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Posts posted by AlanSteel

  1. Hi everyone, quick question if you don't mind. Once medicals are done, how do we check the results please? I think there is an "A" or "B" option (we should both be "A") but I can't find out where/how to check the results have been uploaded. My application does not show on my immiaccount, nor does it recognise it - I did panic but then read that the immi account is only for online applications and the parent visa is not one of those - so I hope I can stay calm about that bit. Can anyone advise as to where to find the medical bit please? Hope you're all having a great weekend!




    Hi Amanad we just contacted the centre where we had our medicals completed and they sent us the full results.

  2. In the light of current pound/ Aus dollar rates, is it possible or practicable to open an Aus dollar account in England? I'm thinking about hedging my bets before the Euro vote and putting in some of the bond money we'll need in a year's time.


    We opened an ANZ account, however, we sent our bond money across to our son, back in September when the rate was good. The reason we did this then, was we were advised that, should for any reason our visa application be denied, it can take time to get the cash back from the ANZ account. Not sure if this was correct, but as it was given at one of the "Down Under' events we attended, we assumed it was.

  3. Morning all, hows the bums on those seats? :wink:


    Thought we would share some pics as it is Karen's last day at work after 28 years with the Civil Service. Karen went in this morning hoping to slide away quietly, this is what greeted her.




    I have it on good authority that it's going to get messy from around lunchtime! Bucket anyone? :laugh:






  4. Hi All

    Well here we are at the beginning of our new life.



    A Photo that I know all those in waiting want.

    Keep your spirits up and good luck with your continued progress.


    Phil n Jules xx


    Not sure we want your pic! But we do want to be in your shoes! Enjoy, we will be less than 2 weeks behind!

  5. Have just arrived in Singapore on the way home from Sydney. Somehow I thought having had the visa granted it would make it less painful leaving ... Well it didn't. However, Ive just seen the news about the Egypt air flight that went missing today, so am counting my blessings. Thoughts with the people on that flight and their families.


    Perspective! As you say thoughts with all those involved

  6. A general question from those who have completed the AOS stage please. My son went to centrelink today and completed all the forms he was asked to complete, but, he wasn't asked for any money. When does this bit get done? :confused:


    Got my answer, my son received a phone call around lunchtime, explaining his responsibilities, and that he will receive a letter which he then takes to the bank.

  7. Hi Steve,

    Just a little :biglaugh:

    We've done what I think GeordieJoe and Steely have done. Booked a business leg out with a return in 6 months (that you don't take but then don't get your air miles for either leg) Way cheaper than a one-way ticket, through business-flights.co.uk. It's an indulgent treat that we feel we have earned.

    Today they are loading our container, woke up this morning to our last sunrise at our home for 25 years, Sadness at leaving our home but over the moon to be eventually beginning our journey to the next chapter of our lives.

    Bring it on.


    See you in PERTH




    Yep, this is how our booking was put together. Business class flights out, with 2 economy seats returning on 16th August. I really hope we never need to use the returns!

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