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Posts posted by HARLEYDPHIL

  1. Please , please keep up on the forum, as Skeelsy does, and let us know your experiences.


    i have to ask........do you have a Harley? Have you imported? Etc, etc.


    I am a biker (not Harley) lol.. and already in touch with a couple of like minded people over in the Perth region, just curious if you have found a club or such like?



    Hi Bev,

    I will only be the other side of the waiting room door, can't go too far as the forum has been my comfort blanket for the last 2 years.

    Yes, I have a Harley FatBoy (solid wheel one that Arnie drove in Terminator).

    Its going into the container with all our worldly goods but I have had to apply for its own import approval.

    I have not looked at any clubs yet as not sure where we'll settle. It will be fab to ride it out in Perth and not have to spend 3hrs cleaning all the chrome because of road spray.

    Look forward to catching up in Aus.



  2. Brilliant news Phil.


    We're not jealous really we're not (oh alright - yes we are!).


    Look forward to our beer in Little Creatures or somewhere once we're out there.


    Enjoy your champers - you've earned it.


    All the best



    Hi Steve,

    Think I"ll have to check out Little Creatures a few more times until you arrive :biglaugh:

    Your summary of the AOS was spot on, the only thing different (good news) is the fee when we did ours in Jan was only $200

    Don't think it's gone up.



  3. How did you get the AOS early?


    Hi Alan,

    The simple answer is I'm not sure. I think Immi changed the way they deal with 143CPV applications around the time we applied. We had a referral letter the same time as Police and Meds. Now, whether that was down to my agent hanging on to it from lodgement or they have a bit of pull because they are based in Perth, I am unsure. However I am certain it's a far better way to deal with AOS. It makes much more sense to allow people to get that bit out of the way the month before CO.



  4. Hi All,

    We've just had the most lovely email...............

    Visa Grant


    That was much quicker than I imagined.

    Now come on Immi have a look at how my Visa was processed....

    Form 80 completed with original application.

    Early Med and Poloice Check requests.

    Early contact for AOS.

    CO to grant 4 days.

    There has to be a future in this for all the CPV's

    Thanks to all my fellow sufferers on the forum for helping make this a more than just bearable process.

    Good Luck to the 2014ers awaiting your turn.

    To all the 15ers time really does fly, it'll be here before you know it. even if it doesn't feel like it.

    Thats it, I'm up off my seat and leaving the waiting room. Shuffle along everyone, one seat closer.



  5. I read somewhere that immi is very fussy to ensure sponsor pays it and even went to extent of requesting bank statements to check money had not been transferred by parents to the sponsor so beware! Kim

    Hi Kim,

    I transferred money into our sons account and he went to centre link the next day to pay, no probs. They only seem interested in checking they meet the financial criteria.

    Hope this helps


  6. Has anybody got an editable Form 80 they can send me please? I have been sent one from my MA, and tried using the one on IMMI site, but each time, when I go to save it, only the form saves, and not the content, which is getting frustrating now! Please note, not tech savvy, so it may well be my system as MA has suggested - Thanks

    Hi Alan,

    Our MA told us the only way to save info on the form was to do it on a Microsoft based computer. We had an old laptop I was able to access emails on, it worked for us :wink:, we had tried it first on the IMac and suffered the same fate as you.



  7. AAAArghhh! Form 80, what a form this is!! Does this get requested every time? Is it us, or is it difficult to fill in, seems everything we have done since birth is required!!! Also, we have just completed as much as we could, went to save it, and the form saved, but not the content!!! 1, 2, 3, 4,5 6 trying to keep calm by counting to 10!

    Hi Alan,

    Form 80 is really a final test of our patience and memory. Some guy at Immi thought it up as a joke, they sit down in the office debrief at the end of the week and laugh at our efforts to remember every minuscule detail of our lives. Hang in there Alan.



  8. Hi Phil,


    Congrats on the progress! We are right behind you :)

    Just a question, (or two)! So your lodgment date is 23rd of April or the 30th?

    Also did they ask for documents at some point before Friday and then asked for the 2VAC on Friday, or am I missing something?




    Hi Nassim,

    Lodged 23rd April as per my signature.

    Our Agent either had contact or held onto the requests for Police Check/Meds/Aos until the appropriate time. We completed our Form 80 with the original application (April 23rd 2014)

    First contact we had from CO was Friday requesting 2nd Vacs.



  9. Hi,

    Just like to say thanks to all for your good wishes.

    I transferred $87200 to our agents client account today, they are forwarding a bankers cheque to Immi in the morning and I guess that's it until Visa grant.

    Weird thing is on the cover letter requesting 2nd Vacs CO says we have until 29th May to enter Aus ??

    Talk about short notice !!

    Told agent, this must be an error as on the request letter it say 26th Nov (our Police Check date), asked for clarity. If all goes to plan we are leaving Blighty on 19th May.

    Happy Days


  10. Whoop whoop finally when did your agent actually hear as couldn't have been over weekend. Through the doors you go - so pleased for you Kim

    Hi Kim

    Thank you :wink:

    As I suspected, they made contact with the agent late yesterday afternoon and it been Friday had left the office early.

    Contacted me this morning.

    Ducks in a row certainly works as straight to 2nd Vacs request.

    Now it all seems real after all the planning and hoping and waiting and waiting.


    Champagne open !!! with a late breaky.



  11. I was thinking the very same GeordieJoe!! I was going to wait until they are processing May dates and then get my parents to send an email requesting the Hap id.

    After all...it can't hurt to try!!:cute:

    Fingers crossed you hear soon HARLEYDPHIL.

    Thanks Moomin13,

    I think I just missed my agent in Perth this morning when I emailed them, to find out what was happening.

    Friday early finish and now plus 8hrs.

    Watch this space......I am hoping for a call on Monday morning.



  12. Perth area for me, my daughter is currently living in Harrisdale and I will be staying with her until my visa is hopefully granted, this will give me time to see where I want to settle, and also see a little of the rest of the country hopefully, before I have to return to the working life!

    it is very exciting on this thread at the moment, nothing or nobody seemed to have moved on when I started avidly checking in, but now.............lots happening and moving on, I wish everyone the best of luck.


    Hi Bev,

    It would be good to catch up when you get out there.

    Yep........where to settle is another dilemma, just one of the many.

    Seeing movement amongst the waiting room is great, come on Immi lets get those bums shuffling along seats.


  13. Hi to Steve and Phil, I know I am a long way behind but am going over 1st Nov (hopefully to not return unless on holiday)

    i hope you keep looking on the site and letting everyone know your experiences. Even when settling, it's a new life and experience counts.

    i hope we can all meet for a drink one day.


    Hi Bev

    Yes, the forum is an amazing source of comfort and knowledge and it really is helpful to share experiences.

    Where are you looking to call home ?



  14. Hi Phil


    Great news on the house sale; we sold last year and have been living in a rental since September (we call it the transit lounge) but are totally bored with it now and it's not home is it?


    My dog has his import licence ready, darn sight easier than our visas, and just waiting for the visas so we can get his export and transit licences ready.


    I know you'll agree that although worthwhile this waiting is intolerable.


    We're heading to Perth as well, the Joondalup area then hopefully onto Yanchep, whereabouts are you going, not sure if I've asked you before?


    I agree with you abut the logistics and it's not much easier when moving from a rental.


    All the best



    Hi Steve,

    Yeah house sale will be a big relief (as long as it all goes smoothly) must admit we were beginning to think that May was out of the question for a move.

    We've had to push the button on the dogs today, otherwise our move to Aus would have to have been pushed back (due to the strict guidelines on when various examinations need to be carried out, as you will know) Scary, because if the house sale falls through we are committed. Flights for dogs booked for 11th May, Quarantine booked, internal flights from Melbourne to Perth booked, visited Vets this afternoon for the first of 3 visits prior to departure, Instructed solicitor on house sale. It really is all systems go. Our 7 week clock is truely ticking.

    Initially we are going to be just down the road from you in Landsdale (living with our son and fiancée) so we'll have to catch up when you make the move out. We may finish up living south of the river in the Piara Waters/Beeliar area, it will all depend on what we see and whether or not to build or buy existing, we are still very undecided.

    Exciting times for us all.



  15. Hi Phil


    know how you feel, the logistics are driving us crazy, we exchanged recently and our completion date will be mid June, just about the time we hopefully get our visa! Question is how quickly will we find a house in Oz, when should we ship? The questions go on. I hope your house sale goes Ok and that you get a quick exchange and completion. It took 3 months to exchange on ours, thought it would never happen.

    Anyway first thing first, you should be hearing from IMMI very soon.



    Hi Julie,

    Questions, questions, questions.

    Your right, how long is a piece of string..........when to ship, if to delay shipping, will the house sale go through, visa grant date, medicals, when to start the dog process, when to book flights.

    There will be a lot of satisfaction when it all comes together, I'm certain.

    Come on CO I'm ready for you :wink:


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