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Everything posted by boffin

  1. Hi All, My 187 visa journey has finally come to a lucky end today. Here is the timeline: RCB & nomination - don't know the dates, handled by employer. Nomination approved: 22 Oct 2014 Visa applied: 22 Oct 2014 Additional documents requested: 9 Mar 2015 Visa granted: 9 Apr 2015 Processing centre: Parramatta I hope this is useful information. I managed to calculate both dates (documents requested / visa grant) down to a day using info provided by other fourm users. Seems very repeatable. Best of luck to all. Cheers Boffin
  2. I was asked for additional documents on Monday (9 Mar). 80% sure that'd have been a GRANT if it weren't some confusion. I applied on the 22 Oct, so any applications made somewhere near the date should get something soon. My response time was exactly in line with other Oct / Sep applications so seems repeatable. Good luck mate!
  3. Hi psaus, I don't think it was an unusually long time - I was expecting to get an answer on that day +-2days, simply extrapolating the dates posted by other users, particularly the ones who applied in October. It was mentioned a couple times that the Christmas break likely didn't help. All 2014 applications might still get a bit of that - and hopefully fresh (February on) applications won't have that problem. Cheers
  4. Thanks MaggieMay24 1. I will try squeeze things into the 28 days - I had massive delays before I even got to apply, so need to finalize this as soon as it is practical. It's good to know there's error margin though! 2. The thing is, my partner is NOT included in the application. Due to professional circumstances, it's not practical for her to move to Australia in the near future. We have residential addresses in different countries yet spend a fair bit of time together (we likely wouldn't be recognized by DIBP as de facto for that reason). She is only mentioned in form 80 as there's an explicit question there. Next thing was getting asked for all the PCs and healthchecks for her as well. I found legal basis for requesting healthcheck from non-migrating non-included partner in fact sheet 22: All applicants for permanent visas, including the main applicant, partner and any dependants, must be assessed against the health requirement. Even if the applicant's partner and dependants are not included in the visa application, they must still be assessed against the health requirement. https://www.immi.gov.au/media/fact-sheets/22health.htm I can't find a word on PCCs. I will try to ask the case officer about this tomorrow, maybe there's a way to simplify this a bit. It seems overly restrictive - and it wasn't clearly communicated at application time (otherwise it would have been done and dusted for months by now Has anyone run into this in the past? Any hints will be very welcome Cheers!
  5. Nope, it's just that one of the countries I lived in uses complicated format of PCC. DIBP requires very particular phrasing of the statements and that was a problem.
  6. Hey Everyone, I've been following this thread for a long time now, but this is my first post. My timeline: RCB & nomination - don't know the dates, handled by employer. Nomination approved: 22 Oct 2014 Visa applied: 22 Oct 2014 Additional documents requested: 9 Mar 2015 Hope this helps other people waiting. Now a couple questions: 1) what happens if required documents (police certs with extra details) can't be provided in required timeframe? Do they make the call based on what's available? Postpone processing? Else? 2) how strictly enforced is the requirement of police / health checks for partner not included in the application? Cheers and best of luck
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