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  1. thanks for the advice. we've managed the last 12 years doing school runs, working, shopping, buying furniture and even moving towns without the need of a car. i completely understand how vast oz is and how being able to drive would be so much easier but if, like previous responder said, we chose an area with good transport links and close to schools (which i think i have found) can it really be so difficult?
  2. That's reassuring, I have looked at areas and done research to ensure choice of area has transport links, we aren't afraid of walking and wouldn't want to be remote either. I have a lot of family in redlands but can't work there due to the visa type so we would essentially be on our own most of the time.
  3. Sorry to jump in without actual timeline advice but as I'm hoping to go down this route I wondered how anyone managed to gain job offers without a face to face interview, can anyone tell me about this process please.
  4. Hi everyone I hope I can get some advice. It's long been my dream to emigrate to Brisbane or close to, I went when I was 16 and was hooked. I'm 42 with two kids and a partner plus dog hoping to go down skilled sponsor migration route but of course have a few niggling doubts one due to the fact neither myself nor my partner drive. We would likely learn once settled there if we had to, we've honestly never found we had to here in the UK. So how difficult are we going to find it IF my sponsorship and visa go ahead? I'm looking at the sunshine coast as they have plenty of childcare jobs on offer and a large company may be interested in me. Thanks for reading and the advice.
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