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Posts posted by HARLEYDPHIL

  1. Hi phill

    as i allready told our lodgement date is week before you.

    and we are done with police clearance medicals ans Aos too.

    We have not told to immi. About that we are done with Aos and all that

    we are not using any agent. Do we need to contact immi. To inform that we are done with Aos.

    and whats your guess when we will get case officer assigned



    Hi Harvi,

    Don't think you"ll need to contact Immi, CO will contact them and make sure all is in place when assigned. Again, think its just our agent being ultra diligent.

    As I said to Skeelsy I'm betting on Feb 20th. Fingers and everything else crossed.


  2. Whoop whoop for HarleyPhil. Let's bring some excitement to our waiting room. My money is on HarleyPhil getting case officer on 27 Jan and book open for any other wagers. Winner gets as many likes from other detainees as possible Kim


    Hi Kim,

    Hope it is 27th Jan but think that may be too soon :-)

    I'll have a little gamble on 20th Feb :jiggy:



  3. Hi I must be reading things wrong ,I thought we get a case officer before we have medics/police checks then aos then the 'biggy payment',then VISA, (we have an agent) will we have to fill in form 80 agent hasn't said anything but we still have a long long wait

    Hi Rubyford,

    Our agent is based in Perth and has been pretty much on the ball to be fair. As I have previously said, "I am unsure if they have anymore clout than any other Agent ?? Form 80 was completed soon after our application date. Agent has contacted Immi today to inform them AOS now in place. That is, pretty much all our Ducks hopefully in a row and ready for CO.

    Todays Gem;

    "​Never give up on something you want, its difficult to wait but worse to regret"




  4. Hi All,

    Just an update on our visas; our son in Perth has just received email confirmation that our AOS has been payed and finalised.

    WooHoo !!!!:ssign19:

    Another box ticked and another step closer.

    Had a visit from Pickfords yesterday regarding a quote for shipping, PSS coming on Friday, I will post the quotes when I receive them.



  5. Thanks for that. One thought is that a 143 you were called early to sort AOS out whilst I assume a 173 does not get that call. If you were given your HAP no then surely that disadvantages the 173 who applied same day as you as they have to then try and do once they get to case officer whilst technically now you can present every as soon as case officer contacts you and be through in no time. Am I missing something or being a bit dumb!!!! Kim

    Hi Kim,

    Who knows the intricacies of our "lesser spotted" friends, we all try to second guess but the fact is.......it will happen when they are ready



    The goal posts seem to change like the wind, all I hope is that it's blowing in a favourable direction for all on the forum.

    "The longer you wait for something, the more you appreciate it when you get it, because anything worth having is definitely worth waiting for."




  6. Appreciate help thoughts advice Etc re Medicals. We did not get a HAP no when we lodged as had stopped doing that. Is this a specific no to each person or a general no for the type of medical you need. I have noted some people given this no by their agent before immi has so guessing second option. So questions are how could I get this no before immi formally gives it to us with immi? Are their several different nos for different circumstances so could I risk choosing wrong HAP no? Is it bad idea to do this?? Kim

    Hi Kim,

    As far as I am aware the HAP ID is specific to you, my wife's and mine where consecutive 7 digit numbers and a barcode that is specific to you and your application.

    Could you go through your agent to get a referral letter ?



  7. Hi Phil

    No request for medical or police or anything else. Immi did reply to an email I sent them last summer regarding change of Circumstances of my Sponsor so they do respond! We are not using an Agent as funds are tight.

    Have you been asked for AOS? When you had your medicals requested last year I felt sure that we would hear 2 months later but it seems they've just lost interest! I really hope they are not going back to asking for everything in 28 days and then everything is a last minute rush.

    Just have to keep on waiting, every sleep is one day nearer.



    Hi Julie,

    Our agent is based in Perth, so I am uncertain if they have any more clout than anyone else but yes we have been asked for AOS. Tom our son has visited Centrelink and given all the relevant info and I have actually just transferred $14200 from our Commbank account. He has made an appointment for Monday to open up a new account at Commbank (they charge $200 for the privilege ) in which the AOS will be held for 10years. Once this is completed all our Ducks will hopefully be in a row and ready for the illusive "Lesser Spotted Case Officer" I hear, they're as rare as a Dodo. :laugh:


    I wonder ........??? is our agent is just been preemptive ?. Or Immi, have changed (yet again) the way they do things. In which case, either way, you have no need to worry.



  8. Hi PHIL Hope you had good Xmas and new year. Great to hear some pro active movement to try and 'phone home'. We gambled coming out early and our visa runs out 30 Jan and have to leave. We are going to hop to NZ and wait it out there now. I looked and looked on form 80 and couldn't find the box to make claims for likely stress related conditions resulting from this visa process!!!! Considering bribery but unfortunately funds depleted due to visa cost so wait is our game plan - wait and wait and wait Kim


    Hi Kim,

    Yes thank you, Christmas and New Year was a great time (helped take our mind off visa watching) Hope you enjoyed a fab Festive season in Oz. Having to up sticks and wait in NZ can't be easy but the long term goal will be worth it.

    Form 80 is fun (:arghh:) isn't it, talk about having to have TOTAL RECALL.


    Well, its back to hibernation for now :SLEEP::SLEEP: (Dreaming of faraway shores)



  9. I think we need an Immi check - hailing anyone in Perth - could you make visual contact with immi building to see if actually still there or have they all been beamed up by aliens Kim:skeptical::skeptical:


    Hi Kim,

    Think you may be onto something :biglaugh::biglaugh: What other reason could there be ?? We've been stuck on Feb 13th for almost a month and the waiting room is getting more and more cramped.

    Our agent in Perth is making contact with them today, i'll let you know if ET answers the phone :mad:

    Fingers and everything else crossed that Friday brings some sort of movement in the date.


    "Our willingness to wait reveals the value we place on what we are waiting for"




  10. To all my fellow exponents of the art of Patience

    I would just like to wish all the "Parents in the Waiting Room" a Very Happy Christmas.

    To all 2014 applicants, lets hope Santa brings the new year present of speedy completion.

    Which would mean a VERY VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR indeed :xmas12: :xmas3::xmas4::xmas25::xmas1::xmas2::xmas7:

    Best wishes


  11. Hi,

    Fairly new to POIA

    I see no recent threads regarding parents?

    I applied for mine in September - agent said it would take 18 months/ 2years, has anybody applied and got their visa any sooner.



    You've found the right place :wink:

    We are all Parents in the waiting room on this thread.

    It is currently taking 22/24 months to Visa Grant. Immi move at their own pace unfortunately. This is a very informative place to try and endure your long wait.

    Good look with your application



  12. what is going on???? Is everyone going to Perth? Sounds like there's going to be quite a community of Pommie CPv's in Perth.

    Time to start a new group......Anyone heading for Mornington Peninsular VIC???



    Hi Julie,

    I'm another......heading for Perth

    I have to say that if both our boys hadn't chosen Perth to live, then Victoria would be our pick.

    Would be good to see Immi processing into March before the New Year



  13. Hi Joe


    Yes it is disappointing progress, but at least it is progress.


    It's a good job they don't have a question on the application pack asking if we have the patience of a saint!!






    Hi Steve,

    Yeah, maybe it should be on there. Don't know about the rest of you but I'm getting really good at watching the kettle boil. :laugh::laugh::laugh:



  14. Hi Phil

    thanks for the update regarding your application. Can you tell me what date in April you applied? We applied 21 June so I'm trying to work out if we are running 2 or 3 months behind you! Many thanks, keep us all posted, any info like this is really appreciated by all of us.


    Hi Julie,

    Application submitted 23rd April.

    Although I hav'nt previously posted, it's been a great help reading this thread. It's just good to know others are suffering the "wait" and feeling exactly the same.

    Good things come to those who wait ☺


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