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Everything posted by pih5ped

  1. What is the reason that people don't submit all documents (when it is available)? I am just wandering because that is the fastest way
  2. What happens if I clicked "edit" on the IMMI account application? I think our family has provided the documents but the page displays that it needs to be submitted...even on my personal one! (I am turning 17 so what kid needs an language ability evidence?)
  3. Our family applied on March 13th, high school student here, lived in Aus for 10 years, applying it offshore (low-risk)
  4. Number of Jan and Feb cases are smaller than December's. Probably a month if lucky
  5. Same sh*t here as well. I thought they introduced a new, "faster" system? And what? They have slowed down quite a bit
  6. I got a question over the processing time Why is it taking longer to finish some of the applications submitted 5-6 months ago? Because in the previous 6 months or so, it took about 3 months to finish applications. I am wondering what is going on And they announced a new processing system for applications submitted after 22nd of November, and no January application that I know is not being approved This just doesn't go for me, it goes for everyone, just that I am extremely desperate because of a reason
  7. If you submitted it on December, I think the news will come soon, I think the thing is repetative
  8. So did they just change the words or is it something different? Cause ours is 2 months late
  9. Same as ours (Family's application), and we submitted it 2 months later than yours...
  10. Haven't they even reached December? WOW...(Congrats on the long waits though, just that I am an offshore applicant (part of) that has school over in Melbourne, no where to study cause they won't accept my circumstances, and I am suppose to do VCE...)
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