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Posts posted by kellyv

  1. So it's official.....the news we've all been dreading. Very disappointing to hear this. Agree with geordiegirl.....if it's your dream don't let them ruin it. And if you can do the Australian bridging course instead of topping up to degree here, because they are questioning every bit of UK degree too.

  2. Well it sounds like they have finally responded with a direct answer Nursebucko which is a start I suppose. Wonder when they are going to directly inform the applicants who have been waiting months!?! Zog I have been asked for all the criteria on my degree also which is impossible because the research modules which top up the degree do not cover all the criteria 1-8 as that is already covered in diploma training. Again my Uni have been really helpful and written to ahpra to explain this however I'm sure they can't possibly do anything more to help. So....it goes on. Will anybody get registered??? :confused:

  3. Hayley I am sure it would have been covered. I did my training 15 yrs ago. Might be worth speaking to an old tutor that is still around. My tutor asked me to dig out my portfolio and tell them what was in it regarding medicines management. They then got hold of the archived lecture material and drafted a document all about medicine mgm, pharmacology etc. I think they put something in about the OSCEs too on drug calculations. - did you do those? Ahpra haven't asked me for anymore info on criteria 8 so I'm assuming they are happy with that bit at least!!

  4. Hi Hayley. Unfortunately we are all up against this at the moment. Very stressful. Which Uni did u got to? I think some are more helpful than others. My uni have been very helpful with my numerous requests but I haven't had a positive outcome yet either. Time will tell. There are lots of nurses who have been waiting since last autumn. You're definately not on your own. :(

  5. The other part of ANMAC job Is to accredit Australian nursing education programs to Australian competencies nothing to do with overseas applications. If you see the starting date that it officially began this role is JULY 2013!!


    Yes...don't they also accredit the IRON bridging course? So wouldn't it be ridiculous if UK nurses have to do that when ANMAC have already verified the qualifications as equivalent to bachelor degree....hmmmm.......slightly incongruent don't you think?

  6. The issue is that lots of UK nurses have applied for and been granted PR - all of which is of no cost to Australia, only the applicant - and are awaiting registration whilst Ahpra keep moving the goalposts. These nurses have their skills assessed as suitable by Anmac therefore are granted visas but then the same skills are questioned when applying for registration. If Australia doesn't want nurses then why are DIBP keeping us on the SOL?!

  7. Ok guys...here is the latest info. I called Ahpra in Sydney at 3am uk time as I couldn't sleep and spoke to a sensible guy who looked into the additional requests. It seems that if like me, you topped up your diploma with modules and a research dissertation this is lost in translation and appears to confuse them. If you have Diploma alone or Degree alone it seems more straightforward. :banghead: I have been advised to write a cover letter explaining this but still need to supply transcripts - again (?) and accreditation verification from NMC. Also the Uni have to fill out some additional templates verifying study course, dates etc!! More duplication. Anyway I do feel better having spoke to someone but I still have no idea if this will suffice. Also - I have been in contact with Anmac and they say they have discussed IQMN with Ahpra and NSW is only dealing with the qualification aspect of the application process. More conflicting information! So I am also going to send my LOD to Ahpra so they can see Anmac have approved it and hopefully they will start singing from the same hymn sheet! If you are correct Ceridwyn then things should improve in the future. So guys....keeping positive - we'll get there eventually!! :confused:

  8. Hi Titan. They have sent an 8 page document asking me to send proof of 3 further criteria on my diploma and approx 6 other various criteria on my nursing degree to prove it is equivalent to an Aus degree. (when anmac have already approved it). They have had all the transcripts etc already plus extra documentation on pharmacology etc. I think I will have to phone someone and get Anmac to send my file aswell even though I resent everything!! #stressed:mad:

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