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Everything posted by Shellybingobingo

  1. The sausages are rank lol ya can get British sausage from pommie shop though but dearer ! Bacon is rank aswel carnt explain but it's rank lol very bland to me and I don't like chicken salt grose ! Me kids like chicken salt though each to its own I suppose :)bacon tastes like rubber x
  2. I've got my ghd work with a extension ...got me hair dryer ...kids had their old xboxes since had new ....I've since had a new hair dryer and ghd and curling muk stik but keep the uk ones as spare just in case but work fine
  3. Hi yes yes a provisional in uk though u carnt drive on ya own without someone sitting with u who can drive , that's what I'm confused about ....so here u can have a learners like a provisional and drive if u r 25 anyway with no one in the car with u that's what I'm getting confused with well not confused I just think it's mad ....lol ....but then nothing surprises me anymore haha
  4. Unless it was because he was 18 ....I still find it bizzare to let someone loose on their own even if 25 with no test lol
  5. he hasn't passed his driving test though in uk on a provisional ...my lad passed three days before we emigrated still had to go on his p plates here ..I mean provisional is when u haven't passed ya test
  6. Ya driving test lol ...drive on ya own when uve passed with ya p plates but u have to log so many hrs driving here
  7. <p><p>Ok happy heart I'm so sorry hunnie</p></p>

  8. <p><p>Hi happy heart , so sorry for the misunderstanding , feel a right idiot , the site I was on when I arrived , got a private site going on behind my back , being vicious never even met me , then I got threats coming through my fb page so had to change my fave book , I stayed off forums for a while and not long plucked up the courage to go back on them . Shouldn't go on them really . Lol . It knocked my confidence that much I lost a stone in weight . Anyway I still think there's maybe one or two lurking about and I do worry they will spot my style of writing , because they said I was illiterate which I won't deny , said I was a blonde dumb blonde which I won't deny niether . I took cakes for one of them back from England . Took them her house and she was the one saying all this vile stuff behind my back .</p></p>

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