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Everything posted by HappyAUS

  1. I hope not for me....my head office is in US. That's why I'm asking for that policy. if it is the case, then i will need to get another employer
  2. they even do not want to do the contract thing. The HR department said it is illegal to do that.
  3. Hi FireBlade, i asked them only complete the nomination part and i can use the TRN or nomination number if approved. they stated based on their experiences nomination number is equal to sponsorship number....... seriously i really think they are hopeless...
  4. Thank MaggieMay24.... I did explain to them and show them the documents check list. I also show them the step by step included the immi account......The HR lady only said: "based on the policy" and she do not show me the policy which is very upset me. I'm totally agreed with you about she do not know anything about the visa and she told my manager she is very experience on visa things....... I contacted my previous migration agent who did my visa 457 and they are happy to talk to HR, but HR not interesting to talk to them.
  5. Hi All I hope some one can help me..... I'm had been with visa 457 more than 2 years now. My manager asked me to go to PR and he is fully supported me. However, we got stuck in HR. Based on what HR said is Company do has a policy that not to sponsor any PR. Even I pay it by myself. I asked a copy of the policy and they never come back. I argued with them that since they are already sponsored me on the visa 457, it doesn't make sense if they not doing sponsor PR(visa 186) which means i with stuck with visa 457 for the next 2 years and re-do the visa and another 4 years....and they are happy with visa 457 but not visa 186. And, HR stated, they will do the nomination but not sponsorship, if I can proved that the different between sponsorship and nomination........ What can i do????
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