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Everything posted by Tulip1

  1. No, his dad has acquired citizenship, he wasn't born Australian. As the poster is a working adult now his dad having citizenship makes no difference.
  2. Unless you can get PR which you would need your occupations on the skills list then it would only be a WHV you could get. This only allows you to stay a maximum of two years and that's only if you spend a certain amount of time doing certain jobs like on a farm. You can work on this visa but only for a maximum of 6 months with the same employer. That makes it harder to get a 'proper' permanent type job as employers know they won't keep you. Tends to be more casual work on that visa. Best to check whether you can get PR I think before you look at house buying/permanent move. Your dad being there won't be relevant. Did I read your post right? You have a degree and 7 years work experience but only in your early 20's?
  3. Perth is struggling with unemployment right now. Do you both have a visa?
  4. I was wondering how she was getting PR if she's working. Perhaps the person who started the post can explain
  5. I would say her chances of getting a job at 68 is very slim. Not impossible maybe but very slim. I wish her luck but I think she needs to accept and enjoy retirement.
  6. Depends what you mean supporting him in two years time. If you mean to help him get a visa I don't think he will get one. If he does it will be because he can apply in his own right, you won't be able to get him one.
  7. If you want them id say you have to pay. Yes you are both the parents but it's not something that your ex wants to buy right now. The csa cannot make him pay for this. Your lawyer is right, concentrate on what's important right now. As I'm sure you know, you cannot remove the children from Australia and return to live in the uk without his consent (appreciate you haven't said that is your plan). Is there a reason you need this done now?
  8. Tulip1

    if i come back

    Is there no work out there? I know the construction industry is bad but for short term id take any job, warehouse/retail, anything. The wages will be less but balanced against the cost of moving back to the uk and then back again in the future it's worth looking at. Moving to a different state has been mentioned and again worth looking at. Best of luck, it's sad when you've planned this for so long, try and find a way to see it out even if it's in jobs you don't like
  9. It would need to be a buy to let mortgage and in general they are given based on rental income earnt and not salary (can be either in most cases).
  10. You may think your house is unsellable but many buy a 'needs doing up' house so it's not impossible to sell. As you are living there it must be what's considered habital and therefore buyers will be able to get a mortgage on it. I think you should make the lender aware of the situation and get the property valued. Of course you cannot sell it without your partner agreeing to sell it so you need to get some legal advise regarding that if he is not contactable/won't talk. Best of luck and chin up.
  11. I don't think they are married Lady Rainicorn, she uses the word partner rather than husband and states the time they have been in a relationship rather than married. If he owns the car he could go out and sell it tomorrow and there is nothing that can be done about it. Even if married he could do the same. Certainly she could then try and use that in the divorce settlement by claiming it was a joint asset but as she sits now she cannot claim any ownership of it. Nikkidylan, regarding the mortgage, as joint you are both individually 100% liable so as has been said, If it's not paid in full it will go into default and you will lose it. Certainly worth speaking to the lender and once financial matters between you and partner are sorted out one of you can buy the other out and continue the mortgage subject to affordability. You will be assessed on a new application using just your income. If it's a no then sadly it will have to be sold. I have no idea about the dogs but think it will be unfair if they are separated and should really stay together if possible. I wish you the best of luck with what will be a difficult time. Keep reminding yourself there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.
  12. I cannot speak from personal experience but I have been told by many that the schooling in Oz is not second to none and that overall, the UK schooling is better. It may be of course you are thinking about private schools which are very good I believe. Not sure what the percentage is for children going to private school in Australia compared to the UK but I believe it is somewhere around the same percentage that attend private school in the UK that are in state schools in Oz (certainly from senior school upwards). If most attend private schools there then there is a reason for that, the state ones in general are not great.
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