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Posts posted by bikerboy070707

  1. really ?? we r so unlucky......


    actually I emailed them last week at paramatta office. but I received same reply. UR APPLICATION IS STILL BEING CONSIDERED. WE WILL CONTACT YOU IF WE REQUIRED ANYTHING.


    Same was happening with me. But I called the Parramatta office myself. And he email the team when my case is been allocated in WA.

  2. Very bad news for the people who have been waiting from last year. I called parramatta office and the guy told me that, that's the time they were switching between their computer system, so can be just an error or something. My file is been allocated a while ago. And the person who I have been talking on the phone sent a personal email to the team where my file is been allocated that is in WA. He said I should hear something today if not next week and in worse scenario if by any chance I don't get any response then I should sent them a email once again or call them. Excited now.

  3. Hi guys

    I am new to this forum.. I would like to share my timeline

    RCB 10 Dec2014

    Approval 23 Dec2014

    nomination 5Feb 2015

    approval 10 May 2015

    VISA 07 june 2015

    Still waiting


    Its already been 7 months

    what should I do?



    I applied on 14 November 2014 and still waiting..they are making hard checking so can't do anything till the time your CO came to life.:

  4. Jusk asking a quick question. .if i open my file through immi account if it shows processing ..its mean it being processed or just shows as well when your file isn't opened by immi!!!


    First it's going to be application received then when they will ask more documents then it's going to be Application in progress and at last Finalised. But from Application in progress to Finalised, it can easily take more then 4-5 months.

  5. If they love me then I would have been the first person to get my visa and I should always get the same answer from every single person over the phone. They always change their answers. Like the last time the stupid lady told me that it doesn't matter when I applied my visa, it always takes 6months after the nomination. So that means she must be thinking that I am a stupid person or she knows better then everyone.

  6. Good luck for all of us,I think now we are pretty close..we will just wait and see..did you try to get in touch with the department cuz two weeks ago I have been told that my case was allocated to a team and I need to wait couple of weeks more to get a result we applied in very close dates so yours should be coming soon too...


    Which date did you applied??

  7. One of my previous working letter that I provided earlier to the department..


    In my case I haven't provided anything regarding my work experience. I was on 457 visa for a year and that's it, after that I applied of my RSMS which I withdraw after 6 months and then this one in which I have already waited same as you.

  8. Nomination has approved on 6 may then I have been told that my reference letter was fradulent then I provided documents supporting it was not fraudulent and now waiting for a decision.what about your nomination?


    My nomination got approved in April and heard nothing after that. Just waiting for the answer as I have already submitted all the documents required.


    Which reference letter you are talking about??

  9. Just called immigration asking about my visa...they said that its under process and it takes 6months after your nomination is been approved regardless of applying both nomination and visa together...so people waiting for there nomination or got there nomination, still have to wait 6months or less... :)

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