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Everything posted by ajdto

  1. My Visa Timeline Nomination Applied : 18-Nov-2014 Visa Applied : 25-Nov-2014 Additional Document Required : 18-Dec-2014 (AFP,& Overseas Police Clarence) Submitted on : 13-Jan-2015 Nomination Approved : 4-April-2015 Visa Grant : 1-July-2015 Position : Transport Manager It’s : Offshore Best of Luck for everybody who’s waiting.. you all will get it soon Thanks for you guys for sharing information its help a lot
  2. Finally they Give me PR Today.... Its Nice to See Grant letter...
  3. Ok So your Nomination is aslo approved.. Its very stressful to wait on that condition. what about MA, your MA can ask them about this condition.. I think immi don't have any rules and regulation in regard this condition. do you have immiAccount?
  4. Hi Streeter yes its getting too late for your case.. at least they have to approve your Nomination... if you will get One CO for Nomination and File then it will done very fast.. hopefully you will get response next to next week...
  5. You can set alert by clicking on My Preference ---> Manage Application Alert , Through it you will receive email when file open, reopen or visa grant, you will get notification in advance..
  6. Thanks PerthGirl you definitely get your PR very Soon... if you mind one more query.. If they need 7 each and you are registered.. then have check option for 189 or 190..sorry I am asking too much I think one of the tuffest task to get assessment.. which is already you have.. And for Nurse visa will come like Supersonic Plane..
  7. Don't worry you will get it..I think they have different measure for Offshore file.. wait is killing...Because after after nomination they will check your document. onshore its easy to verify the document and work ref but offshore its little bit difficult.. I think so that they take extra time.... Don't worry you will get it soon.. hopefully in July..
  8. Hi Perthgirl Then you will get visa coming week..... If you don't mind can you plz share you assessment process.. What about assessment for Nursing.. 187 they require assessment with 7 each.. or something else they need.. Thanks
  9. Yes I am also waiting from long time..almost 7 month.. Nomination already approved
  10. Hi Gaura if don't mind can you plz share your timeline. If its 4.5 months with visa and nomination then you will have to ready now.. you will get good news comming week.. Or may be second week of July.. july is new financial year too, so may be they take little bit extra time.... and form 1 July They have new website http://www.border.gov.au so old website will no more immi.gov.au.. Department of Immi and Boder protection now work together..they consolidated both department
  11. Hi Gaura its for both nomination and 187 visa 5-8 Months.. And funny they say it on priority no -1 And Nomination take 3.5 to 4.5 months to approve depend on file and position and location.. And then visa. Normally they grant visa very qucik but nowerdaye they taking some extra time..I don't know why..
  12. Congratulation for your nomination approval.. Don't stress for visa lodgment.. If you don't use agent, CO will more happy to help you.. even they encourage the people to lodge file them-self.. only you have to follow right procedure which mention document checklist.. you will get your visa 100%
  13. Thanks Psaus if don't mind do you have same CO for Nomination & File.. if its same hopfully you will get your visa this comming week...
  14. Hi Psaus can you plz share your timeline for your visa and nomination.. And which occupation your file is. thanks
  15. Yes you are right about agent, most of are bullshit.. They learn migration work through client rejections.. Most of them doesn't have enought experience.. They kill us on the way to PR..and learn from It. its very sad.. Very hard to find good agent or MA.. I agree with you GurZey..
  16. Hi Komalami Yes you can leave your employer before 2 years contract on 187 visa. Even you can find you Visa condition in detail with your visa. I personally know about this condition. Although the 187 visa is a permanent residency visa, But it’s important to remember that it can still be cancelled if you breach the conditions attached to it. This includes leaving your employer before your two years.. But still you have a option to leave your employer before two years. Personal condition is also mention on that condition.. Best is to check condition and act on base of those condition..
  17. Hi GurZey immiaccount is only view window for client if client using MA. So best is to use as watching window not click or upload any document. because when we use MA, then MA is responsible for any correspondence or any document uploading process with immigration. And you application is already Submitted so you can not resubmit it... So best is wait and watch. You can set alert by clicking on My Preference ---> Manage Application Alert , Through it you will receive email when file open, reopen or visa grant, you will get notification in advance.. :wink::wink::wink:
  18. Hi RamaNdeep88 its very difficult to wait without any reason.. I can understand your Pain.. I am also waiting and its wasting time and energy... But i think now your MA have to contact your CO in regard your case its too late If you don't mind who's your MA... Can you please share his company name.. Do you have immiAccount?
  19. Sorry Equalizer 28th Nov is Nomination approval date or lodgement date..? Your RCB approval date is 19th Dec.. So If I am not wrong Nomination approve after RCB approval.. My request is for Approval date.. So that we will get some idea how much time they take to grant visa after Nomination approval. Thanks
  20. Congratulation...enjoy your happy moment... Now end of killing wait for you..... Now You are out of this Game.. Can you please share your Nomination aprroval date.. Thanks
  21. Mine(Nomination) one also approved while ago.. and its interesting and strange, for nomination different CO and for file different CO. I think so that its too late..(it may be ot may be not) know one know.. file CO only ask AFP and PCC certificate while ago.. still waiting.. We can't do anything guys.. Wait and wait...
  22. Hi Ramandeep I am waiting.. Wait is very painful..Nov 2014
  23. If your case officer requests further information they will usually give you a deadline to provide the additional evidence and/or information within 28 days. You should try to do everything in your power to meet this deadline. It is in your best interests to meet the deadline. So 28 days deadline for clients not for CO. You need to allow the case officer time to process your case once they have been allocated the file. They will normally grant it as soon as they can, however, keep in mind the service standard for that type of visa at the Departmental Officer where you have lodged your Australian visa application. The time taken to process visa applications varies around the world, depending on which country you are located. There are local factors to take into account including the number of staff versus the number of applications lodged, the local public holidays, any sick or personal leave your case officer may take and their working arrangements, for example, some case officers do not work full time and are only in the office part time. MA do not recommend you to contact the Department of Immigration with enquiries as this delays the process as they take a lot of time to respond to all of the enquiries in their inbox. The more time they take to do this, takes them away from their more important work of processing applications. So best is wait and watch. Sorry to say Nothing You can do more.
  24. Sorry to say I think they don't have any 28 days time-frame to respond they respond as soon as they click on your file or depend on file type, position location..country...etc
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