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Everything posted by samsen

  1. Thanks Neohope, Megan, Barney500, Kmchu.... on the Visa it went straight from "In Prgoress" to "Granted" .....no CO assigned notification. On the nomination the MA received a query from CO on Sep 22nd, my employer responded on 23rd and Nomination approved on Sep 24th. Query was on Leave entitlement policy.
  2. Hi All, PR got approved immediately after nomination approved. :wink:Timelines below. Noimination and Visa applied ( all medicals, PCC etc frontloaded ) - June 23rd Since my Australia police check expired ( 1 year completed ) I resubmitted a new one 2 weeks back proactively to keep my docs in order and avoid delays. Nomination approval - 24th Sep. Visa Approval - 24th Sep Direct Entry, High Risk Country, processed through MA. P.S - MA said that there was a query to employer on leave policy and workign hours on the nomination part on 22nd Sep and it was responded to on 23rd Sep. Time to celebrate now after all the anxiety. Wish all those waiting get their PRs soon....just a word of advice be proactive on the documentation and requirements...frontloading all upfront during nomination seems to cut the wait time between nomination approval and visa approval from my experience and observing the timeline of others in forums....
  3. Hi All, Just an update. MA informed that my nomination has been approved today. DIBP seems to be bang on the 3 months target, my timelines.... Noimination and Visa applied ( all medicals, PCC etc frontloaded ) - June 23rd Since my Australia police check expired ( 1 year completed ) I resubmitted a new one 2 weeks back proactively to keep my docs in order and avoid delays. Nomination approval - 24th Sep. Awaiting progress on visa approval now...
  4. Nomination and Application with medicals, PCC, Form 80, IELTS, Skill validation etc frontloaded - 23rd June
  5. Hi Davidexpat, Did you put in your nomination and visa application together on the same date or in separately? My MA suggested putting it together to avoid delays. Hopefully you should be gettign it soon...
  6. Hi Paulin, Congrats. A quick query - since you did not get any contact from CO, How did you know you had to email Melbourne DIBP office? Sorry my query could be dumb as I applied late in june and ignorant of how the interactions happen.
  7. Hi Kfallon, just a quick query can you share the timelines of your nomination submission and approval? Cheers.
  8. Congrats Fiji and Sikofbrit. The long wait for you both is finally over. Time to celebrate.....With this news I think all of April is done now....
  9. Congrats. Enjoy your happy days.... Can you please share a bit more information - Direct / Transition, High / Low Risk Country and Processing Location.
  10. Hi Kuda, Congrats, enjoy.....just a quick query...are you from a high risk / low risk country?
  11. As far as I know it does not pull the application from your MA but gives you additional viewing rights to track your application. My MA gave it to me immly after application filing and after that he did some additional doc submissions to my application as well after a week!!
  12. Nope...i guess allocations are happening for early May although I read somewhere a DIBP update saying allocations were happenign for May and early june....i think it will take another 4 - 5 weeks ..fingers crossed...
  13. Hi Neohope, I submitted my application closer to yours....23rd June / on shore Direct ...high risk..
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