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Everything posted by megs0187

  1. It's awful isn't it!!! I don't think they realise just how much it's been effecting people's lives!! When I applied it stated 8-10 weeks so I arrived in Australia and then 8 months of emotion later I sort of get an answer! What I don't understand now is how they're are hand picking some of the DipHE nurses and not others?! I'm obviously very fortunate to be one of those people but I actually feel like telling them to stick it now haha!!
  2. Hi Almack, Unfortunately if ahpra doesn't already have your application for assessment they won't register you. They are no longer accepting anything less than AQF 7 which is a bachelor degree! Sorry for the news Although if they do already have your application they may give you a conditional rego like I've just been offered. Hope that helps...
  3. I actually had an email from ahpra this week to say that under the new guidelines I wouldn't get registered but because I score highly in all the other criteria they are going to register me with a condition that I am supervised by a manager for 12 months!! Don't really understand that as I've been qualified and working in mental health now for 5 years but hey, whatever makes them feel better!! Aaahhhh its been such a long anf stressful wait I'm just so relieved it's finally all over! I hope others are also getting some sort of positive outcome
  4. Sorry tjh, I believe its all the same for diplomas now whether adult, MH etc. You have to be equivalent of AQF 7 and only a bachelor degree from the uk will you get you that.
  5. Thanks guys, all very helpful even if its just to have a whinge to someone who understands!! My poor house mate is sick of it haha! It really is all such a joke, they were quick enough to take my money off me back in January!! I wonder if I'll get that back? I feel a bit sick of it all at the moment, I don't have a partner or anybody that I am desperate to stay here for so I'm feeling a bit stubborn about it all haha! I don't want to jump through hoops for them....I'm a bloody good nurse and I'll just take it back to the drawing board and start a new adventure somewhere else Globetrotter, could your wife not do the bridging course here rather than all the upheaval of having to go home!? Does sound very stressful and costly for you
  6. 'To be eligible for registration, your qualification must be assessed to be substantially equivalent to a Board-approved Australian qualification. For example, for registered nurses this must be equivalent to a bachelor degree as defined in the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) Level 7' Just found this on their website which they've just updated! So yes it is completely confirmed as DipHE is AQF 6! Boooooo I still just can't get my head around how they don't think a 3 year course in mental health with 6 different placement areas is not good enough to be a mental health nurse here?! and the fact that they don't take into consideration any post grad experience. I guess it's more just a way to cut down the amount of internationals applying?!
  7. Hey Jac thanks for your response I appreciate that. I'm baffled that they would put it on twitter but not tell me over the phone the last three times ive called!!! surprise surprise I didn't get a call back! So I phoned again yesterday but couldn't get through to a case officer. The girl I spoke to though was marginally more helpful than others. She said she couldn't give me a clear answer as they weren't even told and I would just have to wait for my decision from the board. But she did say from her experience that they were turning down DipHE nurses from other countries such as India, Germany and Philippines but that sometimes the UK is a different story so don't give up hope just yet!! That seems crazy to me though and I'm not holding any hope for that. Im just gutted as this has been my dream for so many years and I feel like this year has just been a waste of time and stress when I could have been putting my effort into other avenues! Ah well. Going home and topping up is an option. I've also heard that others applying through ANMAC are getting PR based on their international qualification without having to be registered with AHPRA?! It's a crazy system!!
  8. Hey guys, like many others I've been having a nightmare with ahpra!! They've had my application since February this year, I'm on my 2nd working holiday visa and stupidly didn't put my application in until a month before I flew back over as I had no idea there was such a problem! (the website at that point still stated about 10 weeks). In March I had an interview and got offered a job with sponsorship! I phoned ahpra and explained the situation and asked how long my rego would be. The guy I spoke to said all they were waiting on was my nmc certificate then my registration would be good to go!! So obviously I took the job and my boss was happy to wait for my rego. A couple of weeks later I hadn't heard anything and after several phonecalls someone said I don't know who told you that but it's incorrect! We are waiting for your certificate before your application is complete then it will go through to be assessed and we can't give you a time scale. I then had to wait weeks more before I got an email saying I needed further info from uni blah blah blah, probably sounds familiar!! Anyway my boss was very very good and put me into a team leader role which I didn't have to have my rego for....I got him put as a third party on my application and he phoned several times for me and also sent a letter to say I'm employed as ahpra told me this would help! clearly untrue! I've now just lost my job, understandably, as I'm still waiting for rego! Im registered mental health nurse with a dipHE so after reading this thread I've gone into hopeless mode again. I've just been on the phone to ahpra to ask if having the dipHE means I would have to do a bridging course or if people are still getting registered without it! Surprisingly, they couldn't give me an answer. I got a little bit upset (exasperated rather than angry) and got put through to someone else as I explained that I couldn't afford a bridging course so this could drastically change my plans. The next person also said I had to be patient and that applications are assessed individually! She also could not tell me if dipHE nurses are still getting registered without the bridging course.......she tried to put me through to a senior case officer who obviously didn't pick up (im not sure they exist to be honest!!!) so she has left a message and promised that someone will call me back before the end of wednesday! I don't have much hope of this happening but I will call again. Just wanted to let you know what's happening and if miraculously someone gives me an answer about the dipHE question, I will of course let you know.
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