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Lisa Lou

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Everything posted by Lisa Lou

  1. Hi Kathy. I'm worried sick now so going to see if I can change booking to return which I'm sure I can but obviously need to pay the difference and whatever charges too . We are going out late October and visa grant due in June. Thanks for reply Lisa
  2. Congratulations Maisie . Exciting times ahead . We have applied for a 12 month visa to allow us to spend our waiting time in Oz . Hubby decided to book our flights last weekend while I was away but I'm now really really worried as he only booked one way . Does anyone know if this will cause us a problem when arriving . We can show proof of funds but this is just another thing to worry about now. Lisa
  3. C Hi Lorraine I see someone has told you how to edit your signature. Its good to see someone else with lodgement date around ours. We can keep an eye on each other's progress or lack of it at this early stage. We have decided to bite the bullett and sell up and go out in November on a 12 month tourist visa . We plan to travel around a bit before visa grant and enjoy those few months off work. We know it's a gamble as there are no guarantees but just can't wait to get there. Keep in touch Lisa
  4. Thanks Steve Thinking maybe I'll do both then I'm sure to get it right . Lisa
  5. I didn't think it would be that straight forward but was hoping it would be. Thanks very much for your help Lisa
  6. Hi all I need to inform immi of my new passport details. Anyone have any idea if I just send them an email or is there more to it than that. Thanks Lisa
  7. A huge congrats to those of you who are just stepping out of the waiting room door and good luck to those who's who are nearly there. To the rest of us ..... Hang in there. Was wondering if any one who has gone or who are going out on the e600 visa could give me some advise regarding the travel / health insurance I need to set in place before applying for the visa . Thanks in advance Lisa
  8. Glad to hear your decision to go out early as a good one. We are planning on dong the same. Could you tell me if you moved your home contents over as we are getting lots of different advise if this is allowed or not . Thanks in advance lisa
  9. We have had so much of the same contradictory advise and still unsure . If we are unable to ship early then we shall sell everythig and buy new when we move into our rental. We are also importing our dog when we go on the e600. Lisa
  10. Hi, We are getting so many different answers from shipping companies it's making my head spin. Oh well just another thing to worry about !!! Lisa
  11. Hi Kathy, What is your lodgement date and are you packing up and shipping everything over when you go. Will be great knowing there's someone else in Canberra in the same boat as us. Lisa
  12. Bev50Bradley are you shipping your belongings over when you go in November. I've been getting contradictive advise on if we can do this or not but hoping this is possible as we are selling up early and taking a gamble on getting granted our 143 visa. Lisa
  13. Hi Bev, Think I'll start looking now then as we are planning on going end of Oct. Thanks for the info Lisa
  14. Hi all, Those of you lucky ones who are already in Oz on the e600 tourist visa while you wait for your CPV to be granted I wondered if you had to book a return plane ticket or if a one way ticket was acceptable . Lisa
  15. Hi all, We are selling up and moving to Australia on a e600 visa in November and was wondering how will this affect our police checks. Can we still do them before we leave and complete the forms with our current address which we shall be living at for a couple of months more. Just another thing to worry about !!! Lisa
  16. We are also heading for Canberra and going around Nov. Our lodgement date was only June 2015 but we just can't wait to get there. We will just have to watch the pennies until we get our visas .
  17. Phewwww thanks for putting my mind at rest . I'll sleep better tonight now !!! Lisa
  18. Hi everyone, I've been frequently looking at all of your posts since our application for our 143 in June this year. Our payment for 1st vac was taken within 2 days and we received our receipt and acknowledgement letter very soon after. I am now slightly concerned as the acknowledgement letter does not have any instructions when to have medicals and police checks done. On reading other posts it seems like everyone else's had this info . Already stressed and it's only been 4 months in the waiting room . Any advise will be appreciated . Lisa
  19. Fingers crossed you are right Joe but we are getting ourselves prepared for a very long wait . We are going to start the dreaded form 80 in the next few days . Our son who lives in Canberra is getting married in Nov 2016 .... Going by people's timelines we wouldn't have our visa by then so looks like it will probably be a just a visit Lisa
  20. Hi, Thanks for the welcome Julie and Maisie . As I mentioned before our application for the 143 was delivered yesterday the 10th June. Today I have received an email with the receipt for payment of 1st vac and our letter of acknowledgement . I wasn't expecting any of this for quite a while yet and am just a bit surprised. I was wondering if anyone else has had this happen so quickly .
  21. Hi everyone . I am new to this forum and reading through all the posts has been a great help in submitting our application for our 143 visa. It was received in Perth today and already the payment has been requested for and authorisation given by our credit card company which will go through in a couple of days. Feeling excited but also petrified at the same time. The long wait begins here !!!!
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