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Clare Crane

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Everything posted by Clare Crane

  1. Can I ask how your wife went about applying for these posts? Did she apply directly via the school website etc?
  2. I dunno where my replies have gone, but will send again just in case. Anyway, thanks Vanduex and Paul for your replies. My subjects will be English and French. I have 9 years experience as a Learning Support here in Scotland, as well as 1 year teaching English in 2 schools in France. I realise that this may not carry much weight as this is all before actual teaching qualification, but it's something to stick on a CV. I plan to do my probation year here after qualifying and perhaps one or two more years after that - depending what the rules regarding dual qualification are at that time, as they seem to change all the time here in Scotland. I totally realise how competitive the job market is and am prepared to do supply etc - it's no different here and many, many teachers spend years on supply before being able to secure a full-time post - so my eyes are wide open I drooled over the BB job, yes, but of course that is a total dream job - hence the drooling. I'm leaning more toward QLD anyway, more specifically Brisbane. Again, quite tough cos it's popular, but what can I say I'm a city gal at heart and couldn't move half-way across the world for a small town. Plus, I'm not afraid of a challenge Thanks again for your replies and any and all feedback is welcome C
  3. Hey. I am not a teacher yet, but will be on completion of my Post Grad. I never had a desire to move to Oz before, but lately am more and more drawn to it and so am researching the hell outta everything So far, I've passed the points thingy, looked at jobs on various sites and drooled over one in Byron Bay! lol I've looked at housing and now am researching regional sponsorship route as opposed to the 189 visa. Any and all advice would be welcome
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