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Posts posted by sharma1990

  1. Hi everyone,


    I got a declaration to sign from immigration department , and my MA asked to sign that form and scan back to them within 7 days I just wanna know do my employer has to sign as well at the bottom becuase I forgot to ask my MA about it . I have already scanned that documents a month ago but just realised now . Do your employer has to sign or not . Can anyone help please


    Hi buddy

    There are 2 forms for declaration

    One for employee

    One for employer

    U can find both the forms on boder.gov.au



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  2. Hi guys, my nomination was approved just now (informed by MA).


    Nomination 4 November 2015, approved 13 May 2016


    Visa 11 November 2015, waiting.....


    Congratzz man

    Did tgey ask any additional documents??

    And could u plz share wats ur occupation



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  3. Unpayed holidays , do they ask for more doc as my application was decision ready


    Ya they might not ask u for more documents but its all depend on case officer.

    As u can see some application gets approval without any documents being asked



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  4. Hi everyone ,

    I am new to this forum, I have couple of questions which are killing me , if anyone of you learned person could help me in this regard.

    I have applied my ENS186 on September 24/09/2015 , NOM approved in March 2016, my question is I have stop paying my tax for three month, will that gonna affect my visa please advise thanks a lot.


    Stop paying ur tax??

    Are u on unpaid holidays or ur working like cash in hand???



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  5. Hi everyone,

    i am new in this forum.Could someone add my timeline in the spreadsheet.Thanks in advance.


    Nomination Applied: 20/09/2015

    Visa Applied: 14/10/2015

    Nomination Docs requested: 21/03/2015

    Docs Submitted: 05/04/2015

    Didnot heard anything yet.....


    Hi buddy could u plz share what documents they hv requested




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  6. Based on the document we signed for not paying for sponsor, they can cancel our pr at any time if they got any hints of paying for sponsorship in the future after we got pr. The signed documents for not paying for sponsorship gonna be a fraud document based on which they can cancel our visa.




    Hi anupraj

    I think u misunderstand my statement, it was talking about the need of the paid employee which means immigration ask employer why do you need a full time paid employee for this position, immi should ask this question when they give 457 visa not 2years later when u apply for 186.

    The form which now they ask is the declaration form, the one ur talking about.

    I hope u get what m trying to say



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  7. 15 Oct 2015 - 186 Direct entry Nomination Application submitted (nomination only not visa application)

    26 April 2016 - request for further info re. “need for a paid employee”

    28 April 2016 - submitted further info

    still waiting . . . . . .


    I dnt understand y immigration ask for need for paid employee ????

    They should ask this question at the time of giving 457 visa



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  8. as far as I know the training benchmarks must be met for the two years you've been under the 457 Visa. In your case I assume August 2013 through to August 2014 and August 2014 through to August 2015, if you applied in, say, August or September 2015. If you're applying now, then your company should met the requirements for the two years from May 2014 to May 2015 and May 2015 to May 2016.


    That's what I was told by my MA.


    Hi jolie

    That true

    I hv gt told same by my MA



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  9. Hello Guys,

    need help if someone knows about training bench mark, as business got approval on 29 May 2013 to and first training was done before that in April 2013, 457 visa approved in August, then all the trainings were done in June thinking that got to get done before financial year, Now could this be a issue.


    Hi vicz

    Na its should not b an issue




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  10. According to spreadsheet more then 50% of oct application has been approved,hopefully by then end of may 50% of nov will b done and

    I think there will not b many application for Dec as we all know most of the migration agent were close during christmas holidays



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  11. Dear my friends,


    Just got an amazing call from my MA on this beautiful Saturday morning, saying that I just achieved my PR finally.

    I know first of all, you guys must want to know my timeline.


    Nomination and visa: applied on 26 October, 2015

    No document required.

    Nomination and visa: both approved on 07 May, 2015.

    From Queensland,

    Processing centre: NSW PESE

    Occupation: Town planner

    Applicants: 2 people


    My MA called me on 9.35am saying my nomination just approved, then 30 mins later, just now, she called again, announcing that I am a permanent of Australia NOW!!




    Thanks a lot for all your company during this tough time. Wishing you all soon get your PR and a bright future.





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  12. Thank you very much for this forum. This is very helpful. Build your positive way. 186 is the longest waiting.

    Know how to manage it by myself.

    Got message late time. I have added it on google sheet.

    Nomination / Visa: 30/09

    Doc request: 30/03,submit 30/03, Doc request : 11/04, submit 25/04.

    Finalise 5/5

    Thank you everyone for sharing your information.


    Congratz mate

    Could u plz share wat documents they hv request 1st time n 2nd time.




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  13. Finally got our PR today.. after a long prayer and discernment it finally grant to us..


    Nomination Lodge: September 15, 2015

    Visa lodge: October 22, 2015

    Request additional Documents: March 19, 2016

    Submitted: March 22, 2016

    Visa and Nomination grant: May 04, 2016



    Congratz crissy

    Could u plz shade wat documents they hv requested and ur occupation plz



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  14. Hi all~~~~


    i got an amazing call from my MA. my PR is finally granted today at 5:30pm.


    Processing center :WA


    Thanks for your support during this tough period and wish all of you can get your VISA soon ~!!!!!!!!


    Congratz mate

    Could u plz tell wat was ur occupation n wat documents they requested??



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