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Everything posted by NaveUK

  1. Hmmm. Thanks for the info. Think we may have been slightly naiive. Moving could be the best thing, or quite easily the worst thing that could happen. Nice little coastal suburb or city apartment both get jobs, bingo. Out in the sticks, both get jobs, no thanks. Neither get jobs for a while, we whittle down our savings chasing a dream when our lives here are pretty decent- nightmare.
  2. At the planning stage at the moment- Did you decide where you'd like to be based and apply for jobs there or were you flexible and let job offers lead the way? I'm hearing our plan to locate in Perth/Sydney/Melbourne or their suburbs may be a bit idealistic in terms of finding work as a teacher. I have 5 years experience teaching English, a Masters in Teaching and TEFL. Hoping that helps.
  3. I'd be teaching English. It seems ridiculously impractical to make any decisions with our combination of careers. We'd need to apply for the visa then hope that international transfer for police opens within that year, or just take the plunge and head out to a state that takes our fancy and let him start the typical recruitment process, wait for him to be placed then see what I can find teaching-wise in the area. Lots of uncertainty = better get even more savings behind us. Would you say Victoria is a no-go then? I thought I read in another thread that the practice of proving your worth out in rural schools was a thing of the past!?
  4. Hi, This is my first post here but I'm a long time lurker. Myself and my partner have been considering migrating for a while now. We're pretty open to locating in or near any of the major cities. We'd be applying for a skilled 189 visa in my name as a secondary teacher and once in Aus my partner would be looking to continue his work as a police officer. Teaching jobs are fairly frequent and to be applied for jun-sept but state police recruitment can be unpredictable so should my partner's prospects be the deciding factor? We're uncertain as to whose job should dictate where we decide to settle. Any advice or experiences? Thanks
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