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Everything posted by kayleigh1234

  1. Hi, I posted on here a little while ago about having a 3 year BEd degree and understand that you need 4 years in education. So I have researched completing a top up PGCE but I can't find a local uni running the course. Plan B is to do a d distance learning masters in education (2 years). Will this be recognised in australia? Kayleigh
  2. I do think they cost a lot. I have been using websites to help me and so far they have been the best source of information. Thank you for all your help.
  3. So many hurdles! I think I will see if I can meet with a careers advisor but it all takes time. How long did it take from start to end before moving to Australia? My partner and I would like to be in Australia in the next 2-3 years.
  4. Thanks, I am going to see if I can do a PGCE if not I'll do part of a masters or something just so it is recognised. It does seem silly though as I spent 3 years training to be a teacher. Kayleigh
  5. Hi, I posted on here recently about applying to be a recognised primary teacher in Perth. I have a 3 year BEd degree in primary teaching and understand this isn't recognised. Although I've been teaching for 4 years across a range of year groups. What can I do to be recognised as a teacher in WA? Do I need to do a post grad diploma? A PGCE? I need help as I contacted relevant people with only automated responses. Please please can anyone help me? Kayleigh
  6. Hi, So many questions because I've just made the decision to get the ball rolling and move to Oz. I am a primary trained teacher 4 years experience (supply and permanent posts). I want to come over based on my skill. So my questions- 1. Do I need to apply to be recognised by a state as a teacher? 2. What type of visa should I apply for? I know WA have primary teachers on their skills list. 3. How do I get the ball rolling? I want to be in australia by mid to late 2016. I have information overload and I am completely lost. Kayleigh
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