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Posts posted by libbye

  1. On 4/19/2017 at 1:31 AM, tassieheather said:

    Hi Libbye. We live in Tasmania about 25 minutes from Hobart in a semi rural area but a bus service runs past the bottom of our road to and from Hobart, several times a day there are lots of bus services as there are no trains. We have lived here for 10 years after coming from the UK and love it here. There's a lot of similarities to the English countryside and lots to see and do. It's difficult to suggest areas without knowing more about your requirements. Many older properties are single story and house are generally more expensive close to the city due to east commuting for workers etc. it can be cheaper in the outer suburbs where you can catch buses in and out. It may be worth looking at places you like the look of and then asking for more information on the area on here. Driving here is easy as there's not the amount of traffic as there is on the mainland. There are main hospitals in Hobart and Launceston. We are content with the thought of having an older life here and my exercise classes are full of older people who stay fit and healthy here. There seems to be lots of things for older people to do and lots of free places to get out and about to enjoy. A beautiful Botanical Gardens, a waterfront, lots of parks and most major tourist things are all within a half an hour drive. Tasmania is Australia's best kept secret! 

    what suburbs would you recommend around Hobart please?   Won't be coming any day soon but I like to see what's on offer although of course I realise it could well have changed for better or worse by the time we can sell up here.  There are so many brits desperately wanting to sell in Brittany so if anyone would like to do a transfer you'll get a beautiful property for nearly nothing!

  2. Evandale - I'm glad you've found the Aussie medical sector impressive.  The trouble is we've had some horrible experiences in Victoria and although

    time has passed it's always hard to forget the nasty bits.  Still guess it's the same everywhere but when a system nearly kills your husband it's tough. Am still willing to give it a go though always remembering the aussie saying "no worries mate"!.  lol

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  3. Hi  your observations are spot on and funnily enough we've several friends here who are actually going to move to Portugal very soon for various reasons. One being the inheritance law in France is a big problem for some, cost of living has risen sharply, uncertainty with brexit  which Portugal has addressed in a helpful way thus giving confidence to wouldbe immigrants, change of government etc.   We wouldn't entertain a move there for the same point you raise, language.  As tempting as Portugalt sounds it causes too much stress at our age.  The health service in France is still second to none and we've been very impressed.  A different kettle of fish in  Aus but then one has to bite the bullet and not expect every box to be ticked.  I've been overwhelmed by the response I've had from my initial post.  Such a lot of good advice and information which we're digesting but as properties take forever to sell here it could be long time coming or we could be waving to one and all from the clouds!  

    Many thanks for your comments.  Interesting.

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  4. Gosh what helpful people you are.  Like the look of some of the places especially if they have a bus service.  I need things to join in or

    somewhere to meet people as where I am in France I liken it to a cemetary with the lights on!  It would be nice to start living again.  Not

    that I haven't enjoyed my time here as it's very different and interesting and learning french has kept my mind reasonably active.  

    Mrs. May has rather thrown a spanner in the works with regard to selling houses here to english people as everything seems to close

    down until it's all over.  Although saying that our house should appeal to the french as it's very modern and clean.  Anyway it's been lovely reading your posts

    and gives me an insight into Tassie.which I know nothing about except from what I read.  Someone did say there's an island mentality but exactly what that means I'm not sure!  At nearly 80 I don't care anyway.  As long as people are friendly and kind and give you the time of day what more can we ask.  We are stilll full of fun and hav a great sense of humour.

    Incidentally can you send a private message from this forum?

  5. Hello there, thank you for your response.  sorry to hear you've lost your licence.  what a pain.  I know we lived in the bush for many years in Victoria, with only a generator at one stage, so do know how difficult life can be.  I know all about being isolated too.  We love being in the countryside and still are to a point in Brittany but need the car as there's no transport at all in rural areas, only in the cities.  Driving licences here are for life so no problems about my husband losing his yet but Aus is a different kettle of fish.  His Aus licence ran out about 2 years ago and we think by the time we get back, if ever, he'll be too old or would have to sit another test and that wouldn't do at all.   Can you suggest names of places where I can have look on the internet to see what they're like where transport is available.  No good us living way out any more as much as we'd like but maybe there are some rural areas where a bus service is available to people who don't own a car anymore.

    Living in France has been a wonderful experience but the biggest drawback is not speaking the language fluently.  It stops you from integrating and causes a l;ot of stress particularly over the telephone.  I speak a little but my husband none so if I pop off first and we're still here, heaven help him.    

    No matter how much research you do wherever you land it's always a question of swings and roundabouts.  I don't think I would head for Tasmania if I were younger and had a family.  From what I've read it's difficult to get jobs and that's no good if you have a family.  Tassie is not for all but it does seem to have interesting features and lovely fresh air!   Cost of living sounds high in Aus now partiicularly more so in Tas but one would expect that.  I can't believe the price of houses.  How the youngsters get a look in I've no idea.  Same as in the uk I'm told.

    Anyway thanks for your pointers and maybe I'll hear from the others you mentioned.  

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  6. We lived in Melbourne for more than 50 years before embarking on an adventure to live in France which we've done now for 12 years.

    We're originally from the uk but that was in 64 and now at the ages of 79 we're seriously thinking of returning to Aus BUT obviously

    things have moved on especially cost of living and real estate.  I think we'd need to look at Tassie and so my question to all you

    lovely people is where would you look to buy/rent for medical services, transport (as probably won't be allowed to drive now) and if

    to buy prices between $250,000-$350000?  How long is a piece of string I know but this will be our last move obviously and we'd like, in 

    an ideal world, for it to be as stressless and friendly as possible.  Your comments would be appreciated.

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