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Posts posted by AlanSteel

  1. Hi Joe and everyone else waiting for their parent visas in Oz


    when you travelled out on your e651 or 600 did you buy a return ticket to Oz?

    not sure if you can get in on a one way....




    Hi Julie, we booked through an agent, and incidentally our ticket has a return element, which apparently was a requirement of booking a business class outward ticket, and it cost less than a single journey

  2. Hi Joe


    sounds good, we had a look several dealers last time we were in Oz, going to get a new car or demonstrator, treating ourselves! Just weighing up the pros and cons of waiting it out homeless in the Uk or going to Oz.




    Hi Julie, we sold up last August, and fortunately for us one of Karen's work colleagues has a flat on Ipswich marina, where we have been staying since we sold. However we reached the end of our tether once January and February slipped by, as this is when we originally thought we would get our visa's. Alas, here we are still waiting, and why we fly out on 1st June, as we decided better waiting in Oz, than Ipswich.


    We already have a small run about car in Oz, and yesterday took delivery of these bad boys!




    A little indulgence! Story is I bought Karen some private plates for her 40th, and as part of the process, we sold these recently. So I surprised her buy buying the same number for her car in Oz! A bit of home from home :-)


  3. Nothing is going to rain on our parade now, Less than 3 weeks till we arrive, and if it takes another 1-3 months so be it, I guess if they have unprecedented numbers, then they can only do what the can only do, as disappointing is for us all.


    Like many, when we started the process, it was anticipated 18-24 months, and I guess this is why we are feeling it now, as its looking 24 months plus. We thought we might have had this concluded by January this year.


    Come Xmas, many will sit back and not care that it took so long, even if right now, like us, we are chomping at the bit, because we cant do any forward planning for jobs etc etc.

  4. Thanks for sharing Kim.


    What a surprise, currently assessing applications 1 year and 364 days old, wonder if this mornings team talk was whatever you do don't let it go over the 2 year time frame.


    Team talks? What are the consequences of going over 2 years? If nothing other than amending time scales on emails, and web sites, I'm not so sure anyone is that concerned by the 2 year rule. As had been said many times on the forum, they have an unprecedented number of applications to assess, and I'm certain they are working hard to get these done.

  5. Hi Everyone :)


    I think it is time to share some good news.

    After 24 months and 11 days my mother is now an Australian Permanent Resident!!!


    Lodge data 30th April 2014, CO contact April 6th 2016 ( with a bit of a horror story that took more than 3 weeks to get sorted and was the reason for my disappearance from the forum) next contact to ask for medical and form 80 on May 2nd, 2VAC requested May 10th and Visa Grant May 11th!


    Can't explain how happy I am that the journey is finally over and wishing you guys all the best specially my fellow 2014ers, just hang it there it will happen really soon :)


    Cheers all and thanks for the support and this great forum that is helping us through the journey!




    Great share Nassim, and good news for your mum and family!!!

  6. It doesn't get any better when you're over here Alan, we were looking at rentals left messages for 5 different agents to arrange viewings and didn't receive a single reply. We then joined the viewing circus when the property is open for viewing for 15 mins and you can have anywhere from 2 to 20 people viewing the house. Thankfully we have now found somewhere.


    (Let me know if I can help with anything from this end)





    Cheers Joe, we will be in Lockridge initially, staying with son and partner

  7. Not only waiting for case officer, which will happen when it happens, but fed up with no responses from anyone in Oz who I email not bothering to reply, these include but not limited to Estate Agents, Driving Instructors, Private health Care Providers, does no one want our business!! (Mild rant over!) :biglaugh:

  8. Hi. Just returned from NZ and no problem re-entering oz. As immi said there is still a chance we could be I this years quota I am still hoping. Last year a remember reading that parents were made to wait up to 6 weeks after being processed by Case Officer and THEN being told no quota left. Kim


    It just get better and better! NOT

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