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Posts posted by Wa7

  1. 1 hour ago, Ferrets said:

    That’s a good shout, when the trading blackout is over I’ll look to cash out shares that I have held long enough for the CGT discount and then drop into an offset account.

    Then in June we’ll run the numbers with my wife’s YTD earnings and then work out what concessional payment to make to her Super.

    Thanks all!

    Reduces interest costs and tax free.


    • Like 1
  2. Rural and remote are two very different beasts here.
    Remote to me would be the worst option ( having the hindsight of years living here ) but that’s just my opinion as you may  love it.

    Rural is a bit of f a coin toss,  some good some bad ??

    Once you know where you could be let us know here and I’m quite sure you will get some good advice.

    • Like 5
  3. 31 minutes ago, Phil1712 said:

    Hi everyone

    Can I buy a car out right (25000) from a dealer or do I have to finance part of the cost?

    If you don’t need finance then just buy the car outright.

    • Like 1
  4. 14 minutes ago, Marisawright said:

    I think it happens more than  you think. Not everyone gets all misty-eyed when they think of "the land of their birth" or their "homeland".  As far as I'm concerned, it's just the place where I happened to be born.  I chose Australia; if I felt nostalgic for my "homeland", I'd go back and live there instead. 

    Maybe it makes a difference that I'm not a sports fan and never supported any teams even when I lived in the UK.  I do barrack for Scotland when there's a game on, but if they're playing against Australia then I don't mind who wins. 

    I don’t suppose you know “how often I think it happens “ ? 
    No one needs to get misty - eyed etc to support whoever they support it’s a sport thing and as you say your not interested in sport so you probably won’t get.

  5. 9 hours ago, Ausvisitor said:

    Spent last night at the SCG - fantastic atmosphere and the right result.

    I feel more attachment to Australia every day I'm here, but sport reminds me that I'm always English

    Anyone else find this?

    Spot on.

    It would be strange for anyone to change the country they support against their place of birth. in a sporting sense (unless they’ve been here since primary school / early teens or had a bad experience in their homeland ) 


  6. Wasn’t too fussed on the bacon when I got here ( or the sausagesI)  have slowly got used to the bacon and cannot for the life of me find decent gammon.

    Have uour favourite Chippy takeaway or curry  as you won’t have it for a few years I suppose. 

  7. 10 minutes ago, Southeastpom said:

    Just read both your replies! Yes fingers crossed. Do you know much about National insurance number though? I need to have one to apply for housing. Am I able to apply for an NIN? I ask this because I have been out the country for all these years that’s my only concern that I might not be able to get one or as a previous person wrote I can’t just apply for one for benefits I need to be looking for work?

    Back in 2004 my Australian partner lived in the uk with me for a few years and I don’t remember there being any issues with getting a NI number/ card issued.

    Also regarding your kids passports, I have an Australian born child so simply applied for a British passport for them ( I am British born to British born parents )

  8. 16 hours ago, Whey aye said:

    Just looked at Woodside ( WPL : ASX).The last 5 years they are down 28%,which of course is the time to buy IF they go back up .

    You'd need to check out their constant disclosure with the ASX I think they have something cooked up with BHP for oil assets merging when BHP delist from the UK and become the largest company on the ASX pushing CBA down to number 2.There will be closing dates etc and adjustment in share prices so something may be going on there .I don't follow either company so you would need to check.Last time I looked at WPL was around 1998 I think,just finished a project,WA was in a bad way and the share price was around $6,I didn't buy them 

    What’s your thoughts on Westpac at the moment Whey aye ?

  9. 1 hour ago, Cath.C said:

    But when appraisers or evaluators or real estate agents come in to value the house, they use recent comparable sold values.  So if an individual doesn't have access to the sold prices, they are at a disadvantage compared to the agents.  Is there a publicly accessible database of actual sold, not asking, prices?

    I'm not concerned about making fair comparisons based on photos, of course I know many of the tricks, like taking ultrawide angle photos and digitally imposing furniture without distortion.  Ultrawide angle distortion to make a walkway look like a yard.  Overexposing walls to hide flaws.  Closeup of plants to distract from mildew between the tiles.  I'm concerned about finding out how much houses in given neighborhoods in varying states of renovation or upkeep are selling for.  But a couple of months of looking at the progression of houses for sale does provide some education.  Identifying signs of rising damp on the walls, panels likely to be asbestos especially if the laundry rooms have never been remodeled, evidence of roof damage, etc, etc, etc.  All of that can be assessed during home inspections.  



    If you type in an address of a house on a particular street you like then this should land you on realestate.com with the particular house details you have searched, click on this and scroll away, it should then give you the homes previous sold prices and even a close indication of its current value.( sometimes homes won’t show previous sold prices but then you just type in next door ) 

    Obviously next doors price is only a indicator but it gives you something to work off

  10. 7 minutes ago, NottmTex said:

    Thanks @Wa7 but I actually got that wrong, it’s both her grandparents born in the UK. Dad was born here!

    Well providing that is all correct, ancestry visa is still the much easier way to go.

  11. 1 hour ago, NottmTex said:

    @MacGyver I think my partner's dad was actually born in the UK, will have to check. So if this was the case going for an ancestry visa would be a lot easier? 


    My Australian born child was able to get a British passport simply because i was his British born parent, so could be even simpler…………

  12. On 25/12/2020 at 06:28, Wanderer Returns said:

    Is that really necessary? I think you may have missed the part about goodwill to all men/women 🤗

    Merry Christmas!

    Not sure what bit I missed but I certainly wish goodwill to all, especially any recent arrivals to Australia  and hope they weren’t made to feel unwelcome.

    Merry Christmas!

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, starlight7 said:

    Personally I rarely meet people who have just arrived from overseas( I can’t actually remember the last time ) so it doesn’t apply to me but I know what others have told me and respect that they just want us to be safe and not at risk from imported diseases. Most are in the at risk category and almost all think all airports should be closed to overseas except for New Zealand. Singapore is doing the right thing.


    Nice back peddling but you have clearly stated your views in earlier posts 

    Just own it............


    • Like 2
  14. 19 hours ago, starlight7 said:

    Until this mess is sorted out ( Covid 19) I wouldn't come anyway because basically no-one from overseas is made to feel welcome.  Human nature.

    If you personally make people from overseas feel unwelcome that’s fine, just  don’t lump everyone else into your way of thinking.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  15. 4 hours ago, Marisawright said:

    From what I can gather, you're not at risk of having the account closed IF there is still activity on the account (i.e. occasional deposits or withdrawals).  However if there's no activity, the law says they have to close it down. 

    Going back a few years now my bank informed me that simply logging in / out would keep an account active ( so no need for deposits/withdrawals)

  16. 4 hours ago, Metoo said:

    Yes we are in Bundy, we used to live in Hervey Bay for a couple of years and you are absolutely right, paradise on earth.

    Our pool builders came highly recommended and they have more than lived up to their reputation. We love our pool and have found it very easy to look after.  

    we have been working hard on the gazebo for the past few weeks and it’s coming on nicely.  It’s just been the two of us doing it and at times we would have been glad if some help but we ploughed on and are now over the worst.


    This is the recent progress




    We have some friends here who are looking at the Sunshine Coast etc.

    What is Hervey Bay and Bundy like? Any particular bits to avoid?

    Work / schools etc.  Early 40s, young at heart couple with a 8 or 9 yr old. 
    He is a tradesman and she admin / pa 

    The work you are doing looks great by the way 👍

  17. Yes, go with them and if you can guide them around the easiest, straight roads around your home so the test drive is a pleasant experience ( 5 mins is long enough) 

    Also if anyone queries why you selling or the cheapness just tell them a relative has offered you their car for a bargain price so that means you can sell yours a bit cheaper.

    Obviously have a car model in mind for if they ask you what car you are getting from this “relative”.

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