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Belinda Au

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Everything posted by Belinda Au

  1. Me too! I'm hoping there's much less chance with it being a 50th anniversary. I can't wait. :biggrin: What a bugger you missed out on your show. :sad:
  2. I'm going to be mighty knackered for sure :laugh: The show is on my birthday (which I never celebrate) but I just had to do it. I still can't believe I did something so bloody indulgent. That's not like me at all! If I could have more time off from my job, I'd stay longer. Obviously I am totally biased (not half!) but I think they are the best band to ever have come out of Britain. Big call I know, but I stand by it. Then I thought - oh God, what if they cancel?!!! You know what? STILL worth it. :laugh:
  3. Thanks dx! It's gonna be The Bomb for sure! Phil May couldn't disappoint if he tried!
  4. It is Katie. The job I'm working on at the moment has all sorts of deadlines on it and it's not flexible. I had to beg for the couple of days I could get. They've been my favourite band in the world for the last 30 years and there was no way I was going to miss out. Besides, I haven't been to the 100 in more than 15 years - it's going to be absolutely awesome. They are so worth it. :biggrin:
  5. I must have been lucky then - no issues for me. :biggrin:
  6. Back to the UK for 4 measly days. :laugh: Booked my ticket - off to see the 50th Anniversary of The Pretty Things at the 100 Club. Brilliant. The move will come later. :biggrin:
  7. God, Andy that sounds awful - I'm really sorry for your mother. I personally find dental costs in oz very high... but in fairness... I can always get an appt with a dr pretty much when I need it and have nothing but praise for how I was dealt with, having the cranial surgery - can't complain there.
  8. It's lucky we have lots of good infrastructure and public transport everywhere, full employment and access to education and healthcare for all who need it otherwise this proposed expenditure would look really bad. :laugh:
  9. the price for dentistry here is extortionate in my opinion. my teeth are not in great shape at all, but none are exactly blackened and/or falling out. I had facial neuralgia for 7 years (fixed now thanks to a cranial surgery!) which prevented teeth cleaning on and off during that time. I did go recently to see what work needed to be done to get them back to health - I got a quote for just under $24,000!!!! I wish I was kidding. cost is a huge factor - well, in fact the only factor that keeps me away. Needless to say now that I can, always brushing and flossing. That will have to do for now I'm afraid! I do see a GP who bulk bills which is great although I read there is discussion (and perhaps a secret agreement already) to introduce a $6 co-payment to see GPs. Specialists cost - I've yet to have seen one who bulk bills but maybe there are some out there.................
  10. oops!!! Should have put RNB, of course! Sorry about that, Rupert! Spent entirely too much time on the interwebs today, I think. My eyes are fuzzy! :laugh:
  11. seriously smart and well-thought out, Rupert. I marvel at how our live in oz seems to be marketed over your way. I'm 47 and i'm definitely working more than ever (and my money seems to buy less and less!) - I'd say in that respect it's similar to a lot of places! Should things change, there's nothing stopping you and your wife re-considering a move at a later stage. Really smart thinking there.
  12. True, I'm not either - maybe I'm just used to the "you can't do this, you can't do that" thing with renting that I don't think about it so much anymore now. Good luck with it though - I hope you enjoy it here... and if not, that you find the place that's just right for you. :biggrin:
  13. It's a bit of a downside with renting, not being able to do little things like paint or hang some art and stuff like that .... and, it's just not your own place, you know? Having said that, where I am now, the landlord is pretty good to me so I can't complain on that score. Good thinking though... if you're no sold on the place yet, no need to get married to a mortgage!
  14. I think that is what is annoying an ever increasing number, Shelly - that "feeling" of being a slave to corporates - bank or otherwise. Working like a maniac for the next 12-18 months (and some serious planning on my part!) could see me completely debt-free at the end of that time so it's worth the effort I'm putting into it. I'm not a home-owner but I gave up on that here years ago. Still, being free of debt is a lovely thing to aim for these days!
  15. No need for apologies, Bunbury - in fact, I do agree with you (she says as she gets ready for Uni and another night shift!!) errgghhh.... need coffee.
  16. i'm going to have to look for them on the next shop!
  17. oh TOOBS! do they still make those, Wakeboard? I haven't seen those for years! We used to put them on our fingers at school and pretend we had lots of gold rings. Ah, childhood. :laugh:
  18. Must admit, I'm confused by this thread too. Jasepom, by your own admission you state it was your good self who wished to return. So where you are getting this "oh my wife made me do it" jazz from, I just don't know. I echo the sentiments of many here. Not sure your marriage should be forum-fodder. I see you have been making posts of this type for quite some time. I'm not going to say anything about the children. I don't have any so I'm going to insult them, your wife or you by offering advice on a situation I've never experienced. But it seems you are feeling quite victimised (despite, as I have already stated, your admission that you yourself expressed the desire to return initially) and blame your wife instead which is unfair. You also seem very angry. Please do yourself some good and find a counsellor you can talk to to work through those feelings and help you arrive at a decision (whatever that may be) that will go some way to restoring some happiness in your life and hopefully it will be one that all of you can live with. I wish you and your family well with whatever happens.
  19. Bunbury, I didn't say it was a great one, did I? (at least I don't think I did!) Just saying how it is. I currently work 2 days a week, am at Uni 3 days a week and also work 4 nights a week! It's definitely hamster wheel material, I agree with you. I'm sticking it out for another year, maybe year and a half to save up the $$$ so I can move back to the UK - for how long? Don't know. I'm doing it that way so I can go and not have to worry about hitting the ground running trying to find work again, etc. But yeah, it's certainly been feeling more "the american way" for the last decade or so in some respects. Totally agree with you. I look at many of my friends here who have a mortgage and are working insane hours to pay for a place they spend very little time in. Seems mad. :biggrin:
  20. Hey, that's not fair, Graham! I was born here of English parents and I'm looking to go back at some point in the near future! You made a very sweeping generalisation there and I call wrong on it - if for no other reason that I just don't think like that at all. Two types of people would make for a very boring world indeed and I think it's more interesting than that! :biggrin:
  21. Lordy! :biggrin: I am 17456 days old.
  22. Born in OZ as well and far from impressed the way the nation has gone over the past decade. hmmm.... have to say I agree with the above comment. I can't quite put my finger on it, but yeah. I have travelled much as you have done... perhaps it depends on the areas... some places are more insular than others, but for a country with loads of open space and lots of other things to do, there doesn't seem to be a whole lot in the way of socialising going on. strange.
  23. No two experiences are exactly the same but I must confess Flag... I was born here... and I have always felt it a little difficult to make friends here - particularly in Sydney. Certainly everyone I know now is busy working like a dog to cover the mortgage. Always lots of stuff to do here... but increasingly no-one has the time. And yes, it has not always been this way. I'm sure it's the same in lots of countries now.... wages are the last to rise so we're all spending more time working to pay for stuff. errgghh....
  24. It seems like every second day I'm still umming and ahhing about staying or going! I wish I could make a new country - half oz, half England. Yes. I'd like that very much.
  25. Oh I totally agree. Funny to see this as I watched the first season again this morning! Just love her. She's almost too funny!
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