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Everything posted by acl

  1. For those in melbourne... I guess around frankston and then out west near point cook and whatnot... What sort of speeds do you get? I currently get around 100mbs from virgin (cabled) here in leicester but I've heard mixed things really and wasn't sure what to expect?
  2. We got really hooked on it at first. I think more so as a bit of a ... "What can I expect and what does melbourne actually look like?" But then it all just got a bit samey and I don't really watch much now. We've had more fun watching Coast, grand designs Australia, a place to call home and other bits and bobs I've come across on the internet. In reality though I found doing online shopping on food websites, comparing it with what I've just bought from tesco or wherever and checking out google maps much more useful... Oh and the shameless addiction to real estate and reading this forum. im more excited about going in February and just driving around I think hahaha!!
  3. Congrats... Just been looking into it all and was getting nervous reading some posts recently but we're BSc too!
  4. I debated this years and years ago and never did anything with it when I wanted to go to oz before... Things come up, didn't do anything with it and went on to be a manager of a travel agents (wishing I had gone and got a skill to be worth the points or SS). Started loving my job, travelling everywhere and Australia just went on hold. I then met mr right randomly one day, he said he was working to be a nurse and wanted to emigrate to australia... After I picked myself up off the floor after falling off my chair (I mean really, who says that on their first date) we're emigrating together and I'm going to re train in something when we get to oz potentially. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you're here for a short time but it's a long time to be unhappy so control the controllables and do whatever makes you happy right now and everything else just falls into place. Who knows, you might cut mr rights hair one day! :wubclub:
  5. acl

    Hi everyone! :)

    Hi both! Thanks very much for your hellos! Nice to see someone from leicester too although originally we are from Birmingham and Coventry ha!
  6. Hello everyone... I've been browsing the forum for a few weeks now and have found it really really useful. Like most people I'm sure, I was drawn to the forum following lots of research about emigration and trying to get as much information as possible. We've spoken to a few people about emigration but I find their interest wades fast like they think we aren't serious or I get the impression that they don't really understand... Maybe that's just me though ha ? So, after being a lurk I thought I'd join in a bid to hopefully join the family and make some great friends whilst we start the process! So, we come as a pair... My name is Adam, I'm the obsessive researcher and planner, 25, living in Leicester and currently a Superstore General Manager for a large holiday company here in the UK... My partner, James, is also 25, we've been together for 2.5 years now and he's a nurse... Everyone always asks... Why Australia? I don't know, why not is my response and that's all I have currently! We're really drawn to it, no ties to the UK and pretty much free agents so we thought we'd give it a go and live with no regrets! We've booked a trip down under for next February (last week we booked!) and we are so excited... We're currently looking at emigrating to Melbourne... James loves the thought of the nursing ratios and me, i like the thought of Melbourne but (could you tell that was coming?) I'm really drawn to SE Queensland... Sort of Brissy, Gold Coast... A sort of subtropical dream I have in my mind! On our trip we're visiting Melbourne for 4 nights, the Gold Coast for 4 nights and then back to Melbourne but more specifically, St Kilda, for the last 4 nights before we fly back to the UK again... We've booked with Royal Brunei for the flights... We are debating starting PR offshore or whether to head down under, see what happens and if we find a place we love and get job offers to go down the PR route later... Who knows! I don't want to bore you all with war and peace so I'll cut it short now but can't wait to meet everyone and make some great friends!!! Thanks, Ad
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