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Everything posted by JonOgre

  1. According to the spreadsheet, there is at least one September approval. But yes, it does seem quite erratic. This might be because there are so much fewer of us 187 applicants, though, to track as effectively as the 186s. Keep the faith!
  2. According to the spreadsheet, BachLong applied on 7 September 2015, and received grant on 8 March 2016.
  3. **This is an automated response regarding ENS 186/RSMS 187 applications. Please do not respond to this email** Email Updated on 10 March 2016 IMPORTANT INFORMATION We are currently allocating ENS and RSMS applications that are lodged mid-August 2015. ******************************************************************
  4. It would be useful to forum members if more regular posters could add the link to the timeline spreadsheet to their signatures. If you're using a desktop version of the forum, go to Settings (top right), then under My Settings (on the left), click Edit Signature. The steps may be different for you if you're using the Tap-a-talk app. Perhaps someone else could help with this? Cheers.
  5. Just a reminder: if you are browsing this forum and have not yet added your application details to the spreadsheet, please do so! The more data we have, the more we will be able to find trends, and the more useful the spreadsheet will be. Adding information is easy: simply click on the link https://goo.gl/zcZnie , find the month tab (at the bottom) for your visa application date, and, once on the right sheet, add the data requested in the row after you have added your user name. Don't worry about having to insert your information in any particular date order; the spreadsheet will be automatically be re-arranged periodically by visa application date. The spreadsheet will also automatically calculate "days waiting," too. And if you get that magical "finalised" status, don't forget to update us before you fly free in the Australian skies!
  6. Nice to see some movement on your application. Hope you don't have to wait too much longer for "finalised."
  7. It's interesting that all 187 visa applicants that have added their details to the sheet are Direct Entry. Any Transition stream 187 applicants out there?
  8. Hi Rajdeep, please let us know when you've applied for the actual visa, and we'll add your details.
  9. Hi Rajiv, I've added your details. Direct Entry or Transition?
  10. Thanks to all 187s who have added their timelines. The sheet is pretty straightforward (click on the link in my signature below), and I encourage you to add your own details if possible. Just a quick note: you do not have to calculate the number of days you have been waiting; I will insert a formula into the spreadsheet that will do this automatically and update on a daily basis. Let's hope we're all able to add "visa granted" dates soon!
  11. Thank you. There are still some tweaks to be made, but these should be completed in the next day or two.
  12. Like the actual visa, your employer nomination must be approved by DIBP before your actual visa application can be approved. This does not mean that you need to wait for the nomination to be approved before your submit your visa application. Some people choose to wait so that they don't risk their visa application fees, but in most cases--as in yours, it seems--the visa application is submitted before the nomination is approved. DIBP will let your employer know once your nomination is approved.
  13. Guys, if possible, please go to the spreadsheet (see link in my signature below) and add your own details. Anyone can edit the sheet. If you have any trouble after trying yourself, please post your details here, and one of the other forum members will do it for you. But please still look at the sheet to see what details are requested to make the information useful to all users. To preserve privacy, only your POI user name is needed. Cheers, and keep the faith!
  14. Our very own 187 spreadsheet is now ready for you to add your timelines! The shortened URL is https://goo.gl/zcZnie Once we have some data to work with, I will add formulas and calculations for processing times etc. Credit must go to S RAIKA for getting this off the ground. In particular, huge kudos must go to the creator of, and contributors to, the 186 spreadsheet, on which this 187 spreadsheet is based. Please share and add this URL to your signatures.
  15. Thanks a lot for this. I'll see what I can do over the next day or two.
  16. @S RAIKA, if you want to keep working on the spreadsheet project, please go ahead. I don't want to tread on anyone's toes with this. Cheers.
  17. Unless someone else wants to do it, I could work on a 187 spreadsheet over the next few days, based on the 186 template. Anything to take the sting out of waiting!
  18. My suggestion would be that 187s just observe, without adding their details. Just watching the progress of 186s gives us 187s an idea of processing times. Adding another visa class to the sheet at this time, as you say, Jazzcrave, would just confuse things.
  19. The spreadsheet is at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kY0XVAWzNjXAxAHC5-PPol_h4Lyl_wcz66c7BUelvXc/edit?usp=sharing This spreadsheet is for 186 visas. Although it would be great to have one for 187s, I don't know if there are enough of us to make it meaningful. But if we assume that 187 visas are being processed to a similar timeline to the 186s, it is a useful indicator for us too.
  20. Hi Freddy. Although the service standard is 6 months, and most visas seem to be granted at this stage, it is not unusual to see some go up until 7 or even 8 months. I shouldn't see this a sign that anything is necessarily wrong with your application--there is just some inconsistency in DIBP processing. Do you have a migration agent? If so, get them to get in touch with DIBP. Or do it yourself, if you don't have an agent. You're well within your rights to do so after the 6 month mark.
  21. Great to see so much movement here for 187s! A huge congrats to all who have received PR!
  22. True--it's very hard to see a trend. But yours must be next, surely!
  23. There are many more 186 members, so the thread is more active and we see more grants. Have faith: things are happening for us 187s too!
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