoback

  1. Manybe it's just up North where its poor. Manchester and the surrounding areas is a good example. The train services operated by Northern Rail are poor, over crowded, expensive and unreliable. The pacer trains are a nightmare. Literally a bus body and a train carriage. They are sending old London Underground trains to Manchester. The bus service is OK in the center but into the outer towns its poor. The Tram is ok but slow for the outer towns. For example it takes 45 mins - 1 hour to get from Rochdale to Manchester. It takes 20 mins on the train and the number 17 bus is quicker than the tram.


    Disagree. I grew up in Fleetwood in North West Lancashire, and having never driven I can honestly say I have never had any problems with transport. Direct bus to Blackpool where there are trains all across the north west and Yorks, including one to London. Used to spend a lot of time in Manchester which has an awesome tram/rail/bus system too.


    Its awfully generalised to assume THE NORTH is all the same.

  2. The thing I object to is the quality of the reporting, people's search activity is no indicator of their voting intention, these c*ap newspapers just have one agenda only, to get the UK out of Europe without any consideration of what lies or innuendos it takes, they have consistently sought to exploit prejudices and ignorance.


    Great quotes from the most disgusting right wing publications in the UK (referring to the previous links which you then quoted :/ )

  3. My health check was £295 in London and my police check was £80.

    I got them all done within a few weeks of submitting the visa online.


    Everything else I am afraid I cannot really help you with, but we have just sold our flat (luckily) and will be taking £20,000 to help us set up out there with rent etc. However, we have an advantage in that my partners family are all Melbourne based, so we have places to stay for the first few weeks.

  4. We have WP as our case officer. Totally stunned as haven't seen anyone get it that quickly - having a cocktail to celebrate as we're on holiday in Portugal - good timing! Hopefully this means a few others will get a quick turnaround too.



    Wahoo, congrats!! I check Immi account every day but we are still a few months behind everyone, as we only submitted 12/04 or thereabouts....so impatient though!

  5. Hi everyone,


    I applied for the 309 visa at the start of April and we are now just in the waiting game. We have decided to quit our jobs, sell the flat and go travelling before we take the plunge and emigrate. We are spending Sep-Dec in Central America, coming back to the Uk for Xmas to say our goodbyes and then heading off the SE Asia on Dec 26 to March 30th.


    Has anyone done this route and can recommend an itinerary? Any must see places? I have done Thailand quite extensively so don't want to spend too much time there. This is what we are considering:


    London to KL - Dec 26th

    Bit of Malaysian mainland

    Thailand - not Bangkok or Phuket





    Maybe an island in the Phillipines budget permitting

    Fly to Melb from KL again...


    Any suggestions appreciated :)

  6. I hope that all goes well for you! I wish we had a time scale that short! Our house won't go on the market till the end of this year as we have to wait for me to finish my degree in December, then I have to work here 3 months full time before applying for my Aussie registration. So based on that and kids doing GCSE's our earliest fly out date would be 1st July next year! It seems an eternity away and I just want to be back in Oz now! After years of refusing to return due to my past relationship, one trip in December 2014 changed my mind and all I've wanted to do since is go back! Hoping 3 years in planning will be all worth it x


    Thanks! We had been planning it for a while too but OH said we couldn't decide until I had been there….I guess we are lucky that we only have to think of each other, and living in London where property is flying off the market its all been a breeze…..fingers crossed!


    I am sure it will be worth it :)

  7. We are very fresh into this in comparison to all you guys.....its been a month, but everything is uploaded and we are just waiting!


    Have quit my job for summer (teacher), our flat is now under offer and we have booked our travels from september to april 1st. Really hoping it gets approved before then, otherwise I will be coming back to stay with my parents for a while, haha. Am hoping nothing more needs sending, we did cover all bases!

  8. Thanks for the replies everyone.


    First he tried the solicitors and they said they don't notarise foreign documents, so went to the post offie who also wouldn't do it. Phoned solicitors again for advice and weren't helpful. Called the embassy who said NOT to use the 888 form but just to do written declarations which are signed by him and attach a colour copy of his passport!


    So annoyingly confusing.

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